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What I wanted to know 5

2012年10月16日 | 日記

2012 Nobel Peace Prize

The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union (EU) "for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe".





What I wanted to know 4

2012年10月15日 | 日記

The winners of the 2012 Nobel prizes are being announced this week. So each day, we’ll be looking to see what Nobel-related content we have in Europeana.

Today, we congratulate France’s Serge Haroche and the USA’s David Wineland for winning the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physics for their work in quantum optics – the precise control of photons, the fundamental units of light.

Follow the response here.

Some Nobel Physics facts for you…
The award is for ‘the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics’.
It has been awarded 105 times since 1901.
The average age of a Nobel Prize for Physics winner is 54.
The youngest winner was 25-year-old Lawrence Bragg in 1915, and the oldest was 88-year-old Raymond Davis Jnr in 2002.
The Prize has only ever been awarded to two women, Marie Curie in 1903 and Maria Goeppert-Mayer in 1963.

What I wanted to know 3

2012年10月14日 | 日記

PARIS — The Swedish Academy announced on Thursday that it had awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature to the Chinese author Mo Yan, the cultural high point of a week of accolades to scientists, writers and peacemakers.


Times Topic: Mo Yan

Two American Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry (October 11, 2012)

A Nobel for Teasing Out the Secret Life of Atoms (October 10, 2012)

Cloning and Stem Cell Work Earns Nobel (October 9, 2012)

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John Macdougall/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Mo Yan signed autographs at a book fair in Frankfurt in 2009.

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“Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan has created a world reminiscent in its complexity of those in the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel García Márquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition,” the citation for the award declared.

In addition to novels, Mo Yan has published short stories, essays on various topics, and “despite his social criticism is seen in his homeland as one of the foremost contemporary authors.”

Mr. Mo was born in 1955 in Gaomi, China, and, according to the academy, is resident in China. The citation for the award described him as a writer “who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary.”

The name Mo Yan is a pseudonym for Guan Moye. He is the son of farmers who left school during the Cultural Revolution to work, first in agriculture and later in a factory, according to his Nobel biography.

In 1976 he joined the People’s Liberation Army and began to study literature and write. His first short story was published in a literary journal in 1981, the biography on the Nobel Web site said.

“In his writing Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of his birth,”the biography said, referring to his 1987 novel published in English as Red Sorghum in 1993. His novel The Garlic Ballads, as it was called on its publication in English in 1995, and other works “have been judged subversive because of their sharp criticism of contemporary Chinese society.”

Other works include Big Breasts and Wide Hips (1996), Life and Death are Wearing Me Out (2006) and Sandalwood Death, to be published in English in 2013. His most recent published work, called Wa in Chinese (2009) “illuminates the consequences of China’s imposition of a single-child policy.”

Mr. Mo was one of three writers tipped by bookmakers to break what critics had seen as a preponderance of European winners over the past decade.

The prize is worth 8 million Swedish kronor, about $1.2 million.

Since 1901, 104 Nobel literature prizes have been awarded, the most recent to Tomas Transtromer, a Swedish poet, whose more than 15 collections of poetry, the academy said last year, offered “condensed, translucent images” through which “he gives us fresh access to reality.”

Japanese author Haruki Murakami had been tipped by bookmakers as the most likely winner, but the panel selecting the winner prides itself on its inscrutability, keeping its deliberations secret for 50 years.

The last American writer to win a Nobel in literature was Toni Morrison in 1993. Philip Roth has been a perennial favorite but has not been selected.

Nobel committees have announced prizes so far this week in physics, chemistry and medicine. The 2012 Nobel Peace laureate is to be named on Friday by the Norwegian Nobel Committee and the prize in economics is to be announced on Monday by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

What I wanted to know 2

2012年10月13日 | 日記

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012

Robert J. Lefkowitz, Brian K. Kobilka

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012

Prize Announcement
Press Release
Advanced Information
Popular Information

Robert J. Lefkowitz

Brian K. Kobilka

English (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

Press Release

10 October 2012

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2012 to

Robert J. Lefkowitz
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA


Brian K. Kobilka
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

"for studies of G-protein–coupled receptors"

Smart receptors on cell surfaces

Your body is a fine-tuned system of interactions between billions of cells. Each cell has tiny receptors that enable it to sense its environment, so it can adapt to new situtations. Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka are awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for groundbreaking discoveries that reveal the inner workings of an important family of such receptors: G-protein–coupled receptors.

