

The X-Files: I Want to Believe

2008年04月21日 | 映画
7/25(金)全米公開予定の劇場版『The X-Files (Xファイル)』第2作の副題がようやく発表されました。


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- The X-Files: I Want to Believe

- "Believe Again"

- Suspense Thriller
(制作総指揮/監督/脚本のChris Carterによる)

- Chris Carter = Producer/Director/Writer
- Frank Spotnitz = Producer/Writer

- David Duchovny = Agent Fox Mulder
- Gillian Anderson = Agent Dana Scully
- Mitch Pileggi = Walter Skinner
- Amanda Peet = FBI Special Agent Dakota Whitney
- Xzibit = FBI Agent
- Billy Connolly = Priest (of "dubious character" per Frank Spotnitz)
- Callum Keith Rennie = ?
- Adam Godley = ?
- Nicki Lynn Aycox = ?


- 2008年の冬という設定。
- Huston Smith(公式サイトWikipedia)の講演・著書と関係あり。
- ヴァージニア州の田舎に於ける連続女性失踪事件を探るため、FBI捜査官のモルダーとスカリーが協力する。
- デイナ・スカリー捜査官の息子ウィリアム(TVシリーズ終了時に養子に出された)の後日譚あり。
- 映画そのもののプロットは未公開ながら、ノヴェライゼーション版のプロットとされるものはリークされている(下記)。

- マヤ伝説(2012年12月に異星からの侵略が最終段階に入る?)を取り入れた「神話」エピソードにしたい(Chris Carter談)。

ノヴェライゼーション版のプロット [ネタバレ注意]
Ain't It Cool Newsより


Mulder and Scully are back in the thrilling novelization of the summer 2008 blockbuster movie based on the classic X-Files TV show! When a group of women are abducted in the wintry hills of rural Virginia, the only clues to their disappearance are the grotesque human remains that begin to turn up in snow banks along the highway. With officials desperate for any lead, a disgraced priest’s questionable "visions" send local police on a wild goose chase and straight to a bizarre secret medical experiment that may or may not be connected to the women’s disappearance. It's a case right out of The X-Files. But the FBI closed down its investigations into the paranormal years ago. And the best team for the job is ex-agents Fox Mulder and Dr. Dana Scully, who have no desire to revisit their dark past. Still, the truth of these horrific crimes is out there somewhere... and it will take Mulder and Scully to find it!


- [Zap2it.com] 'Believe' It: 'X-Files' Sequel Gets a Title - 'The X-Files: I Want to Believe' will open on July 25

- [EW.com] Summer Movie Preview: 'X-Files': Reason to 'Believe'? - Seven years after David Duchovny left the TV series and 10 since the first ''X-Files'' movie, odd couple Mulder and Scully resume their search for the truth

- [TVGuide.com] New X-Files Movie Title Announced!

- [EW.com] 'X-Files' creator Chris Carter wants to believe in a third movie featuring Mulder and Scully

- [Zap2it.com] Paley Festival: The truth about Baby William and 'The X-Files' movie is out there

- The X-Files 公式サイト

- [Yahoo! Movies] The X-Files: I Want to Believe

- [IMDb] The X-Files: I Want to Believe

- [Wikipedia] The X-Files: I Want to Believe


1 コメント

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いよいよ公開間近! (伊藤正一)
2008-04-22 11:51:43

で、そこの壁に貼られているポスターに書いてあるのが、"I want to Believe"だそうですね。あいかわらず部屋中所狭しと、超常現象がらみの怪しげなガラクタがあるらしい。いつのまに集めたんでしょうね。もとの部屋にあったものは、シーズン6で燃えてしまったはずでは?
