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20,000 people in Syria Yarmuk camp face starvation シリア難民キャンプで飢餓

2014年01月29日 | 日記

Besieged since June, nearly 20,000 people in Damascus' Yarmuk Palestinian camp are so desperate for food that many eat stray animals, and some women have resorted to prostitution, according to residents reached via the Internet.

"Many here have slaughtered and eaten cats and dogs, and even a donkey," said Yarmuk resident Ali, who was a university student when Syria's revolt erupted in 2011.

"One man who killed a dog couldn't find any meat to eat on its body, because even the dogs are starving," he told AFP via Skype.

"What was unimaginable a few months ago is normal now."

Once a refugee camp, Yarmuk evolved generations ago into a bustling commercial and residential district, where both Syrians and Palestinians resided.

In 2011, it was home to some 150,000 Palestinians registered in Syria after waves of displacement forced their ancestors to seek shelter following Israel's establishment.

When war spread to areas of Damascus in the summer of 2012, thousands of people from other parts of the capital fled to Yarmuk, swelling its population further.

But Yarmuk soon became a war zone too, as Syrians taking up arms against President Bashar al-Assad's regime moved into the camp.

Some Palestinians joined the rebels, others backed pro-regime groups, mainly the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC).

In June, the army imposed a total blockade on Yarmuk, which covers an area of just over two square kilometres (less than a square mile).

Most residents had fled by then, but, according to the United Nations, 18,000 civilians remain.

Seven months later, food and medical supplies have all but run out, with prices skyrocketing to up to $100 for a kilogram of rice, residents say.

"The situation is so desperate that women are selling their bodies to men who stocked up food before the siege was imposed, for just a cup of rice or bulgur," said Ali.

"Imagine the feeling of a father unable to feed his children, as they wail from hunger," he added.

Seventy-eight people, including 25 women and three children, have died as a result of the shortages, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Of these, 61 died in the past three months, according to the Observatory, which relies on a network of activists and doctors inside the country for its reports.

Tasked with meeting the Palestinian refugees' needs, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has struggled to secure access to the camp.

Only two convoys have made it into Yarmuk in recent months, bringing in a scant 138 parcels of food aid.

According to UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness, "the aid allowed in... so far is shockingly inadequate to meet the dire needs of these (18,000) civilians."

The needs include "powder milk for babies, polio vaccines for infants and basic foodstuffs," said Gunness.

On January 18, the government said it would facilitate aid access.

"However, the agency is extremely disappointed that... the assurances given by the authorities have not been backed by action on the ground to facilitate the regular, rapid entry into Yarmuk of the substantial quantities of relief required to make a difference to thousands of civilians," Gunness told AFP.

While regime and opposition representatives are meeting in Geneva for peace talks and to negotiate aid access for Homs in central Syria, it appears Yarmuk's fate is not being addressed.

PFLP-GC spokesman Anwar Raja blamed the rebels, whom he described as "terrorists," for the camp's plight.

"There was an agreement for the Palestinian armed men inside the camp to pressure non-Palestinian armed men to leave," Raja said, referring to rebels.

"We hope the people will push on the Palestinian armed groups that had pledged to pressure the other armed groups, including Al-Nusra (Front, an Al-Qaeda affiliate)... to create a better atmosphere to ensure aid gets in."

For his part, Wissam Sbaaneh, a member of the Palestinian Jafra Foundation, blamed the PFLP-GC and the army.

"People are asking for milk powder for children and vaccines. What on earth would the fighters want milk powder for?" said Sbaaneh, mocking a PFLP-GC claim that the civilians are being held "hostage" by the armed opposition.

Sbaaneh also said other armed groups, barring the jihadists, have honoured the agreement with the regime, and that "civilians are ready to pressure Al-Nusra if the regime proves it is being serious".

Indeed on Monday, the Observatory reported a demonstration in the camp against Al-Nusra Front.

Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman insisted the siege must be lifted altogether.

"Civilians are being starved in order to force them to turn against the rebels. It is a war crime to besiege areas where civilians are present," Abdel Rahman told AFP.