For a long time, it remained a mystery how cells could sense their environment. Scientists knew that hormones such as adrenalin had powerful effects: increasing blood pressure and making the heart beat faster. They suspected that cell surfaces contained some kind of recipient for hormones. But what these receptors actually consisted of and how they worked remained obscured for most of the 20th Century.

Lefkowitz started to use radioactivity in 1968 in order to trace cells' receptors. He attached an iodine isotope to various hormones, and thanks to the radiation, he managed to unveil several receptors, among those a receptor for adrenalin: β-adrenergic receptor. His team of researchers extracted the receptor from its hiding place in the cell wall and gained an initial understanding of how it works.

The team achieved its next big step during the 1980s. The newly recruited Kobilka accepted the challenge to isolate the gene that codes for the β-adrenergic receptor from the gigantic human genome. His creative approach allowed him to attain his goal. When the researchers analyzed the gene, they discovered that the receptor was similar to one in the eye that captures light. They realized that there is a whole family of receptors that look alike and function in the same manner.

Today this family is referred to as G-protein–coupled receptors. About a thousand genes code for such receptors, for example, for light, flavour, odour, adrenalin, histamine, dopamine and serotonin. About half of all medications achieve their effect through G-protein–coupled receptors.

The studies by Lefkowitz and Kobilka are crucial for understanding how G-protein–coupled receptors function. Furthermore, in 2011, Kobilka achieved another break-through; he and his research team captured an image of the β-adrenergic receptor at the exact moment that it is activated by a hormone and sends a signal into the cell. This image is a molecular masterpiece – the result of decades of research.

Read more about this year's prize

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Robert J. Lefkowitz, U.S. citizen. Born 1943 in New York, NY, USA. M.D. 1966 from Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Professor of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA.

Brian K. Kobilka, U.S. citizen. Born 1955 in Little Falls, MN, USA. M.D. 1981 from Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. Professor of Medicine, and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.

The Prize amount: SEK 8 million, to be shared equally between the Laureates.
Contacts: Erik Huss, Press Officer, phone +46 8 673 95 44, +46 70 673 96 50, erik.huss@kva.se
Ann Fernholm, Editor, Phone +46 70 750 22 16, ann.fernholm@kva.se

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1739, is an independent organization whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society. The Academy takes special responsibility for the natural sciences and mathematics, but endeavours to promote the exchange of ideas between various disciplins.

MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012 - Press Release". Nobelprize.org. 10 Oct 2012 http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2012/press.html






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4,000 tons of shells explode in Central Russia, leave mushroom cloud-like plume of smoke

2012年10月12日 | You Tube インターネット動画


















What I wanted to know

2012年10月11日 | 日記

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012

Serge Haroche, David J. Wineland

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012

Prize Announcement
Press Release
Advanced Information
Popular Information

Serge Haroche

David J. Wineland

English (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

Press Release

9 October 2012

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2012 to

Serge Haroche
Collège de France and Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France


David J. Wineland
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and University of Colorado Boulder, CO, USA

"for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems"

Particle control in a quantum world

Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland have independently invented and developed methods for measuring and manipulating individual particles while preserving their quantum-mechanical nature, in ways that were previously thought unattainable.

The Nobel Laureates have opened the door to a new era of experimentation with quantum physics by demonstrating the direct observation of individual quantum particles without destroying them. For single particles of light or matter the laws of classical physics cease to apply and quantum physics takes over. But single particles are not easily isolated from their surrounding environment and they lose their mysterious quantum properties as soon as they interact with the outside world. Thus many seemingly bizarre phenomena predicted by quantum physics could not be directly observed, and researchers could only carry out thought experiments that might in principle manifest these bizarre phenomena.

Through their ingenious laboratory methods Haroche and Wineland together with their research groups have managed to measure and control very fragile quantum states, which were previously thought inaccessible for direct observation. The new methods allow them to examine, control and count the particles.

Their methods have many things in common. David Wineland traps electrically charged atoms, or ions, controlling and measuring them with light, or photons.

Serge Haroche takes the opposite approach: he controls and measures trapped photons, or particles of light, by sending atoms through a trap.

Both Laureates work in the field of quantum optics studying the fundamental interaction between light and matter, a field which has seen considerable progress since the mid-1980s. Their ground-breaking methods have enabled this field of research to take the very first steps towards building a new type of super fast computer based on quantum physics. Perhaps the quantum computer will change our everyday lives in this century in the same radical way as the classical computer did in the last century. The research has also led to the construction of extremely precise clocks that could become the future basis for a new standard of time, with more than hundred-fold greater precision than present-day caesium clocks.

