

【土偶VSテオティワカン人物像 古代メキシコ-6】

2023-09-22 06:15:13 | 日記



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Clay Figures vs. Teotihuacan Figures Ancient Mexico - 6
The settlement of Japanese society began with the abundant marine resources as the basic food source. Ancient Mexico, on the other hand, was based on corn cultivation and agriculture. Similarities in the starting point of expression. The similarities in the starting point of expression.

How to represent humans and the human body has probably been a major theme for mankind since the beginning of time. However, in the highly realistic Lascaux cave murals and other paintings from about 40,000 years ago, the main object of human observation was a group of animals that were the object of hunting, and we do not feel any depictive conflict toward humans as our own kind.
 In ancient Egypt and elsewhere, however, the central theme is the representation of the pharaohs. In ancient Egypt, the central theme of expression was against the pharaohs, and in conjunction with the portrayal of such powerful figures, warrior groups were also depicted.
 On the other hand, in the Japanese archipelago, clay figurines, which originated in the Jomon period, have been moving toward the representation of human figures. However, as in Egypt, there is not the slightest sense of worship of authority, such as kingship. Yet, they are still moving toward the expression of the human figure. The evolution is not in the direction of realism, but rather in the direction of magic.
 In ancient Mexico, across the Pacific Ocean, human figures are drawn in a manner that could be contrasted with clay figurines. For those of us who are sympathetic to the forms created by these artists, as I am, we can feel a similarity in the psychology of their work.
 It is almost inconceivable that there was any exchange in terms of expression techniques or material selection methods, so if there is a similarity in atmosphere, it is probably due to a whisper of DNA. I feel that is what motivated me to compare and contrast ancient Mexico with the ancient layer of Japanese culture in this blog series.
 The statue above is a "small statue with shield," circa 450-550. The face decoration, pendants, belt, and shield are typical of the Teotihuacan style. These warrior statues have not been found as burial accessories in tombs at all, and there is a theory that they were children's toys. The "Storm God Wall Painting" below it shows a man carrying a basket on his back and a corn cob in his right hand. Agriculture was probably the main means of production. It is also said that many buildings in Teotihuacan were decorated with colorful murals in red and other colors to decorate the urban space.
 The same is true of Japan, where red is a color sense that is related to the origin of humankind.

Japanese clay figurines were probably formed more than 1,000 years before Teotihuacan. Clay figurines are also not regarded as burial objects. Rather, some believe that they were objects of prayer for life to be born, for the new birth. It is said that the essence of clay figurines is to pray for life rather than death.
 Clay figurines representing women symbolically depict the abundant lower half of the body, which shows how the expectation of new life was strongly shared as a universal wish. At a time when man himself was the greatest means of production, this would have been an urgent social need.
 While European peoples continued to rely on "hunting and gathering" as their economic base for a relatively long time, the rich coastal environment of the Japanese archipelago probably provided a cultural cradle for fishing as a means of production. On the other hand, ancient Mexico also seems to have developed its culture as a suitable place to cultivate corn, a basic food.