

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): German pupils return to school

2020-08-04 18:03:46 | 日記

2020年8月4日(Tue.) ドイツの子供達が学校に戻ったと伝えられていますが、これは、ドイツの一つの州のことであり、ドイツのこの実験的な取り組みを、全16州が注目している様相です。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  8月3日発 )


German pupils return to school amid coronavirus fears

With education interrupted for months due to the coronavirus pandemic, some 150,000 kids have returned to class in the eastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. DW's Tessa Walther visited a school in Rostock to see how the first day went.

(抜粋)コロナウィルスのパンデミックによって、数ヶ月間も学校が中断していました(意訳)。そして、ドイツ東部のMecklenburg-Western Pomerania州で、凡そ150,000人の子供達が教室に戻りました。初日に記者が現地に向かいました。

(注: 以下、映像になっていますので、原文サイトをご覧下さい。)




Schools in Germany reopen — but coronavirus is not gone

The school holidays are coming to an end in parts of Germany. The authorities want a return to "normal" school life. But that's easier said than done.

All of Germany is looking toward the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the coming days. In 2020, the sparsely populated region in northeastern Germany is the first to start the school year this time.

Summer holidays are staggered in Germany, so not all 16 federal states go on vacation at the same time, clogging the nation's airports and famed autobahns. This year's return to school can best be described as a large-scale experiment.

Some 152,700 students at 563 schools are to return to normal school life for the first time since schools and day care centers were closed nationwide in mid-March owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If regular classes Monday through Friday can't be done, the authorities want students to get at least four to five hours' schooling every week. Even music and sports are back on the curriculum. 

The state government says it is feasible because of the low rate of infection and the small number of active cases in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which has one of the lowest infection rates in the country. But it is still a far cry from "normal." 

・・・ 以下、転載省略。 原文サイトはこちら ・・・

(注: 人口密度の低いこの州で学校が再開され、この様子をドイツ全体が注目しています。そして、この週は、感染率も低くて感染者数もドイツで一番低い州なのです。州の位置は、下図で確認出来ます。)




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