日本カナダ文学会・The Canadian Literary Society of Japan



2018-05-09 | 大会情報 Annual Meeting


Programme of the 36th Conference of the Canadian Literary Society of Japan






Date : Time Saturday, 16 June 2018 10:00-17:30 (Registration opens at 09:30)


会場:椙山女学園大学 星が丘キャンパス 国際コミュニケーション学部棟(B ) 417

Venue: Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Hoshigaoka Campus

〒464-8662 名古屋市千種区星が丘元町17番3号 TEL:052-781-1186(代)

3-17 Hoshigaoka Motomachi Chigusa-ku Nagoya-shi, Aichi 464-8662

総合司会 副会長 室 淳子

Conference Chair: Junko Muro

Vice President, Canadian Literary Society of Japan

開会の辞 会長 佐藤 アヤ子  

Opening Remarks  Ayako Sato, President, Canadian Literary Society of Japan

午前の部Morning Session

研究発表 Research Presentations

司会 岸野 英美(松江工業高等専門学校)Chair: Hidemi Kishino, National Institute of Technology, Matsue College

1.原田 寛子(福岡工業大学)Presenter: Hiroko Harada, Fukuoka Institute of Technology



The Grandmother-Granddaughter Relationship in Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms

司会 長尾 知子(関西学院大学)Chair: Chikako Nagao, Kwansei Gakuin University

2.白井 澄子(白百合女子大学)Presenter: Sumiko Shirai, Shirayuri University              



The Challenge of a Contemporary Canadian Adolescent Story:

Calvin, Schizophrenia and Adventure Story

昼食休憩 Lunch Break                          11:55-13:00

総会 General Meeting  議長 佐藤 アヤ子 Chair: Ayako Sato                  13:00-13:30

午後の部 Afternoon Session

特別講演・Special Guest Lecture

司会荒木 陽子(敬和学園大学)Chair:YokoAraki, Keiwa College                 13:30-14:30

Dr. Tony Tremblay, St. Thomas University

“Restoring Pride of Place: Re-Making New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada through Cultural Work”

休憩 Break                                           14:30-15:00

シンポジウム Symposium                                                       15:00-17:30

産業・環境・カナダ文学《 Canada’s Industry, Environment, and Literature

司会 荒木 陽子(敬和学園大学)Chair: Yoko Araki, Keiwa College

佐々木 菜緒(明治大学大学院)Nao Sasaki, Meiji University, Graduate School


Gaspésie: Historical, Social and Cultural Roles in the Québec Imaginary

室 淳子(名古屋外国語大学)Junko Muro, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies


Canadian Aboriginals and the Development of Natural Resources

佐藤 アヤ子(明治学院大学)Ayako Sato, Meiji Gakuin University

The Glace Bay Miners’ Museumにみる女たち

Women in The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum

閉会の辞 松田 寿一(北海道武蔵女子短期大学)

Closing Remarks  Juichi Matsuda, Vice President, Canadian Literary Society of Japan


懇親会案内(Post-Conference Party)

http://pizzeriapagina.jp   TEL:050-5592-4007

会費(Members’ fee for party):5000円



〒464-8662 名古屋市千種区星が丘元町17番3号


後援 カナダ大使館・ケベック州政府在日事務所

Supported by the Embassy of Canada and the Délégation générale du Québec à Tokyo

(*会員外で大会参加の場合は1000円頂きます。Please note: There is a conference fee of \1000 for non-members.)




福岡工業大学   原田寛子



本発表では、ヒロミ・ゴトー(Hiromi Goto, 1966-)の『コーラス・オブ・マッシュルーム』(Chorus of Mushrooms, 1994)において、孫娘の成長に祖母がどのように関わっているかを考察し、祖母の重要性と新たな祖母像を追求する。女性の物語において、母親の主体や不在は問題として取り上げられてきたが、祖母の存在とその重要性に関する問題には議論の余地がある。娘の成長をサポートする母親の「不在」はこの物語にも当てはまるが、その溝を埋め母娘の関係を修復する役割は祖母ナオエが担っている。祖母の人生を自由に書き変えた、と述べるゴトーが描く物語には、孫娘ムラサキにとって祖母ナオエがいかに重要な存在であるかということだけでなく、コトバや物語、ジェンダーや人種という付与された概念を壊し、新たなものへと作り変えていく祖母/老女の可能性を窺うことができる。この物語に挿入される「山姥」や「姥捨て山」など日本の伝統的な物語の書き変え物語に登場する女性/老女の意味も交えながら、既成の概念を崩し、それを超えて行くナオエの祖母像を考えたい。


