


2007年07月21日 | 子育て
息子が小学校を卒業したのだが、小学校の場合、「graduation (卒業)」ではなく「promotion (進級)」と言うのだと初めて知った。アメリカに長く住んでいても、自分の生活と関係ない用語は知らないものである。



名称はともあれ、私の息子の小学校の「Promotion Ceremony (進級式)」の内容は「卒業式」そのものだった。しかし、他の親御さんたちと話してみると、「自分が小学校を『卒業』した時はセレモニーなんてやってくれなかった」という。日本では昔(?)から、小学校の卒業式も結構、「big deal」なんだけどなあ。もしかすると、アメリカでは現在でも、こういう事をやらない小学校の方が多いのだろうか?厳密には「卒業」ではないので、大袈裟に祝うほどの事ではないというわけか?(皆さんの周りではいかが?)

日本では小学校の卒業式でも体育館で行われるのが一般的だが、アメリカの小学校の体育館(うちの息子の学校では「Multi-Purpose Room」=「多目的室」と呼ばれる)はそういう事を想定してないからか狭いので、校庭で行われるケースが多いようだ。でも、そのおかげか、式の邪魔にならない限り、カメラやビデオカメラを持って歩き回るのも自由である。一応、保護者+αのための椅子は並べておいてくれたのだが、私は座らなかった。ただ、日焼け止めクリームを用意しておかなかったし、卒業式で帽子を被るのも憚られたので、その後、数日間は頭やオデコがヒリヒリした。





式では各自に『Certificate of Promotion (進級証書)』が手渡された他、特に成績優秀な児童には『President's Award for Educational Excellence』という賞も贈られた。その名の通り、米国大統領の直筆署名(多分、署名用の機械を使ったんだろうけど)が入っているのだ。実はうちの子もこの『大統領賞』をもらったので、ちょっと自慢である。(←親バカ)

『大統領賞』の条件は4年生~6年生の3年間に渡って3.5以上(または100点満点中90点以上)のGPA (Grade Point Average = 平均成績) を維持し、かつ、各州で毎年実施される統一試験(カリフォルニア州の場合は『Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR)』)の3つの教科(English/Math/Science)のうち、少なくとも1つで「advanced」の成績をおさめなければならない。(校長先生の説明より。)

NAESP (National Association of Elementary School Principals) での説明(上↑の説明と微妙に異なる)によると、各校の校長先生の一存で例外を認める事も可能らしい。





5 コメント

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そうなんですか(知らなかったです) (もあぱそ)
2007-07-21 04:01:02
Unknown (izumi)
2007-07-22 19:35:44

マジメなアジア人の底力でしょうかね 笑

こんにちは♪ (ジョウ)
2007-07-26 00:30:21

大統領賞 (K)
2010-11-04 11:34:03
I need help creating an essay energy (Robertencaf)
2017-08-24 12:54:14
?Evaluation Essay Sample: The Creating Style Of J.K.Rowling
The whole world celebrated the release on the first of all book installment in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter also, the Philosopher’s Stone, in June 1997 (Allsobrook, 2003). Since then, the world patronized the next six books inside of the installment. It became so popular that the whole installment have been made into an eight-part film series by Warner Brothers Pictures and was dubbed as a person in the highest grossing film series of all times (Thompson, 2008). But what could be the reason for this huge success? What magic did J.K. Rowling casted on her creating style that made this story captivating to its audiences?
Truth be told, I am a fan of J.K Rowling, and her Harry Potter series has inspired me to pursue producing. I like how she compressed several genres which include fantasy, mystery, adventure, romance, and coming of age then slowly transitioned to the darker tone as you go deeper into the story. She remained consistent throughout the series which is very important in sorting out natural events. She is very descriptive inside of a way that it helps the reader’s imaginations to open up to whole new degree giving the feeling of actually being there from the story. She makes every character inside the story important and unique inside of a way that the readers could relate to their strengths and weaknesses. The plot is amazing in its private way as it grows darker plus more complex in every single book.
However, Rowling could very well be very creative and may be too descriptive that she could spend two webpages describing a character or a site to the point that it almost sound poetic. This tends to be considered as 1 of her flaws in producing. Aside from her over-creative process, she also has the knack of utilizing a lot of semi-colons, ellipses, dashes, parenthesis and powerful verb choices. This fact is evident in J.H. Trumble’s analysis (2010) determined by a two-page-spread from J.K. Rowling’s The Deathly Hallows. Apart from these flaws, I can say that in this article creating style is average and very simple that it could easily seize the hearts of children and teens, however, adults (notably those who are knowledgeable in literature) would acquire it disappointing.
So what made Rowling’s story successful? It is all in her flaws. These flaws established her apart from the opposite writers of her technology. She created a story where she will allow and requires the reader to employ their private imagination. She remained consistently quick throughout her novels to avoid overwhelming readers. Her use of humor, straightforwardness, the use of creativity are her top rated techniques she has chosen to retain the readers’ interest inside story. As Edgar Poe would have stated, “There is not any exquisite beauty…without some strangeness with the proportion.” I believe this is what J.K. Rowling is all about.
Allsobrook. Dr. M. (18 June, 2003) Potter’s Site inside the Literary Canon. Retrieved January 20, 2014 from BBC News Site: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/2996578.stm Thompson, S. (two April, 2008) Company Big Shot: Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. Retrieved January 20, 2014 from The Times: London Trumble, J.H. (7 July, 2010) An Exhaustive Analysis of J.K. Rowling’s Crafting Style - influenced by a random two-page-spread sample from the Deathly Hallows.<BLOG> Retrieved from http://www.jhtrumble.com/blog/2010/7/7/an-exhaustive-analysis-of-jkrowlings-writing-style-based-on.html
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