時事通信 1月29日(水)19時44分配信








Syria foes to meet at peace talks after rocky start

2014年01月25日 | 日記

GENEVA (Reuters) - The Syrian government and its opponents will hold their first joint meeting on Saturday to launch peace talks aimed at resolving nearly three years of civil war, after negotiations almost collapsed before they began.

With international divisions over how to end the conflict putting an overall political solution out of reach for now, the two sides will focus on smaller steps.

They will spend the first two days discussing a plan to provide humanitarian access for the city of Homs, where rebels are surrounded in central districts by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, diplomatic sources said.

"The practical aspects have been worked on, things are ready and if the government doesn't put a block on it then it could happen quickly," one of the sources said.

Even with the talks back on track and expected to last a week, deep mutual mistrust and the absence from Geneva of powerful Islamist opposition groups and President Bashar al-Assad's ally Iran make substantial progress very difficult.

The face-to-face meeting had been planned for Friday, but the opposition said early on it would not meet the government side unless it first agreed to sign up to a 2012 statement by world powers calling for a transitional government in Syria.

The government rejected the demand and said its negotiators would leave Geneva unless serious talks began within a day.

After separate meetings with government and opposition delegations, U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi indicated on Friday afternoon their argument, which centres on whether or not Assad would have to step down, had been put to one side.

"Tomorrow we have agreed that we shall meet in the same room," Brahimi told a news conference. The negotiations would be based the 2012 statement, known as Geneva 1, which he acknowledged was subject to differing interpretations.

Brahimi made clear the talks would not be easy. "We do expect some bumps on the road," he said. "We wanted these delegations nominated months ago to prepare things better."

Diplomats are playing down any hopes of progress.

"Expectations are so low we'll see how things develop day by day," a Western diplomat said. "Every day that they talk is a little step forward."


Brahimi had already indicated that his aim was to start by seeking practical steps, like local ceasefires, prisoner releases and access for international aid deliveries, before embarking on the tougher political negotiations.

"I think an immediate political solution is unrealistic, unfortunately," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told France 24 television.

Syria's civil war has already killed at least 130,000 people, driven more than a third of the country's 22 million people from their homes and made half dependent on aid, including hundreds of thousands cut off by fighting.

Among the hurdles to progress, the Islamist militants who control most rebel-held territory are boycotting the talks and say anyone attending negotiations that fail to bring down Assad would be traitors.

Assad's main regional backer, Iran, is also not represented at the Geneva talks. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon invited Tehran at the last minute, but then withdrew the invitation 24 hours later when it refused to endorse the Geneva 1 protocol.

On Friday, Iran, accused by Western leaders of backing Lebanese Hezbollah militia who have helped Assad reverse rebel advances, called for an end to foreign interference in Syria, where arms and funds have flowed in from a range of countries.

Fighters from Iraq and elsewhere are also present in a conflict that has become a proxy war for regional powers.

"I can ask all foreign forces to withdraw from Syria, to allow the Syrian people to decide their own future. To stop funnelling money and arms into Syria," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu also called for the withdrawal of all forces from Syria, including Hezbollah fighters who are backing Assad.

"Turkey wants all non-Syrians to leave Syria today, be it Hezbollah or others," he said.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki welcomed Brahimi's announcement that talks would start on Saturday as a "positive step forward in what we expect will be a long and complicated process".

(Additional reporting by John Irish, Samia Nakhoul, Dominic Evans, Tom Miles, Stephanie Nebehay, Alexandria Sage, Kinda Makiyeh, Vincent Fribault and Gabriela Baczynska; Writing by Peter Graff and Philippa Fletcher; Editing by Alastair Macdonald, Giles Elgood and Sonya Hepinstall)








Syria : Clash Ends ' Constructive ' Start To Talks シリア和平会議始まる

2014年01月22日 | 日記

The Syrian foreign minister and the UN Secretary-General have clashed at the start of crucial peace talks aimed at ending the country's bloody civil war.

Walid al Moualem ignored Ban Ki-moon's appeal for him to end an opening speech that lasted more than 30 minutes, saying: "You live in New York. I live in Syria. I have the right to give the Syrian version here in this forum."

He also launched a blistering attack on the Syrian opposition, asking them: "Where is your vision for this great country? Where are your ideas? Where is your political programme? What are the tools on the ground? I am quite sure you have nothing."

