#ккк #Filipino #warweapon #兵器 #weapons #XXX #ham86 #weaponry. #IyonBiyong. #P226 #pyongyang666 #hannya #sash. #oroti #cyberterrorism
「Syosyozui」「#Duy(#Zuie,Zuii) #Oracle(Oracl)」の保存されていた精子で人工受精して出来た子供たちに因るクーデターは戦争に発展。 → The #coup d'etat to depend on children whomIam fertilized withastored sperm of "Syosyozui" "Duy(Zuie,Zuii)Oracle(Oracl)" artificially,and there was is development for war.
連日連夜、インターネット回線や人工衛星を使い、サイバーテロに因る破壊活動と銀行攻撃と戦争兵器操作を続けている。 → In every night, continue subversive activity and a bank attack and war weapon operation to depend on cyberterrorism with an Internet line and a man-made satellite day after day.
ラジオ波(テレビや無線、各種アンテナや電気配線)を使う戦争兵器操作は100年以上になる。 → The war weapon operation to usetheradio wave(TV and radio,various antennas and electric wiring)for becomes more than 100 years.
猪辰戦争から使っているらしい。 → Seem to use it from wild boar dragon war.
エシュロム(エシュロン)と呼ばれる傍受等の通信兵器を世界中全て、脅迫配置させた「戦争犯罪者一族」のテロリストである。 → It isaterrorist of"thewar criminal clan" who let threaten all communication weapons such as the intercept called Echelom(Echelon) in the world and locate it.
働く事を嫌い、学ぶ事を避け、暇潰し「趣味」で戦争兵器で世界中を脅迫するだけしか知らない愚かな老人男性である。 → In disfavor with working, avoid learning and the stupid old man man that threatening it knows the world with a war weapon by a time killing "hobby".
働く事から逃げる目的だけで女性になる事を願い「ホルモン治療」に「経口避妊薬のピル」を長期服用中で人格障害(性格異常)になっている。 → Pray for becoming a woman only in a purpose to get away by working and am taking"the pill of the oral contraceptive" for "hormone treatment" for a long term,and it is for a personality disorder(character disorder).
更に働か無い方法として「覚醒剤入りドラッグ」や「スカトロージー」「カニバリズム」等、知り得た脳障害の手段は全て実行を続けている理由は捕まらないで長生きしたいかららしい。 → Furthermore,all such as "drug with stimulant" and "cannibalism"the means of the brain disorder that was able to know seems to be because the reason that continue carrying out wants to live long without being caught as働orafew method.
処刑が始まった、朝鮮半島の収容所「77」から脱獄し、「脳症は捕まらない国」と誤解したまま、日本へ逃げて来た一族は日本に居た「朝鮮総連のAmi」と名乗る母親で兄の「ライ病の般若顔の四つ足走行の雉」や他の親戚と合流。 → It is"the pheasant of the four legs run of the wisdom(Hannya) face of the Hansen's disease" of the older brother and other relatives and junction in mother named "Ami of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" where break out of camp "77" of the Korean Peninsula where execution originated,and there were"the country where the brain fever is not caught" and the whole families who escaped to Japan with having misunderstood it in Japan.
東京湾内の地図に無い兄が詐欺行為で自民党や鹿島建設等を騙し、建てさせた人工浮島で人質(捕虜)の監禁を止めない。 → The older brother whom a map in Tokyo Bay does not have coaxes Liberal Democratic Party or Kashima Corporation by a fraud and does not stop the imprisonment of the hostage(captive)in the artificial floating is land which let you build it.
死なないためにと、救出に来た者や逆らう者の心臓や脳等を世界中から盗み、使い続けている電力(電気)で作る多種の電気照射で攻撃を続けている。 → Do not die;when save it,steal heart or the brain of the person who came for rescue and the person to defy from the world,and continue attacking it by electricity irradiation of the having many kinds to make with electricity(electricity)that continues using.
人工地震(津波や氾濫)と同じ犯罪兵器を操作する組織である。 → It is a norganization operating a crime weapon same as an artificial earth quake(a tsunami and the flooding).
長年、同じシステムで続けている「脱線や墜落」を含める犯罪は「リコール」とも呼ばれている犯罪である → A crime in cluding "derailment and the crash" that have been continuing by the same system for many years is the crime that is called"the recall".