


2024-04-07 07:13:48 | 日記


English version⬇

The "atmosphere" created by architecture and the human perception of it.
I felt "Kirei - Kodama" in the architecture of the Lotus Sutra temple, which is a different sect from my own. I was taught about the architectural element of "kodama," or the opportunity for the heart to rest. The "atmosphere" and human reception that is created by the architecture of the Lotus Sutra Temple

I have been to many places, and my mind has been drawn to the sensations I experience there, especially with regard to architecture and housing. I wonder if it is because of my professional experience in creating housing media that I have become this way. Is it a habit, so to speak?
 Or is it that the thoughts of those who have loved the building are appealing to me like the spirit of a tree? Is it that it is more strongly appealing to me as an individual by chance?
 It has been said that the opportunity to build a house is one of the "goals" of human life.
 I feel that the Japanese have a particularly strong sense of this. It was an opportunity for them to "express" their "sensitivity" to the space in which they lived.
 Even those who do not have such a strong sense of sensibility may still demonstrate their preference for the space in which they spend their life time by emphasizing certain "selection criteria" within themselves when they have the "opportunity" to choose the location of their home.
 In the case of custom-built housing, of course.
 It is human beings who create buildings, and it is also human beings who enjoy them. I believe that no matter how dull one's sensitivity to "creativity," certain preferences are reflected there. It is a rare opportunity to be able to choose such "atmosphere of a place" and realize a certain image by oneself.
 When I face a space as an interviewer, such an internal narrative is activated.
 The photo shows one of the buildings in the "Ichikawa Hokke-do" in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. The correct name is "Shonchuzan Hokkekyo-ji Temple.
 It seems to be a building called "Hodenmon" within the temple. The following is a summary from the website.
 〜It is located between the Soshido and Aragyo-do, just behind the Soshido of Hokkekyo-ji Temple. At the top of the stone steps, on the left side, there is a monument by Shizue Kezuka, entitled "Seikyoden e frost ippai no ishidatami" ("A piece of frost ishidatami to the Seikyoden"). Hodenmon also serves as a corridor connecting Taiga-den, Aragyo-do, and Soshido-Do. ~.
 Exactly as the architectural intent of "corridor" suggests, there is an aerial corridor connecting the left and right sides of the building. In front of the hall, there is a view of the lush garden. The proportions of the building look as if they are inviting us to something.
 I was reserved in looking at the space because I belong to a different religious sect, but among the other large buildings in the complex, this one was the one that most struck my heart. I thought to myself, "Wow, this is nice.
 I don't know what the psychological reaction was derived from, but the overall "atmosphere" of the building seemed to appeal to me. Perhaps it is the "punctuation point" of the architecture within the cloister. It is as if the monks who are practicing asceticism turn on their minds for a beat here. As a result, the role played by this architecture may resonate transparently.
 Even in residential architecture, such an element of mental punctuation may be significant. It is omoshiroi, isn't it?


