toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )


Gifu /His Gifu Branch ( エッチ・アイ・エス 岐阜支店)

2016-03-26 05:51:15 | 海外旅行

His Gifu Branch in gifu,Japan./Place: His Gifu Branch is located to the north of JR Gifu Station./The purpose:Overseas trips./The Destination:Around Taiwan,/The Season:June./Cost: 59,800yen plus one room 22.000yen./phone:058-264-6441./






1 コメント

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Unknown (Unknown)
2016-03-26 07:30:47
Again and again, you have been travelling Taiwan, China and Korea. You have already visited these destinations so often. I wonder if you have been visiting one of these once a every month. You have full of energy.
Incidentally I am going to starting tomorrow for a two week trip to Australia, visiting Australian and American friends living in Queensland and New South Wales. And another purpose is to join Coolum Beach Bawls Club, one of lawn balling clubs., of which bar and restaurant has very nice setting and atmosphere. I'm going to fully enjoy the club. During the time it's a bit pity I can't send comment to this blog.
