


2023-04-27 06:05:13 | 日記


English version⬇

Medicine and food are one and the same: Healthy longevity begins with improved diet.
I followed the "dietary guidance" I received at the hospital and challenged myself to fundamentally change my long-standing eating habits. It has been two weeks since I started fighting. I am beginning to see the results of this change in my mindset. Let's do it. I'm going to do it.

Recently, around half a month ago, I had the opportunity to receive dietary guidance and decided to follow it to the letter and reevaluate my diet. I have been trying to eat a small amount of various kinds of food with the tableware as you can see. Incidentally, this tableware is one that my wife had stocked up on before, and it is perfect for this kind of eating habit. Thank you very much.
Oh, I don't mean that the omelette is just for the sake of it (laughs). There is a shortage of eggs in supermarkets right now.
 I used to make a lot of my favorite side dishes and eat them with a big bowl of rice...but now I eat less rice than a fistful and a small amount of a variety of vegetables as side dishes. When I bring rice to my mouth, I try to keep about 20 grains of rice in a bite size. This is about half of a regular bowl of rice.
 You tended to cook with a lot of your favorite side dishes, which are vegetables of various varieties. Well, I guess it is a masculine way of cooking. This is a big change from such "multi-product" cooking. The food habit was changed to one in which the "umami" of each ingredient is savored carefully and carefully.
 I now aim to spend at least 20 minutes eating the same amount of food as shown in this picture. I realize now that the most important factor in my eating habits is the amount of time I spend eating. When we eat slowly, we inevitably pay more attention to each individual ingredient.
 The most surprising thing about changing the ingredients in this way is the vividness of the umami of each ingredient. For example, we eat sweet potatoes that have been heated and humidified as they are, but they have a surprisingly rich flavor. I feel a nostalgic feeling like when I first tasted them.
 It is an encounter with the sense of the ingredients themselves, which I had hardly noticed in my multi-cuisine diet. It is a reminder that we have been living with a time-saving value system. Perhaps people today share the same sense of value as I did in the past. When you change the way you time your meals, you also start to pay attention to how fast other people are eating.
 I don't get on the scale much now, but I did see a weight loss of about 3 kg in about 4-5 days after changing my eating style. The doctor told me, "You will drop about 3 kg right away. But then the DNA instinct to conserve nutrients kicks in and the equilibrium state continues. Therefore, I would like to focus on improving my eating habits without being preoccupied with my weight.