Mr Ban said the "constructive mood" with which the talks began had been shattered and warned: "I hope this will not be repeated."

Earlier, the US Secretary of State said world leaders have an "opportunity and an obligation" to find a way to end a conflict that has killed more than 100,000 people and created an estimated 2.3 million refugees.

John Kerry said millions of Syrians "are relying on the international community to find a solution to save their lives and their country".

He said it had taken "a lot longer than many of us wanted" for world leaders to attempt to thrash out a resolution but said he was "as determined as ever" to end what he described as the "horrors of human catastrophe".

The conference on the banks of Lake Geneva is going ahead despite a last-minute dispute over the UN's decision to withdraw an invitation to Iran, after it refused to endorse a plan for a transitional governing body in Syria.

Groups fighting the rule of Bashar al Assad, who counts Iran as one of his closest allies, had threatened to pull out of the so-called "Geneva II" talks unless the invitation was rescinded.

In his opening exchange, opposition leader Ahmed Jarba accused the Syrian president of war crimes comparable to those committed by the Nazis during World War Two.

He demanded Mr Assad stand down as president and called on the government to commit to a transition of power - an issue expected to be central to the success of the talks.

However, Mr al Moualem has rejected any discussion of Mr Assad quitting his post.

"The subject of the president and the regime is a red line for us and the Syrian people and will not be touched," he said on the eve of the talks, according to the SANA news agency.

The conference also begins in the shadow of allegations of large-scale torture and execution of prisoners by government forces.

The day before the talks, a group of international lawyers published allegations of the "systematic torture and killing" of up to 11,000 people by the Syrian regime.

Foreign Secretary William Hague urged both sides in Syria to "seize the chance" to end the civil war as he arrived in Switzerland.

"Opposition has been tested and has come. Now regime must be tested on willingness to seek a political solution," Mr Hague wrote on Twitter.

Mr Hague added that it was a "great shame" that Iran, which has enjoyed a thawing of relations with the West in recent months, had failed to endorse the principles of the talks.

US President Barack Obama and Russia's Vladimir Putin had a "business-like" conversation about the Syrian conflict by phone on Tuesday.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also met Mr Kerry in Montreux ahead of today's opening of negotiations.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.



TBS系(JNN) 1月22日(水)19時48分配信












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Syria : Brutal Photos Are Evidence Of Torture  シリア騒乱

2014年01月21日 | 日記

Syria is facing fresh war crimes allegations after "clear evidence" of the "systematic torture and killing" of up to 11,000 people was published.

The claims were made by a group of top international lawyers, who were handed 55,000 images of dead prisoners.

The lawyers, who are all former war crimes prosecutors, said the photographs showed emaciated corpses with severe injuries and would support findings of crimes against humanity by Bashar al Assad's regime.

Some detainees appeared to have been beaten, strangled or electrocuted, they claimed.

Sir Desmond De Silva, one of the report's co-authors, described the photographs as "very harrowing" and said victims had suffered the "most awful" injuries.

"These killings were clearly methodical, daily and systematic as a consequence," he told Sky News. "They could certainly underpin a charge of crime against humanity."

He added: "This industrial killing of people in detention is clearly the work of the Syrian government."

The report draws on evidence smuggled out of Syria by an ex-military policeman, known only as Caesar.

He was described as a "truthful and credible witness" by the inquiry team, who said he was "carefully interviewed" and showed "no signs of being sensational".

Caesar told the inquiry team he was asked to take photographs of numbered corpses - a demand that is "wholly consistent with the need of the regime to ensure that orders for the killing of persons in detention facilities had been carried out", according to the report.

"The need to photograph those who were killed is a strong pointer to the fact that the killings were systematic, ordered and directed from above," it added.

Mr Assad, who describes opponents to his regime as "terrorists", previously rejected claims that his troops have killed civilians.

"These organisations do not have a single document to prove that the Syrian government has committed a massacre against civilians anywhere," he said.

"The army does not shell neighbourhoods. The army strikes areas where there are terrorists."

The report, which was commissioned by Qatar, one of the main supporters of the Syrian opposition, was released the day before crucial peace talks are due to get under way.

Officials from around 40 countries are due to meet, although Iran will not be present after its invitation was withdrawn by the UN .

