

【権力掌握後「憲法・冠位」の立法 法隆寺宝物館-7】

2023-06-04 06:57:35 | 日記



English version⬇

[After seizing power, to the Buddhist priest "Sanpo" system The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-7]
Prince Shotoku initiated the subsequent reforms to the "Ritsuryo" system. The basic policy of "Harmony is the key to nobility, and the three treasures are to be reverently respected. The "Three Treasures" system was established in the late 8th century.

In this seventh installment of our series of articles on the "Shotoku Taishi Eiden" in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, we look at the Seventeenth Article of the Constitution, the basic law established in 604, when Shotoku Taishi was 32 years old, and the Crown Twelve Ranks Policy of the previous year. Click here for the first article in this series→Exploring the neat modernism of the "Gallery of Horyuji Treasures.→端正なモダニズム「法隆寺宝物館」探訪。

The "Buddhist monarchy" established after the domestic civil war we saw yesterday became the basis of the subsequent regime. The rebellion directly triggered the establishment of the Shitennoji Temple and the Horyuji Temple, which promoted the policy of establishing a Buddhist state.
 Five years after the Rebellion, in 593, at the age of 21, Prince Shotoku was appointed regent by his aunt, Emperor Suiko, on both his maternal and paternal sides. The Soga clan had the Imperial Court almost entirely under its control, and Prince Shotoku would no doubt have been appointed to this position partly because of his "war success" in the rebellion. As for foreign policy, a bridgehead for the establishment of the Japanese state in the East Asian world was built through the introduction of Buddhism. Considering the political situation in the world at that time, it was probably a challenge to cope with the political system called "Ritsuryo system" that was soon to be adopted by the emerging Sui and Tang regimes.
 Until then, the system of kingship was governed by the Soga, Mononobe, Otomo, and other large landowning clans, and the government was managed only by the balance of power among these clans. Under such a system, the "rule of law" based on universal values, which was the goal of the acceptance of Buddhism, could not be realized.
 It may be true that the textbooks describe Prince Shotoku's goal as "the establishment of the Ritsuryo system and its forerunner. However, this is easier said than done.
 In enacting Article 17 of the Constitution, Prince Shotoku's first article stipulated that "harmony shall be the highest virtue." This was probably based on his recognition that, under the previous system in which powerful clans served as "wuji" (clans) under a great king and constituted the royal authority, disputes among the clans had become the norm.

The following is a translation of the first three articles of the "Ki no Sho" (the first of which is translated into modern colloquialism as follows)
I say, "Make it a doctrine to respect harmony and not to disobey it. All men are gregarious, and few are wise. If the higher ups are at peace with the lower downs and discuss matters in amity, then the reason of things will be understood by themselves.
The second saying is, "Respect the three treasures with utmost reverence. They are the Buddhas, the Dharma Buddhas, and the Dharma Priests. It is the place to which all living beings return, and it is the doctrine at the summit of all nations. The Dharma says, "Low profile is good.
San says, "If you have received the emperor's edict, be sure to obey it respectfully. The rules of those who rule over the people extend all the way to the heavens. Then the four seasons will rotate, and he will gain divine power with all his chi. The words of the sovereign are received with reverence by his subjects. If the higher-ups do, the lower ones will imitate them. Therefore, the words of the sovereign must be obeyed with reverence. Failure to do so will result in self-destruction.
 The 12 ranks of the crown were intended to appoint a group of "bureaucrats" under the direct control of the Yamato royal authority, and were probably intended to reduce the involvement of powerful clans with family names in the affairs of state.
 The difficulties that confronted Prince Shotoku during the initial period of the establishment of the state system are intensively expressed in these events. However, Prince Shotoku's modernization policy must have caused considerable friction with the ruling structure of the time.


