

【さっぽろ夏本番へ オオウバユリ変化転生】

2023-07-05 05:27:29 | 日記



English version⬇

Sapporo summer is in full swing.
The call of early summer in northern Japan. They stand up in the forest and surprise the eye with their transformed poses. I wonder how long it will be before it blooms in its signature pose? .......

The summer solstice has passed and so has the first six months of this year.
 We have basically continued our morning walk every morning for a long time. Even during the winter, I have continued to walk where I can while conversing with the snow-covered roads. Since I have been improving my diet on top of this, my weight has decreased by nearly 10% this year. The "close" is a delicate word (laugh), and it fluctuates depending on the scale on any given day. The better I feel, the more my appetite increases, which makes me realize how difficult it is to break away.
 The day I went for a walk along the "Miya-no-mori River," a creek that runs along the foot of the Sapporo Maruyama mountain range, my eyes were delighted by the blooming of the day lilies that dotted the natural forest along the Miyanomori River.
 Every year in this blog, I have been posting a diary of my daily observations of the "changes" in the blooms, and this year, the flower buds are beginning to "pop" as shown in the photo above from the state of bulging flower buds as shown below. The word "flabby" is appropriate for this moment, and the petals of each flower petal are screaming for blooming.
 The flower buds of the lily of the valley are said to be the soul food of the Ainu people, who store rich starch in their underground stems and eat them as dumplings. I have tried it once, and it was a taste that made me appreciate the local flavor of "Ezo".
 More than the texture, however, I enjoy the ever-changing appearance of the flower buds that develop from this time of year.
 The dazzling green glow of life on earth fills our hearts.
 As my love never ends, so my music never ends.
 This is the last line of the last scene of an old movie about the life of the musician Schubert. The annual dialogue with the day lilies is like an exciting love affair, and the melody keeps settling deep in my heart. I am grateful that this encounter remains unchanged year after year.

This is a fresh wild butterbur just before it is "peeled" and cooked.
 While the lily of the valley is a partner to watch its changes like an actress's flexible body movements, this is a being that takes a lot of time and effort to satisfy our taste buds. Peeling and removing the skin is a tedious process, but boiling the fish with salt and carefully removing the outer fibrous threads all the way around is a dialogue with nature that is deeply satisfying.
 Above all, after the process is over, the delightful texture makes me explode with joy (laughs).
 The northern nature is showing us fresh colors again this year.


