

2 隠蔽を暴く:ワクチンと自閉症の関係の科学的分析、深刻な欠陥のある米国のワクチン政策

2023年09月04日 12時20分27秒 | ワクチンと自閉症の関係の科学的分析 グローバルリサーチ

2 隠蔽を暴く:ワクチンと自閉症の関係の科学的分析、深刻な欠陥のある米国のワクチン政策





Aluminum is an adjuvant, a chemical booster added to vaccines to induce an immune response.


Most vaccines in the CDC schedule contain an aluminum compound.


Furthermore, there is a large body of scientific research to support a connection between aluminum and neurotoxicity.



The alarming health consequences of aluminum were reported in a 2011 study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry led by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic at the University of British Columbia.


The study revealed that rates of autism spectrum disorder among children are greater in countries where children are exposed to the highest amounts of aluminum in vaccines.


The authors also noted “the increase in exposure to Al [aluminum] adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD [autism spectrum disorder] prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades”. (14)

著者らはまた、「Al(アルミニウム)アジュバントへの曝露の増加は、過去20年間に観察された米国におけるASD(自閉症スペクトラム障害)有病率の増加と有意に相関している」とも指摘した。 (14)

An additional article by Dr. Tomljenovic, and published in a 2014 issue of the journal Immunotherapy, discussed the neurotoxic effects of aluminum on the central nervous system.

Immunotherapy 誌の 2014 年号に掲載された、Tomljenovic 博士による追加の論文では、中枢神経系に対するアルミニウムの神経毒性の影響について論じられています。

The article mentions the role played by the metal in triggering autoimmune and inflammatory responses, altering genetic expression and contributing to neurodevelopmental disorders. (15)

この記事では、自己免疫反応や炎症反応を引き起こし、遺伝子発現を変化させ、神経発達障害に寄与する際に金属が果たす役割について言及しています。 (15)


These findings are further supported by MIT researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff.

これらの発見は、MIT 研究者のステファニー セネフ博士によってさらに裏付けられています。

Seneff’s scientific investigation into the pathology of autism has turned up evidence that the neurotoxicity of aluminum is greatly increased when combined with glyphosate, Monsanto’s very widely used pesticide which is sprayed on crops around the world.


Seneff posits that not only do these two agents combine to promote neurodevelopmental conditions but can also disrupt the gut’s microbiome, potentially leading to leaky gut syndrome, kidney failure, and other serious complications. (16)

Seneff氏は、これら2つの薬剤が組み合わさって神経発達状態を促進するだけでなく、腸内微生物叢を破壊し、リーキーガット症候群、腎不全、その他の重篤な合併症を引き起こす可能性があると主張しています。 (16)


It is worth noting that the federal health agencies have admitted to the many dangers posed by aluminum exposure, such as the 357 page document titled “Toxicological Profile for Aluminum” released in 2008 by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.


The document, which was thoroughly vetted by CDC scientists, states:

CDC の科学者によって徹底的に精査されたこの文書には、次のように記載されています。


There is a rather extensive database on the oral toxicity of aluminum in animals.


These studies clearly identify the nervous system as the most sensitive target of aluminum toxicity and most of the animal studies have focused on neurotoxicity and neurodevelopmental toxicity. (17)

これらの研究は、神経系がアルミニウム毒性の最も敏感な標的であることを明確に特定しており、動物研究のほとんどは神経毒性と神経発達毒性に焦点を当てています。 (17)

Despite the government’s tacit recognition of aluminum’s health risks, the CDC and other federal agencies have made no effort to further investigate the cumulative toxicological impact of the current vaccine schedule.







Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring metabolite commonly added to bacterial and viral vaccines.


According to the FDA “It is used to inactivate viruses so that they don’t cause disease (e.g., polio virus used to make polio vaccine) and to detoxify bacterial toxins, such as the toxin used to make diphtheria vaccine.”(18)

FDA によれば、「ウイルスが病気を引き起こさないように不活化するために(例えば、ポリオワクチンの製造に使用されるポリオウイルス)、またジフテリアワクチンの製造に使用される毒素などの細菌の毒素を解毒するために使用されます。」(18)

Though formaldehyde may neutralize potentially harmful pathogens in vaccines, the World Health Organization lists it as a “known human carcinogen.”



According to a report by the US’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), ingesting “formaldehyde can be fatal, and long-term exposure to low levels in the air or on the skin can cause asthma-like respiratory problems and skin irritation such as dermatitis and itching.”

米国労働安全衛生局 (OSHA) の報告書によると、「ホルムアルデヒドの摂取は致死的になる可能性があり、空気中や皮膚上で低濃度に長期間さらされると、喘息のような呼吸器疾患や、皮膚炎やかゆみなどの皮膚炎を引き起こす可能性があります。」

The report also cites formaldehyde as “a cancer hazard”. (19)

報告書はまた、ホルムアルデヒドを「発がん性の危険性」として挙げています。 (19)

More evidence suggests formaldehyde exhibits neurotoxic properties as well (20)

ホルムアルデヒドも同様に神経毒性を示すことを示唆する証拠が増えています (20)

The response from our health officials is that formaldehyde is contained in such small doses in vaccines that it doesn’t threaten human health.


However, there is a conspicuous lack of research into the effects of formaldehyde exposure through multiple vaccines in pediatric populations.


Given that infants and small children possess a much greater sensitivity to toxins compared to adults and that formaldehyde is introduced to children through immunizations containing a host of other toxic ingredients, it is crucial that we reevaluate its use in vaccines.



Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

グルタミン酸ナトリウム (MSG)


Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, has been used as a food additive for over a century, imparting a savory flavor that appeals to many people.

MSG としても知られるグルタミン酸ナトリウムは、多くの人々を魅了する風味を与える食品添加物として 1 世紀以上使用されてきました。

It has also made its way into vaccines.


Dr. Russell Blaylock notes that MSG is classified as an excitotoxin, or a compound which over stimulates cell receptors to such an extent that the cell ceases to function normally, resulting in damage to nerve cells and contributing to seizures. (21)

ラッセル・ブレイロック博士は、MSGは興奮毒、つまり細胞が正常に機能しなくなるほど細胞受容体を過剰に刺激し、その結果神経細胞に損傷を与え、発作を引き起こす化合物として分類されていると指摘している。 (21)



Animal and Human DNA

動物と人間の DNA


Animal and even human tissues are used as a culture medium to grow the targeted virus or bacteria used in vaccines.


Today, vaccine viruses are cultured in chicken fibroblast cells and embryos, chick retinal and kidney cells, monkey and dog kidney cells, aborted human fetal lung fibroblast cells and mouse brain tissue, to name a few. (22)

現在、ワクチンウイルスは、いくつか例を挙げると、ニワトリの線維芽細胞と胚、ニワトリの網膜と腎臓の細胞、サルとイヌの腎臓細胞、中絶されたヒト胎児肺線維芽細胞、マウスの脳組織などで培養されています。 (22)

In 2013, the FDA approved the use of insect cells instead of chicken eggs for the influenza vaccine.


Unfortunately, viral filtration of the substrate that will be used in the vaccine is a primitive manufacturing process.


A significant amount of foreign DNA and genetic debris from the culture finds its way into the vaccine that is eventually administered to children.

培養物からの大量の外来 DNA および遺伝子残骸が、最終的に子供たちに投与されるワクチンに混入します。

DNA fragments can recombine with our body’s host cells thereby triggering undesirable autoimmune reactions.

DNA 断片は私たちの体の宿主細胞と再結合し、それによって望ましくない自己免疫反応を引き起こす可能性があります。

Considering the exponential increase in autoimmune diseases over the past 25 years, it is reasonable to suspect that the large amount of foreign genetic debris injected into our bodies is wreaking havoc with natural immune functions.

過去 25 年間で自己免疫疾患が急激に増加したことを考えると、私たちの体内に注入された大量の外来遺伝子の破片が自然の免疫機能に大混乱をもたらしているのではないかと疑うのは当然です。

There are also instances of certain vaccines causing a specific autoimmune response, such as a Haemophilus influenza B vaccine and type 1 diabetes association, and a Hepatitis B-Multiple Sclerosis relationship, which were observed after widespread administration of these vaccines. (23,24,25)

また、ヘモフィルス・インフルエンザBワクチンと1型糖尿病の関連、B型肝炎と多発性硬化症の関係など、特定のワクチンが特定の自己免疫反応を引き起こす例もあり、これらのワクチンを広範囲に投与した後に観察されました。 (23,24,25)



Polysorbate 80



Polysorbate 80 is a chemical agent used as an emulsifier in vaccines. Research suggests that exposure to polysorbate 80 can “cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.” (26)

ポリソルベート 80 は、ワクチンの乳化剤として使用される化学薬品です。 研究によると、ポリソルベート 80 への曝露は「重篤な非免疫性アナフィラキシー様反応を引き起こす」可能性があります。 (26)

Another study found a connection between this substance and Crohn’s disease. (27)

別の研究では、この物質とクローン病との関係が判明しました。 (27)



Triton X-100



A type of detergent used in some flu vaccines, Triton X-100 has been found to promote cell death and cause intestinal damage in animal studies. (28, 29)

一部のインフルエンザワクチンに使用される界面活性剤の一種であるトリトン X-100 は、動物実験で細胞死を促進し、腸損傷を引き起こすことが判明しています。 (28、29)





Phenol is a type of preservative commonly used in vaccines.


A study looking into the viability of preservatives in vaccines noted that phenol, like Thimerosal, is neurotoxic.


The authors suggested that “(f)uture formulations of US-licensed vaccines/biologics should be produced in aseptic manufacturing plants as single dose preparations, eliminating the need for preservatives and an unnecessary risk to patients.” (30)

著者らは、「米国が認可したワクチン/生物製剤の将来の製剤は、無菌製造工場で単回投与製剤として生産されるべきであり、防腐剤の必要性や患者への不必要なリスクを排除する必要がある」と提案した。 (30)





The compound known as 2-Phenoxyethoanol is commonly used as an antibacterial agent in vaccines.


Among its known . Reports link this chemical to kidney, liver, and neurological toxicity. (31)

その中で知られているのは。 報告書では、この化学物質が腎臓、肝臓、神経毒性と関連付けられています。 (31)



Real Science Indicting Vaccines and How it Has Been Suppressed



If good quality science exists that could discredit the pro-vaccine argument that there is no connection to autism, it is completely understandable that the media and the government and industry and scientists for hire continue their unrelenting attack on independent scientists, physicians, and most importantly, upon the victims themselves.


To acknowledge that the entire vaccine program is unsupported by gold standard science would mean massive lawsuits, congressional investigations and discrediting the CDC, the FDA, US public health services and pharmaceutical companies.


In effect, this could be the largest public health scandal in American history, and the public would be very unforgiving.


Let’s now take a look at more damning evidence linking vaccines with autism and neurodevelopmental disease and the systemic suppression of this evidence.



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