今春にアメリカ精神医学会が発行したDSM-5のテキスト改定版『DSM-5-TR』の"Cultural Concepts of Distress"の章(p.876)に、
すでに先にDSM-IVから掲載されていた「Taijin kyofusho」に続いて、「Hikikomori」が掲載されました。
Hikikomori (a Japanese term composed of hiku [to pull back] and moru [to seclude oneself]) is a syndrome of protracted and severe social withdrawal observed in Japan that may result in complete cessation of in-person interactions with others. The typical picture in hikikomori is an adolescent or young adult male who does not leave his room within his parents’ home and has no in-person social interactions. This behavior may initially be ego-syntonic but usually leads to distress over time; it is often associated with high intensity of Internet use and virtual social exchanges. Other features include no interest or willingness to attend school or work. The 2010 guideline of the Japan Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare requires 6 months of social withdrawal for a diagnosis of hikikomori. The extreme social withdrawal seen in hikikomori may occur in the context of an established DSM-5 disorder (“secondary”) or manifest independently (“primary”).