●9月23日(金) Do it JAZZ! 10th Anniversary vol.01 at metro
Do it JAZZ! 10th Anniversary
2016. 09. 23. FRI. 22:00 START
at. METRO,Kyoro
22:00 - 23:00 : 1000 yen inc. 1 Drink
23:00 - : 1500 yen inc.1 Drink
STUDENT : 1000 yen inc. 1 Drink
▬▬ | LINE UP | ▬▬
(Masaki Tamura / Kazuhiro Inoue / EIKI / Naoki Yoda)
▬▬ | INFO | ▬▬
BF Ebisu Bldg. 82 Simodutsumi-cho kawabata Marutamachi sagaruru Sakyo-ku Kyoto Japan
▬▬ | ABOUT | ▬▬
2006 年 に始動以降COLLAGEそしてMETROへと場所を変え、クラブ以外でも屋上のルーフトップやカフェ・バー、ラウンジ、ショップレセプション、 国際写真展とのコラボレーション等活動を広げ、日本 / 世界の著名DJを招待し京都のJAZZ / CROSSOVERミュージックを発信し続けてきた"DoitJAZZ!"は10周年を迎えます。ここまで続けることが出来たのもサポートして頂いてる先輩方や、遊びに来て寄ってくれる古くの友人、素敵な場所としてあり続けてくれるクラブMETRO、そして楽しんでくれる皆様ありきだと本当に思います。いつも素晴らしいゲストの方をお招きしてますが、レジデンツDJのみで原点に戻り、あくまで通過点ですので、 最新のHOUSE / CROSSOVERからJAZZ / RAREGROOVEをMIXしていくスタイルはもちろん変わらず。リスペクトするアーティストの楽曲をレコードで、いいスピーカーでシンプルに皆で楽しみましょう。
Since its launch in 2006, having moved from COLLAGE to METRO, in addition to clubs, "DoitJAZZ!" has expended its stage in collaboration with rooftops, cafe bars, lounges, store receptions, and international photo exhibitions, with notable DJs from Japan and around the world, delivering JAZZ/CROSSOVER music from Kyoto. We will celebrate our 10th anniversary in October 2016. We would like to thank everyone who has allowed us to exist for 10 years, such as older peers who support us, old friends who come to Kyoto all of a sudden, old established club METRO, which remains to be a wonderful venue, and those of you who enjoy with us! Always we invite wonderful guests who are active around the world, we would like to go back to the origin for the first event of our 10th year with only resident DJs. This is just a passage point, so we will not change our style of mixing house, crossover, jazz, and rare groove! Let's enjoy songs by artists we respect with records, great speakers, and simplicity! Thank you always for everything, Please keep in touch with me!!