The Grandmother-granddaughter Relationship in Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms

Hiroko Hirada, Fukuoka Institute of Technology


This presentation discusses the grandmother-granddaughter relationship in Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms, focusing on the grandmother’s importance for the granddaughter’s search for identity. The issues of maternal agency or absence have been frequently discussed as one of the major themes and problems in the women’s literary tradition. However, more investigation is still required into the grandmother’s role and agency in female relationships. In this novel, it is the grandmother, Naoe, who guides her granddaughter, Murasaki, in her process of identity-formation, and also contributes to restoring the relationship between the mother, Keiko, and her daughter, Murasaki. With Goto’s intention of re-telling her grandmother’s personal myth with “tremendous liberties,” this novel not only describes the precious and solid relationship between grandmother and granddaughter, but also represents the possibility of a grandmother/old woman who subverts and re-conceptualizes the fixed ideas embedded in language, story, gender, and race. The transcendent nature of the grandmother, Naoe, is correlated with old women in the retold stories of the Japanese traditional narratives, “Ubasuteyama” and “Yamauba,” inserted in this novel.             



白百合女子大学  白井澄子



 カナダ児童文学の開花当時から冒険物語は大きな位置を占めてきた。19世紀半ばに書かれたC.P. TraillのCanadian Crusoes (1852)やR.M. BallantyneのYoung Fur Traders (1856)は最初期の作品だが、冒険物語の人気は19世紀末から20世紀初期にかけて続いた。20世紀後半以降になると冒険物語の数は減るが、現代ではK. Oppelのファンタジー冒険物語などが書かれ、その幅は広がっている。

 Calvin (2015)はMartine Leavittによるヤングアダルト小説で、カナダ総督児童文学賞を受賞した。これは統合失調症にかかってしまった現代の男子高校生Calvinが、発病以来、彼にだけ聞こえるHobbesという、人間の言葉を喋るトラに思考を分断される状態から何とか抜け出そうとする奮闘を扱った作品である。Calvinは自分を取り戻すために、厳冬のエリー湖を徒歩でアメリカ側へ渡ることを計画するのだが、自ら志願して彼を助けようとする女子高校生Susieが同行する。限られた装備と食糧で極寒の湖を横断するのはまさに王道の冒険・サバイバル物語を彷彿とさせる。

古典的な冒険物語には、極寒の地、飢えや寒さとの戦い、少年主人公の知恵と勇気、苛酷な冒険を経ての青年の心身の成長が描かれることが多い。しかしCalvinには、これらの要素以外に、主人公の男子を助ける女子の存在、自己統合への挑戦などの新しい要素が盛り込まれている。それらに注目することで作品の持つ現代的意義を見出したい。(なお、登場人物のCalvin, Susie, HobbesはいずれもBill WattersonのマンガCalvin and Hobbesのキャラクターである。)


The Challenge of a Contemporary Canadian Adolescent Story: Calvin, Schizophrenia and An Adventure Story

                                                                                                Sumiko Shirai, Shirayuri University


Calvin (2015), written by Martine Leavitt, is a unique adventure story. Calvin, the protagonist, is a Canadian high-school boy who is suffering from schizophrenia. His thoughts are often disturbed by an imaginary tiger, Hobbes, whose figure and voice are not seen or heard by other people except Calvin.  In order to regain his ordinary self, Calvin plans to walk over the frozen Lake Erie to Cleveland, Ohio. He estimates it will take two days but under the severe winter conditions, it takes longer. He is accompanied by Susie, a female classmate.

Calvin is very much like classic Canadian adventure stories. They include survival in the intense cold, starvation, young man’s wisdom and courage, etc. as typical elements.  They are in other words “man’s stories.” Calvin, however, has some different aspects from classic adventure stories, for example, one of the main characters is Susie, a positive girl, and Calvin’s purpose is to regain his ordinary self.  By comparing classic adventure stories and Calvin, I try to figure out contemporary meaning of the adventure story.


午後の部 Afternoon Session

特別講演 Special Guest Lecture


Restoring Pride of Place: Re-Making New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada Through Cultural Work                                                                                    

Dr. Tony Tremblay, St. Thomas University


In this keynote address I will discuss my work of the last ten years against the background of New Brunswick literature and Canadian history. My goal is to make my address general enough that it is applicable to professors and students working in diverse fields of literature, culture, heritage, or history.