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was forced to act after the opposition threatened to pull out of the talks.

At the launch of its annual report, Human Rights Watch said a peace accord remained a "distant prospect".

It said the United States' focus on bringing warring factions to the table had been at the expense of putting "real pressure" on the Assad regime, which it claimed had been shielded from UN action by its Russian and Chinese allies..

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

















Carnivorous fish attacks injure 10 people in Argentinian riverピラニアの群れまた人を襲う

2014年01月19日 | 日記

Attacks by a school of carnivorous fish have injured at least 10 people bathing in an Argentinian river since Thursday.

The latest attack by the "palometas" was confirmed on Saturday.

The fish have been described by the local director of lifeguards as "a type of piranha, big,

voracious and with sharp teeth that can really bite".

Media reports said the injured included a boy who suffered a foot wound while floating in the river.

The attacks took place in the Paraná River in Rosario, 186 miles north-east of Buenos Aires.

Seventy people who were cooling off from high temperatures were injured there in late December by the same piranha-like fish.

They included seven children who lost parts of their fingers or toes.

Experts say unusually high temperatures during the austral summer and lower numbers of species such as caiman that preyed on the fish could be causing the attacks.


読売新聞 1月19日(日)18時5分配信











'Seeds of genocide' in Central African Republic, U.N. warns中央アフリカ大量虐殺の恐れ

2014年01月17日 | 日記

(Reuters) - A senior U.N. official warned on Thursday of the risk of genocide in Central African Republic without a more robust international response to communal bloodshed in which at least eight more people were killed overnight.

The former French colony descended into chaos after a mostly Muslim rebel coalition, Seleka, seized power in March, unleashing a wave of killings and looting that sparked revenge attacks by Christian militia known as "anti-balaka" (anti-machete).

More than a million people have been displaced by the violence since Seleka installed their leader Michel Djotodia as interim president. Over 1,000 people were killed last month alone in the capital Bangui, prompting neighboring countries to evacuate more than 30,000 of their citizens.

There has been relative calm since Djotodia resigned last week under intense international pressure, but sporadic violence has persisted in Bangui. On Thursday, a spokesman for a 15,000-strong group of anti-balaka criticized the interim government and threatened a return to violence if it was not overhauled.

"If there is no solution to this, we always have our machetes which we have not yet handed in," the spokesman, Sebastien Wenezoui, told Reuters at a base in Boeing, northern Bangui, flanked by around 20 militiamen armed with knives, machetes and Kalashnikovs.

His group wants the country's transitional assembly (CNT) to be reworked to boost the presence of the anti-balaka and reduce the number of Seleka representatives. It plans a march in Bangui on Friday to try to stop the appointment of a new interim president, he added.

The CNT is due to vote on the new head on January 20, its vice president Lea Koyassoum Doumta said on Thursday.


Central African Republic is designated by the United Nations as one of the top three global humanitarian emergencies, along with Syria and the Philippines. But a U.N. appeal has received only 6 percent of a $247 million target.

Returning from a five-day trip to the country, a U.N. official said the crisis was foreseeable and stemmed from many years of international neglect of the chaotic country.

"The elements are there, the seeds are there, for a genocide," John Ging, director of operations for the U.N. Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told a news conference in Geneva. "It has all the elements that we have seen elsewhere, in places like Rwanda and Bosnia."

Ging said the country amounted to little more than a territory on a map, without state infrastructure and functioning security forces. He said French and African Union (AU) peacekeepers were having a positive effect but were stretched to their limits.

"Central African Republic has to move up the priority list," he said. "However desperate and alarming the situation might be right now, it can be turned around very quickly."

France hurriedly sent some 1,600 troops to its former colony in December. The deployment of Rwandan troops, the first of whom arrived aboard a U.S. military aircraft on Thursday, will increase the AU contingent to more than 5,000 peacekeepers this month.

Many say the bloodshed has little to do with religion, in a nation where Muslims and Christians long lived in peace. Instead, they blame a political battle for control over natural resources in one of Africa's weakest states, split along ethnic lines and worsened by foreign meddling.

Eight people were killed in Bangui late on Wednesday, witnesses said.

