

【基壇が残る「金堂」跡・龍角寺⑤ 東国三社探訪-12】

2023-08-16 05:10:17 | 日記



English version⬇

The site of "Kondo," where the platform still remains, Ryukakuji Temple (5): Exploring the Three Shrines of the Eastern Provinces - 12
Research results were presented at the Waseda Symposium. Traces of local powerful families from the Kunizukuri period. The name of the country was changed from "Inba" to "Shimousa" during the establishment of the state under the Order of the Emperor. The name was changed from "Inba" to "Shimousa" in the country under the Order of State.

Waseda University has been actively involved in the excavation and research of Ryukakuji Temple, and the results have been made public in the form of documents, including a symposium related to the Shimousa Ryukakuji Temple Exhibition held during the Waseda Culture and Arts Week 2022 in October 2022.
 The ancient place name "Inba" can be seen in the documents as the name of the area where the Ryukaku-ji Temple was built and the preceding tumulus clan flourished. (From an article by Kumiko Shirai, a researcher at Chiba Prefectural Boso no Mura.)
 In her discussion, Ms. Shirai states that the historical period of the Ryuzumadera Kofun Tumulus Group was the early Asuka Period, when palaces were established in Asuka and the entire country was converted to a new system based on the Ritsuryo system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. It was also the period when Buddhism, a foreign religion, was introduced in earnest.
It was also the time when Buddhism, which was a foreign religion, was introduced into the country in earnest. The founding of Horyu-ji Temple was in 606.
 Horyu-ji Temple is said to have been founded in 607. According to temple tradition, Ryukaku-ji Temple was founded in 709, but some researchers believe that it was built between 650 and 660. Some researchers believe that the temple was founded between 650 and 660, the year when the head of the main image was created.
 If we assume the name of the clan from the place name "Inba," it is likely that the Inba clan was a local clan in the Kanto region, comparable to the Kamitsuno clan of Kozuke in Gunma Prefecture. While the Kamimeno clan was hit hard by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Asama in the historical period and the region collapsed, the Inba clan, as it is tentatively called, is also not well documented. The Inba clan seems to have been a powerful family in this area since the Inba Kunizou period, but there are few data on them.
 It can be presumed that they sponsored the construction of Ryukakuji Temple as a local powerful family, but there is no evidence of their clan name in the temple legend, even though there is a fairy tale of a dragon skull.
 It is imaginable that the name of this area was changed to "Shimousa" when the ancient name of the country was specified (Reisei Kuni), but as the name of the country became common, the clan names also declined. The date of establishment of the country as a state under the ritsuryo system is said to be the first year of Taika (645) at the earliest, and the first year of Taiho (701) at the latest, so it seems to coincide with the founding date of Ryukakuji Temple. The relationship between the central and remote areas may also have something to do with it.

As shown in the photo above, an old photo of Kondo built in the Edo period (as of 1932) was available in the symposium record at Waseda University. An analytical article by Masaki Koiwa, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, at the same symposium. The architecture is similar to the Kondo shown in the restored map placed in the precincts of the present Ryukakuji Temple. The Kondo shown in this old photo was built in 1698 after the temple was damaged in 1692. It was dismantled in 1950 due to the danger of collapse.
 It is unclear whether the Ryukakuji Kondo was built before 1692 or in 709, according to the temple's legend. However, it is considered to be a tradition of Japanese craftsmen to faithfully follow the design intent of the original construction, as seen in the foundation stones of the pagoda we saw yesterday, including the foundation stones of the platform that remain today.
 This is an exploration of historical wooden architecture guided by various imaginations.


