


2024-08-15 06:21:42 | 日記



English version⬇

Discovering New Vegetables, Exploring Produce Markets
I have a strong desire to pioneer new vegetables from my parents' farming days, and my eyes tend to swim at the market. What is the reaction of the Japanese market to the “in-between cabbage and daikon” variety? ...

In Naganuma, a suburb of Sapporo, there is a produce market with a large parking lot along the national highway. It has become a habit for me to look for seasonal vegetables as an occasional easy outing.
 Yesterday, I overslept a bit so I headed here to avoid a long-distance trip. When I got there, I found that each store building had been reconstructed and renovated. In my family, my father was engaged in the production of a wide variety of vegetables in the fields inherited from my grandfather, who settled in the area, to the extent that it was said, “It's like a vegetable fair. He experimented with a variety of vegetables and taught other farmers the secrets of their production methods, which led to mass production and the shipment of their products to markets as far away as Osaka, thereby expanding the sales channels for Hokkaido vegetables. The “lily bulb” was a big hit among such efforts.
 The mother, who grew up in a family of immigrants from Gifu Prefecture, the most advanced agricultural community of the time, was the one who used the most advanced production techniques. As I was only a farmer until I was three years old, this is all hearsay to me.
 However, when I come to a farmers' market like this, I unconsciously pay attention to such new varieties. It may be that I am “looking for” my parents in that way.
 The one that caught my eye was the “kohlrabi” in the photo. 〜Kohlrabi is a perennial herb of the Brassicaceae family. It originates from the northern Mediterranean. It is a vegetable whose globularly enlarged stems are peeled and used for food. The stems are green or purple in color and taste similar to cabbage or broccoli stems, and are used in salads and pickles. The word is derived from the German words kohl for cabbage and rabi for turnip. ~ (from the German kohl, meaning cabbage, and rabi, meaning turnip)

 When I looked at the price, I saw that it was 100 yen. When I bought it, I didn't know the details of its identity, but I felt its “noisy blood” inside and bought it immediately (laugh). I tried to make asazuke (pickled in soy sauce), just as the explanation at the market had explained.
 So it was about time, and I tried it right away. I lightly sprinkled salt, added “Asazuke no Moto” and put it in a thick plastic pack, cut kelp into small pieces, mixed them together, and pressurized it. And left it for a few hours. I put it in my mouth.
 It was a light “daikon”. It tasted a little more like cabbage than daikon, and the skin was thicker and tougher than daikon. It was a bit like “Oh, it would be safer to peel the skin off,” but if you cut it thinner, it would have a certain softness to it. It was not bad at all.
 This was the only one of its kind on display at the store (or was it on the verge of being sold out?), so it is still in the experimental stage. So, it is probably still in the experimental stage. Now, it remains to be seen if it will be able to enter the world of the Japanese taste buds. But it looks cute.