French troops threw two stun grenades after being encircled by a hostile crowd in northern Bangui while on patrol on Wednesday, army spokesman Colonel Gilles Jaron said. The troops had earlier seen bodies in the same neighborhood.

In another sign of tensions, hundreds of angry residents surrounded a convoy of Chadian Muslims fleeing the country. They shouted "go home" and "assassins". Some in the crowd tried to loot and set fire to one vehicle but were prevented by AU peacekeepers, who fired warning shots to disperse them.

The commander of French forces, General Francisco Soriano, told a video conference in Paris the security situation was improving, but still "extremely complicated and very volatile."

(Additional reporting by Paul-Marin Ngoupana and Emmanuel Braun in Bangui; John Irish in Paris; Writing by Bate Felix and Emma Farge; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)



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 同国では、反体制勢力の指導者から大統領に転じたミシェル・ジョトディア(Michel Djotodia)暫定大統領が辞任し、


 こうした中、中央アフリカを5日間にわたって訪問した国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA)のジョン・ギング(John Ging)氏は16日、












人口約460万人の約2割が国内避難民や難民となっている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News







Mikaeel Kular : Search Enters Second Day

2014年01月17日 | 日記

Hundreds of volunteers have begun a search for missing three-year-old Mikaeel Kular in Edinburgh.

A large crowd gathered at a community centre in the Scottish city in response to police appeals for help.

They are dispersing in groups to search for the boy who has not been seen since he was put to bed by his mother at around 9pm on Wednesday.

At a press conference earlier, Superintendent Liz McAinsh said "hundreds and hundreds" of police officers, from forces across the UK, were searching for Mikaeel.

She revealed that police had received 150 calls to a hotline dedicated to the boy's disappearance and all lines of inquiry were still open.

"We are deeply concerned we have no positive sightings of Mikaeel. There's lots of activity today, lots of police officers, helped by members of the public," she said.

"I remain optimistic, I really do, but as time passes we become deeply concerned."

The child's mother put him to bed at around 9pm on Wednesday, only to find his room empty on Thursday morning.

Supt McAinsh said: "Mikaeel's mother is getting a lot of support from both the police, her family and her friends but clearly she is very distraught, she just wants her little boy back home with his brothers and sisters."

She said that officers have spoken to Mikaeel's father and that all of the boy's family have been very helpful to the police.

She added: "No-one is detained, no-one is a suspect, we have no evidence of any criminality."

Supt McAinsh said she was not aware of any tension in the family that would have caused Mikaeel to run away.

Some investigators have said that it would have been "practically impossible" for Mikaeel to have left the home alone and suspect a professional abduction.

A police helicopter, sniffer dogs, coastguard and lifeboat teams have been searching the area surrounding the flat he shares with four siblings in Ferry Gait Crescent.

Forensic teams are examining a second address in a block of flats near his home.

Officers have also urged neighbours to check gardens, sheds, parks and lock-ups.

David Cowin, a volunteer who met at the Local Team Office in West Pilton Gardens for today's search, said: "At times like this you just want to help as much as you can."

Briefing the searchers, inspector David Happs said: "The community spirit here has been fantastic. That's absolutely recognised by ourselves and our real sincere thanks to everyone that has come out and helped so far."

The temperature in Edinburgh overnight dropped to around 3C.

Police Scotland has activated the Child Rescue Alert system, which is usually reserved for abduction and kidnap cases and supported by all police forces across the UK.

The search remains focused around the Drylaw, Pennywell, Muirhouse and Silverknowes areas of Edinburgh, but other forces are now involved.

Mikaeel, who has two sisters and two brothers, was discovered missing from his bed by his mother at around 7.15am on Thursday.

He usually sleeps in the same room as his twin sister but was alone on Wednesday night.

His jacket and shoes were missing and police are looking into whether he might have left of his own accord.

Mikaeel is slim, 2ft, of Asian appearance and possibly wearing a thigh-length beige hooded coat. He may also be wearing black gloves with multi-coloured fingers, dark navy blue jogging bottoms, a grey pyjama top with an embroidered turquoise dinosaur on the chest and brown Clarks shoes.

He has a faded scar on the bridge of his nose and a sore on the left hand side of his mouth.