To begin to understand New Brunswick as a cultural space, one must first understand the nature of Canadian federalism: that is, understand that Canada is one entity made up of many parts. In the 18th and 19th centuries, New Brunswick was at the forefront of Canadian culture. The province’s writers were considered to be the best in British North America, and, once Canada became an independent nation, New Brunswick writers were the first in the country to express a sense of “home grown” national pride. As the country expanded westward, however, that sense of literary excellence changed, and New Brunswick and other eastern Canadian provinces began to suffer not only economic decline, but also “narrative decline,” by which I mean negative stereotyping. The cultural work that we do in eastern Canada must therefore deal first with the negative stereotyping attached (unjustly) to the region and its writers. Scholars can choose to ignore that stereotyping or address it head on.

In my work, I chose to address the stereotyping directly, for it explained to me the lack of knowledge resources in the province. When I started my work in 2007 there was no dedicated provincial publisher, no encyclopedia, no critical journal, no comprehensive written history of the province, and no province-specific curricula – in other words, none of the tools necessary for self-understanding. Moreover, the once-strong talk radio tradition had become very weak, there was almost no documentary film industry, and the last scholarly book on New Brunswick literature had been published twenty-five years ago. Clearly something had to be done, for the result of this inaction was that other people were defining, for their own purposes, what New Brunswick was and should be.

My talk will move from there to explain how small teams of cultural workers in New Brunswick worked to correct those knowledge-resource problems, thus renewing a sense of cultural pride in a people who had been overlooked and ridiculed. It has not been easy to change the public image of a province from a backward place to a place where achievement in the arts is recognized and celebrated, but that is what is starting to happen in New Brunswick.

The aim of my talk will be to show how a small, committed group of cultural workers and public intellectuals can make a difference in turning around public opinion. The talk will thus be designed to inspire your colleagues to do something similar in their own fields. And to show students and faculty what can be accomplished if small groups of citizens set their minds to something concrete. I’ll use New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada as the model, and introduce a lot of contextual information that will educate people about Canada.




敬和学園大学  荒木 陽子





Symposium: Canada’s Industries, Environment, and Literature

Yoko Araki, Keiwa College


Canadian industries, from natural resource extractions to tourism, heavily depend on its environment and ecology. The massive land of Canada, so far, has almost always allowed its people to make their lives out of it in one way or another. We should not forget, however, that it is the natural resources, including the marketable landscape for tourism in the vast marginal land, that support colorful lives in relatively small Canadian urban spaces along the US border; that natural resources in the margin do not last forever; that the resources and products made from them may not always be competitive in the global market; that we should be prepared for life after these resources have been exhausted.  Literatures in Canada have represented the politics played out in the places where local industries are heavily concerned with their eco-systems. In this afternoon symposium, the presenters will explore literary representations of resource extractions and their aftermath in Gaspésie (Sasaki), First Nation reserves across Canada (Muro), and Cape Breton Island (Sato).

明治大学大学院  佐々木 菜緒




 18世紀ヌーヴェル・フランス時代から、漁業や林業とともに発展してきたガスペジーは、20世紀に入ると諸々の技術・産業資本の発展により、地元経済は危機に見舞われていく。そのような背景のもと、「ガスペジーの漁師」はしばしばケベックの想像世界において社会的に搾取される者として参照される( e.g. « Histoire de pêche » ; La Maison du pêcheur)。また、ペルセの町を中心に栄えた観光業は地元における英仏の社会的格差の問題に拍車をかけ、後の「革命」の象徴的な場となる。一方、長い間たとえばモンレアルから見て遠い未知の国であり、辺境の地であったガスペジーは、20世紀初頭に鉄道が開通して以降、多くの芸術家、詩人、作家たちを感化している(e.g. Félix Leclerc ; Jacques Ferron ; Gabrielle Roy)。この地域の歴史的文化性、土着性などが「ケベック性」の一つとしてさまざまに描かれていくのである。


Gaspésie: Historical, Social and Cultural Roles in the Québec Imaginary

Nao Sasaki, Meiji University Graduate School


In this study we clarify the historical, social and cultural roles played by Gaspésie in the 20th century Québec imaginary. First, we outline the development of the region, and then discuss what Gaspésie symbolizes by taking up a few literary works. Finally, we will discuss the particularity of Gaspésie in the Québec imaginary.

Gaspésie has developed with fishing and forestry industries since the time of Nouvelle-France of the 18th century, but the local economy has suffered substantially since the beginning of the 20th century with the development of new technology and the growth of industrial capital. In this context, the « pêcheur de la Gaspésie (fisherman of Gaspésie) » is often referred to as describing social exploitation in Québec’s imaginary world (e.g. « Histoire de pêche »; La Maison du pêcheur). The tourist industry, which grew especially in Percé, the central town of the region, worsened the social tensions between Anglophone and Francophone, and eventually made Perce the place of the “revolution” later. On the other hand, being far from big cities such as Montreal, Québec’s artists, poets and writers (e.g. Félix Leclerc; Jacques Ferron; Gabrielle Roy) were deeply inspired by this remote region, after the railway opened at the beginning of the 20th century. Then historical and local cultures of this region began to be described in their works as those of « québécité ».


名古屋外国語大学  室 淳子








Canadian Aboriginals and the Development of Natural Resources

Junko Muro, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies


CBC Indigenous from the CBC website often reports news on the construction of crude oil pipelines in Canada and in the U.S. The development of natural resources has a long history in Canada, and since 2003, when the U.S. Energy Information Administration included Alberta’s oil sands into their statistics of crude oil proved reserves in the world, Canada has been among the top oil-producing countries; the statistics show that Canada was the third largest oil producers in 2016. The rapid rise in oil production to supply markets in the U.S., Asia, and Europe causes situations labelled as “the 21st century gold rush”. 

Lifestyles in aboriginal communities in Canada have dramatically changed after the development of natural resources. In many cases, the development proceeds without adequate explanations to aboriginal communities and damages human and environmental health. Aboriginals often resist the construction of new crude oil pipelines, which in some cases results in blocking the projects.

Aboriginals take different stances. The development of natural resources strengthens employment and fosters economic development of aboriginal communities, which suffer from many demanding situations caused by poverty. As well as the operation of casinos on reserves, some promote industrial development while being aware of negative impacts it may bring to their communities. The development of natural resources also involves issues on animal rights and targets for limiting global warming.

The presentation covers the recent move on the development of natural resources in aboriginal communities while referring to essays and literary works by aboriginal authors in Canada.


明治学院大学  佐藤アヤ子

The Glace Bay Miners’ Museumにみる女たち


Sheldon Currieの短編小説、The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum(『グレース・ベイの炭鉱夫博物館』1976)は、1940年代のノバスコシア州のケープ・ブレトン島を舞台に、落盤事故による坑夫たちの死が日常化している炭鉱町で家族を失った若い女性Margaret MacNeilの回想で展開していく作品である。1991年に、本作品は、Wendy Lillによってラジオ・ドラマ化され、さらに舞台劇となり、1995年には、映画化されている。

 The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum では、原作者のシェルドン・カリーも脚本家のウェンディー・リルも主人公マーガレットに代表されるような「強く、勇敢で、自己を信じて戦う女たち」を描いている。その一方、炭鉱産業が全盛期であったころでも、そこに暮らしていた女性たちに関する資料は極端に少なかったと言われている。しかし、劣悪な坑内で、安い賃金で働き、落盤事故で逝った父や、兄弟や、夫たちを見ながら、女たちは強く、たくましく生きてきたことは明白である。

本発表では、19世紀後半から20世紀前半にかけてケープ・ブレトン島の主幹産業であった炭鉱業の盛衰の歴史を鑑みながら、そこで展開されてきた「炭鉱と女たち」の関係性をThe Glace Bay Miners’ Museumを通して分析したい。


Women in The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum

Ayako Sato, Meiji Gakuin University


The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum by Sheldon Currie is set in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, in the 1940s. The story is told as the reminiscence of a young woman, Margaret MacNeil, who lives in a coal mining town where the death of miners from accidents in the pit has become routine. In 1991, The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum was adapted as a radio drama by Wendy Lill and was also adapted for the stage. It was made into the film in 1995.

While both Sheldon Currie and Wendy Lill describe women like Margaret MacNeil as “strong, brave and confident.” there are not many documents that shed light on women’s lives during the height of the mining industry. It is true that many women lived their lives strongly and bravely as they faced the facts that their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons had been hurt or killed in the mine for a paltry wage.

In this presentation, I would like to review the ebb and flow of the coal mining in Cape Breton between the latter part of 19th century and the former part of 20th. century. And then I will explore the relationship between women and coal mining in The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum

