

Destroyed Russian Fighter jet of unknown type found near Ochakovo.

2022-03-07 09:47:23 | 日記

Destroyed Russian Fighter jet of

unknown type found near Ochakovo.

Destroyed Russian Fighter jet of unknown type found near
Ochakovo. A few hours ago, a Russian fighter jet was
shot down near Ukrainian Ochakov.
Judging by the design and elements of what is left of the
combat vehicle, we can talk about fighters of such types
as the Su-27, Su-30 or Su-34.
However, the fire that started after the plane crash completely
destroyed its fuselage, as a result of which it is not possible
to determine the type of aircraft.
The fate of the crew of the downed combat aircraft remains
unknown. At the same time, judging by the position of the fighter
on the ground, the aircraft was most likely damaged and
the pilot tried to land the combat vehicle on the ground, but,
probably, due to impaired control or other technical problems,
he could not do it.
It is noteworthy that 4 Ukrainian Su-27 combat aircraft were
destroyed the day before, however, according to official data
from the Russian Ministry of Defense,
this happened in the Zhytomyr region.
By the way, this does not exclude the possibility that the area
indicated in the commentary to the published photographs
could be indicated on purpose as unreliable, since today Kyiv
is actively waging an information war directed against Russia.
At the same time, earlier it became known about the downed
plane over Chernihiv. It was also not possible to identify its
type, however, the death of two crew members was initially
erroneously reported, but it turned out that
one pilot managed to survive.



Destroyed Russian Fighter jet of unknown type found near Ochakovo.

Destroyed Russian Fighter jet of unknown type found near Ochakovo. A...




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