Anyone with information can call the missing hotline number 0300 200 0200, dedicated to Mikaeel's case, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

:: Watch live on Sky News, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.







Dreamliner Grounded As White Smoke Spotted

2014年01月15日 | 日記

A Boeing 787 Dreamliner has been grounded after white smoke was spotted coming from the plane - the latest in a series of problems that have plagued the model.

Japan Airlines said cockpit warning lights on the plane indicated potential problems with the main battery and charger, and a battery cell appeared to have been leaking.

The fault, coming almost one year since the global 787 fleet was grounded by regulators after two batteries overheated, raised fresh concerns about the model's safety and reliability.

Boeing said it was "aware of the 787 issue that occurred on Tuesday afternoon at Narita, which appears to have involved the venting of a single battery cell".

It referred to the process of fumes and heat being channelled outside the aircraft.

In the wake of the news, Boeing shares fell 0.6% to $139.87 on the New York Stock Exchange.

United Airlines spokeswoman Christen David said the company was looking into the matter. United is the only US carrier that uses the 787.

Japan Airlines said maintenance engineers who were in the cockpit saw white smoke outside the plane. When they went outside the aircraft the smoke had dispersed.

On returning to the cockpit, the engineers found warning lights indicating possible faults with the main battery and charger. When they checked the battery they found one of eight cells was leaking a liquid.

The plane, due to depart from Tokyo Narita airport for Bangkok, was taken out of service, and the 158 passengers due to board the plane were put on a separate 787, JAL said.

Aerospace experts said the incident was troubling, but were cautious about drawing broader conclusions.

Almost exactly a year ago, All Nippon Airways grounded its 787 fleet after two 787 batteries overheated on two different planes in less than a fortnight.

Global regulators grounded the worldwide fleet days later, with all Dreamliners left out of action for more than three months while Boeing redesigned the battery, charger and containment system to ensure battery fires would not put the aircraft at risk.

The cause of the battery problems has not been determined.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.








Pope Urges Breastfeeding In sistine Chapel

2014年01月13日 | 日記

Pope Francis has encouraged mothers to breastfeed in the Sistine chapel - before baptising the baby of a couple who married in a civil service.

The pope baptised 32 babies in the sacred Catholic chapel, telling mothers they should not be embarrassed to feed their hungry children there.

In another apparent first in the Vatican, he agreed to baptise seven-month-old Giulia Scardia, even though his parents married in a town hall.

Such a civil service is not technically recognised by the Catholic Church.

But the pope has said several times since his election that the Church must not make children of couples in "irregular situations" feel like "second-class faithful".

Also, unlike his predecessors, who usually delivered long homilies at the yearly baptism event, the pope offered a brief one of 300 words, centred on the children.

"Today the choir will sing but the most beautiful choir of all is the choir of the infants who will make a noise.

"Some will cry because they are not comfortable or because they are hungry," he said in a familiar, relaxed tone to the parents.

"If they are hungry, mothers, feed them, without thinking twice. Because they are the most important people here," he said.

His words were delivered in the same room as the one in which he was elected on March 13 as the first non-European pope in 1,300 years.

Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine Chapel are some of the world's most celebrated works of art.

The ceiling depicts the creation of man and the altar wall shows a severe God at the Last Judgement.

But the pope told the mothers not to feel intimidated by the surroundings.

Francis said in an interview last month that mothers should not feel uncomfortable breastfeeding during his ceremonies.

In a separate development, Francis also put his first stamp on the group at the top of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, naming 19 new cardinals from around the world.

Sixteen of them are "cardinal electors" under 80 and thus eligible to enter a conclave to elect a pope. They come from Italy, Germany, Britain, Nicaragua, Canada, Ivory Coast, Brazil, Argentina, South Korea, Chile, Burkina Faso, the Philippines and

Among them is the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols.

Sunday's baptism service was the latest example of the more down-to-earth style Francis has introduced in the Vatican.

He has renounced the spacious papal apartments in the Apostolic Palace used by his predecessors and lives is a small apartment in a Vatican guest house.

Francis uses the palace only to receive heads of state and to address crowds from one of its windows overlooking St. Peter's Square.

He has also given up the papal limousine and is driven around Rome in a Ford Focus, sometimes sitting in the front seat next to the driver.

