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【お約束】董建華行政長官 2003年施政報告

2003-01-08 21:02:44 | 時事


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Quick Reaction to Policy Address - Christine Loh's Newsletter (ゾンビ)
2006-05-02 17:21:13
ホンマに「Quick Reaction」だ、エラいぞ!


Christine Lohというのは、民權黨(Citizens Party)の代表で第一期立法会議員だったのですが、第二期選挙では「議員の身分ではやりたい事が思うように出来ず」と(共同通信をやめた時の亨ちゃんのような事を言って)予め出馬辞退を表明。現在は民主派の市民運動家として精力的に活動を行っている女性。引退後も『South China Morning Post』などによく登場しておりますが、何でも広東語より英語の方が流暢とか(ラムさん・談)








From: Christine Loh

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:03 PM

Subject: 8/1/03: Quick Reaction to Policy Address - Christine Loh's Newsletter




Dear Subscribers & Friends,

Summary Analysis: Annual Policy Address

1. Yet Another Lost Opportunity

The speech was quintessential Tung. It was earnest, long-winded, repetitive and lacked political savvy. The speech was considerably shorter than in previous years and should have provided an opportunity to inject much needed spirit and energy into policy at the highest level. Instead, it was like a "cut and paste" job of things already said over the last year with a few factual updates. Tung's repetitions is a sign that he thinks the message still needs to sink in when in reality, Hong Kong people already know what the problems are. They yearn for something spirited that will sustain but was given something soporific. Tung's failure to rouse the people of Hong Kong to even a tiny degree is unfortunate for a politician.

2. Self-depoliticization

The Policy Address is the main annual political speech. This one is also the first one where the CE was supposed to provide a policy agenda for his 2nd Term (2002-2007). Hong Kong has waited 6 months for it. It was delayed due to the establishment of the ministerial system. Yet the speech has nothing that distinguishes itself from a speech that other people could have given - essentially, it lacked political sense from the head of government. As there was nothing special about it, the political speech of the year was de-politicized, which in turn, transformed the CE into no one special. Whilst constitutionally the CE has most of the political power in the HKSAR, over the years he has repeatedly marginalized himself by having little to say, and when the occasion presents itself, fails to use them for political ends.

The Chief Executive (CE) delivered a 65 mins Policy Address today entitled "Capitalizing on Our Advantages, Revitalizing Our Economy". It was a low energy affair - politically unimpressive.

A. Low energy atmosphere

1. The speech given in the Legislative Council suffered from intense low energy.

2. A compliment heard from the gallery: "The CE was honest" about Hong Kong's problems.

3. Disparaging remarks on the street: "He might as well have saved us the time - he said nothing we haven't heard before".

B. The CE's Core Message

The speech sought to:

(a) analyze why Hong Kong is in the doldrums;

(b) what the government has done over the last 5 years;

(c) fundamental remains strong;

(d) the CE's past policies were right;

(e) must now tackle the deficit;

(f) don't worry about Article 23; and

(g) there will be more changes as Hong Kong transits towards a "knowledge-based economy".

C. What is more interesting

Together with the Policy Address, a policy agenda document was published listing out the government's new initiatives over the next 18 months. We need to wait for the ministers to provide details. Here are a dozen initiatives I found more interesting:

1. Budget strategy - levy tax from 2004 on passenger departing Hong Kong by land/sea; and civil service recruitment freeze.

2. The top politicians will take a 10% pay cut from April 2003.

3. Adopt measures to facilitate the development of political parties and groups, and support independent candidats in elections.

4. Begin to make suitable preparations for the review of constitutional developments after 2007.

5. Evaluate divestment options for the Housing Authority's commercial and carparking facilities.

6. Establish a population policy.

7. Ensure the public enjoys a "smokeless environment in work and other public places".

8. Review the setting of public transport fares.

9. Introduce pilot emissions trading scheme among power plants in HK and Guangdong.

10. Landfill charging in 2004.

11. Promulgate heritage and nature conservation policy.

12. Make preliminary proposal on small house policy.