Read more about this year's prize

Information for the Public
Pdf 365 Kb

Scientific Background
Pdf 410 Kb.

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Serge Haroche, French citizen. Born 1944 in Casablanca, Morocco. Ph.D. 1971 from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Professor at Collège de France and Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

David J. Wineland, U.S. citizen. Born 1944 in Milwaukee, WI, USA. Ph.D. 1970 from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Group Leader and NIST Fellow at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and University of Colorado Boulder, CO, USA

Prize amount: SEK 8 million, to be shared equally between the Laureates.

Contact persons: Erik Huss, Press Officer, Phone +46 8 673 95 44, mobile +46 70 673 96 50, erik.huss@kva.se
Annika Moberg, Editor, Phone +46 8 673 95 22, Mobile +46 70 673 96 90, annika.moberg@kva.se

Nobel Prize® är is a registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1739, is an independent organization whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society. The Academy takes special responsibility for the natural sciences and mathematics, but endeavours to promote the exchange of ideas between various disciplines.

MLA style: "The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics - Press Release". Nobelprize.org. 9 Oct 2012 http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2012/press.html

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2012年10月10日 | 日記

Energy Industry Targets Upcoming Matt Damon Film 'Promised Land'
1:53 AM PDT 10/8/2012 by Georg Szalai
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"We've been surprised at the emergence of what looks like a concerted campaign targeting the film even before anyone's seen it," says Focus Features CEO James Schamus.
Focus Features' Matt Damon film Promised Land is only coming to theaters at the end of December, but the energy industry is already gearing up for a public relations battle, the Wall Street Journal reported.

our editor recommends
Gus Van Sant's 'Promised Land' Will Hit Theaters in Time For Awards Season
VIDEO: 'Promised Land' Trailer

The drama, written by Damon and John Krasinski and directed by Gus Van Sant, focuses on how a controversial industry technique that helps release natural gas, known as "fracking," affects a community. Damon plays a gas company salesman trying to lease gas drilling rights in Pennsylvania where the practice has become common.

The energy industry is worried that it will be presented in a critical light and is preparing possible responses, such as providing film reviewers with scientific studies, distributing leaflets to moviegoers and launching a "truth squad" initiative on Twitter and Facebook, the Journalsaid.

"We have to address the concerns that are laid out in these types of films," a spokesman for Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents energy producers, told the paper.

"We've been surprised at the emergence of what looks like a concerted campaign targeting the film even before anyone's seen it," James Schamus, CEO of NBCUniversal's Focus Features, told the Journal.

Fracking involves blasting millions of gallons of water mixed with sand and chemicals into a well. Public concerns focus mostly on the potential impact on drinking water and air quality.

"Fracking is the catalyst for a bigger story about the complex challenges confronting small towns across America today," said Jim Berk, CEO of Participant Media, which is Focus' partner on the film. The movie wants to "raise awareness of the importance of transparency and regulations for public health and safety," he said.

Image Nation, partially funded by the Abu Dhabi government, provided financing for the film as part of a broader deal covering several movies from Participant. It told the Journal that it invests in Participant films "regardless of genre or subject matter."

Josh Fox, the creator of HBO documentary Gasland, which raised concerns about fracking, argued that the energy industry should focus its efforts elsewhere. "The problem is that they are in denial, and they are addressing real technical and engineering problems with PR," he told the Journal.

The paper said the energy industry association reacted to his film late. But it has produced its own documentary, entitled Truthland, which it started screening in community centers and hotels across the nation in June.

Email: Georg.Szalai@thr.com
Twitter: @georgszalai
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Demonstration of Drop, Cover, and Hold On by Los Angeles County Fire Department Firefighters

2012年10月10日 | You Tube インターネット動画
Demonstration of Drop, Cover, and Hold On by Los Angeles County Fire Department Firefighters

Battalion Chief Larry Collins of the Los Angeles County Fire Department,

an experienced Urban Search and Rescue specialist,

narrates a demonstration of Drop, Cover, and Hold On,

the recommended procedure for preventing injury during earthquakes.

The demonstration was part of a Great California ShakeOut media event in September, 2010.

Learn more at www.shakeout.org and www.dropcoverholdon.org.










池上圭子  2012年10月09日 09:25分

In one sentence No.4

2012年10月06日 | challenge チャレンジ問題

Who is this man?





He is

Mao Ze Dong, Deng Xiao Ping




東京はドンジン(Dong Jing) と言います。