Baptism is the sacrament at which infants or converts are initiated into the Christian faith. Francis poured water on the foreheads of the infants as part of the ritual.








Tiger kills four people in 12 days in India 野生のトラが村人襲う、12日間で4人死亡 インド

2014年01月10日 | 日記
Royal Bengal Tiger at Jim Corbett National Park, India

Delhi: A wild tiger has killed four villagers in northern India in 12 days, prompting searches for the big cat and protests from villagers, an official says.

The animal attacked and killed a 40-year-old woman on Wednesday in a village in the state of Uttar Pradesh, its fourth victim since it is thought to have strayed from a tiger reserve, the official said.

State forest officials and police, aided by two elephants, have been searching for the tiger in Moradabad district in the hope of driving it back to the Jim Corbett National Park, popular with tourists.

"We have identified four bodies that were killed by the tiger as they bore teeth and claw marks," senior Moradabad administrative official O. P. Narain Singh said.


"We have launched a thorough search and hope it will go back to its natural habitat."

The state government also "began a process to declare the animal a man-eater as soon as possible", which means the tiger, normally protected, could be killed.

Frightened villagers have been protesting against the failure to capture the animal since the first death was reported on December 29.

Officials suspect it strayed from the Jim Corbett National Park, home to about 200 tigers, although the boundary is about 110 kilometres from Moradabad district.

India is home to about 1700 tigers, half of the world's rapidly shrinking wild tiger population, but has been struggling to halt the big cat's decline in the face of poachers, international smuggling networks and loss of habitat.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/tiger-kills-four-people-in-12-days-in-india-20140109-hv7yg.html#ixzz2q03pFW2q

野生のトラが村人襲う、12日間で4人死亡 インド

AFP=時事 1月10日(金)19時22分配信

野生のトラが村人襲う、12日間で4人死亡 インド



トラに襲われ木の上に逃げた5人、4日ぶりに救出 インドネシア

 8日、インド北部ウッタルプラデシュ(Uttar Pradesh)州モラダバド(Moradabad)地区の村で40歳の女性がトラに襲われて死亡する事件が起きた。昨年12月29日に1人目が犠牲になったのを初めに、これで4人がトラに殺害されたとみられている。4遺体にはいずれも動物の歯とつめによる傷が残っていた。


 当局はこのトラが、モラダバド地区から110キロほど離れた、野生のトラ200頭ほどが生息するジム・コルベット国立公園(Jim Corbett National Park)からさまよい出たとみている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News







India's Air Pollution : Is It Worse than China's? インドの大気汚染、中国より深刻

2014年01月05日 | 日記

India may have just gotten the wake-up call it needed to start getting serious about its growing pollution problem. A study put out this week by Tel Aviv University reports that Indian megacities are seeing a faster increase in pollution than the cities in the classic environmental villain to the east, China. According to the paper, from 2002 to 2010, Bangalore saw the second highest increase in air-pollution levels in the world at 34%, and Indian cities including Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur and Ahmedabad, among others, also saw double-digit increases. Because the pollution measured reflects a combination of industrial and weather-related particles like dust, it’s not possible to say this is entirely a man-made problem. But the fact that India’s population grew faster than China’s in the past decade means that the air in India’s cities is doomed to get worse before it gets better.

It doesn’t seem fair that China gets both the job-supplying manufacturing sector and the relatively better pollution news. (It’s increasing in Chinese cities too — just not as fast.) But no one in India could claim the information to be much of a shock. Though this is my first winter in New Delhi, everyone keeps telling me that it’s “normal” this time of year for the Indian capital to get smoggy. But how smoggy is normal? So smoggy that companies spam my phone with texts for Ayurvedic asthma cures? Apparently so, because I’ve gotten them. When winter kicks in, the cooler temperatures and still air always bring an annual period of haze to the city, but the pervasive murk that enshrouded the city for the first few weeks of November raised more concerns than usual, and not just mine. According to researchers at India’s Centre for Science and Environment, levels of respirable particulate matter (PM10) in mid-November were up 47% over what they were that time last year, and nitrogen-dioxide levels were up 57%.

