

Tiger kills four people in 12 days in India 野生のトラが村人襲う、12日間で4人死亡 インド

2014年01月10日 | 日記
Royal Bengal Tiger at Jim Corbett National Park, India

Delhi: A wild tiger has killed four villagers in northern India in 12 days, prompting searches for the big cat and protests from villagers, an official says.

The animal attacked and killed a 40-year-old woman on Wednesday in a village in the state of Uttar Pradesh, its fourth victim since it is thought to have strayed from a tiger reserve, the official said.

State forest officials and police, aided by two elephants, have been searching for the tiger in Moradabad district in the hope of driving it back to the Jim Corbett National Park, popular with tourists.

"We have identified four bodies that were killed by the tiger as they bore teeth and claw marks," senior Moradabad administrative official O. P. Narain Singh said.


"We have launched a thorough search and hope it will go back to its natural habitat."

The state government also "began a process to declare the animal a man-eater as soon as possible", which means the tiger, normally protected, could be killed.

Frightened villagers have been protesting against the failure to capture the animal since the first death was reported on December 29.

Officials suspect it strayed from the Jim Corbett National Park, home to about 200 tigers, although the boundary is about 110 kilometres from Moradabad district.

India is home to about 1700 tigers, half of the world's rapidly shrinking wild tiger population, but has been struggling to halt the big cat's decline in the face of poachers, international smuggling networks and loss of habitat.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/tiger-kills-four-people-in-12-days-in-india-20140109-hv7yg.html#ixzz2q03pFW2q

野生のトラが村人襲う、12日間で4人死亡 インド

AFP=時事 1月10日(金)19時22分配信

野生のトラが村人襲う、12日間で4人死亡 インド



トラに襲われ木の上に逃げた5人、4日ぶりに救出 インドネシア

 8日、インド北部ウッタルプラデシュ(Uttar Pradesh)州モラダバド(Moradabad)地区の村で40歳の女性がトラに襲われて死亡する事件が起きた。昨年12月29日に1人目が犠牲になったのを初めに、これで4人がトラに殺害されたとみられている。4遺体にはいずれも動物の歯とつめによる傷が残っていた。


 当局はこのトラが、モラダバド地区から110キロほど離れた、野生のトラ200頭ほどが生息するジム・コルベット国立公園(Jim Corbett National Park)からさまよい出たとみている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News