(MORE: Serious Air Pollution in Beijing Is Leading to Social Unrest)

Officials have been on the defense, and they should be. New Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit announced the state had commissioned one of India’s best universities to study the causes of this year’s bad smog, in addition to proposing a series of quick fixes to help clear the air, like restricting diesel-generator use and banning trucks not bound for New Delhi from entering the city. She also has blamed the burning of straw in neighboring states of Haryana and Punjab, a claim that officials there dismissed, correctly pointing out that if that were the problem, they’d be covered in smog too.

The gray cocoon that enshrouded the city earlier in November is at bay for now, which means we can see the sky. That’s a nice change. But it’ll be back. In a study released earlier this year, India ranked last out of 132 countries surveyed by Yale and Columbia in terms of air quality and effects on human health. Because of its high-emissions vehicles and heavy reliance on coal, the country has particularly serious levels of high-particulate matter, which leads to respiratory infections, and the problem is seen both in cities like New Delhi and smaller cities around the nation.

“You always have an increase in respiratory cases this time of the year, partly because of the worsening air quality and partly because of the seasonal changes,” says Dr. S.K. Chhabra, head of the Department of Cardiorespiratory Physiology at the Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute in New Delhi. He says he’s been seeing more asthma and bronchitis patients in the past few weeks, as well more cardiac patients with angina, which is aggravated by the lowered oxygen levels during heavy pollution. People with pre-existing lung or heart disease, smokers, young children and the elderly are particularly susceptible. “When the wind starts again, there will be less cases.”

(PHOTOS: New Delhi Demands Water: The Indian Capital’s Annual Shortage)

That doesn’t make it O.K. The New Delhi government has taken steps in the past that have helped control the city’s pollution levels, like rolling out vehicles that run on natural gas to reduce emissions, building a metro system to encourage public transportation and limiting the amount of commercial traffic coming through town. Last week, the Centre for Science and Environment called on officials to do much more, including enforcing emissions checks on private and commercial vehicles, banning open fires in the city and using a smog-alert system to let citizens know when the pollution is particularly risky. Earlier this month, the city announced it would expand monitoring, install electronic displays charting air quality around the city and issue smog alerts and health advisories, according to the Hindustan Times.

Those are steps that have a proven track record in other cities. Growing up in the 1980s in Los Angeles, we used to have regular “smog days,” when public schools would cancel our physical-education classes because the city advised it was unhealthy for kids to be outside. (Some amazing pictures of the bad old days in L.A. here.) L.A. has mostly cleaned up its act through a combination of citizen activism, better technology and better regulation. The alerts were good public-health practice, sure, but they did more than that. They were a reminder that heavy air pollution, even if it was the norm, was not normal. They are also a reminder to citizens that if officials aren’t doing all they can to get things back to normal, they’re not doing their job. If India’s private sector can send me regular text messages about Ayurvedic cures for asthma, surely I could get a courtesy note from the government I pay taxes to when air-pollution levels might give me an asthma attack.


時事通信 1月5日(日)15時6分配信




















2014年01月01日 | 日記


Happy New Year!


Voorspoedige nuwe jaar


Kul 'am wa antum bikhair


Urte Berri on


Shuvo noboborsho

Chinese (Cantonese)

Sun nien fai lok

Chinese (Mandarin)

Xin nian yu kuai


Stastny Novy Rok


Godt NytÅr


Gelukkig nieuwjaar


Bonan Novjaron


Onnellista uutta vuotta


Bonne année


Ein glückliches neues Jahr


Eutychismenos o kainourgios chronos


Hauoli Makahiki hou


Shana Tova


Boldog uj evet

Indonesian (Bahasa)

Selamat Tahun Baru


Felice Anno Nuovo or Buon anno


Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu


Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo

Laotian (Hmong)

Nyob Zoo Xyoo Tshiab


Felix sit annus novus

Nigerian (Hausa)

Barka da sabuwar shekara


Godt Nytt År

Philippines (Tagalog)

Manigong Bagong Taon


Szczesliwego Nowego Roku


La Multi Ani si Un An Nou Fericit


Ia manuia le Tausaga Fou


Feliz año nuevo


Heri za Mwaka Mpya


Gott Nytt År


Sawatdee Pi Mai


Chuc mung nam moi


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda