追加2 CHDドキュメンタリー: 世界支配を要求するWHO悪魔帝国の正体: WHOは同意なしにアフリカ女性を不妊化、次はあなただ
New Documentary Exposes WHO Program Resulting in Sterilization of African Women Without Their Consent
新しいドキュメンタリーがWHOプログラムを暴露: 同意なしにアフリカの女性の不妊化をもたらす
A new CHD Films documentary, “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” exposes a World Health Organization program resulting in the sterilization of African women without their knowledge or consent.
新しいCHD Filmsのドキュメンタリー「Infertility:A Diabolical Agenda」は、世界保健機関WHOのプログラムを暴露しており、アフリカの女性が知らないうちに同意なしに不妊化されています。
By Children's Health Defense Team 子供の健康防衛チームによる
From award-winning filmmaker Dr. Andy Wakefield, in collaboration with executive producer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and CHD Films, comes the documentary “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.”
受賞歴のある映画製作者のアンディ・ウェイクフィールド博士から、エグゼクティブプロデューサーのRobert F. Kennedy、Jr.、Children’s Health Defense(CHD)の会長、およびCHD Filmsと共同で、ドキュメンタリー「Infertility:A Diabolical Agenda不妊化:悪魔的なアジェンダ」が登場します。
The film exposes a World Health Organization (WHO) population control experiment carried out under the guise of a vaccination program, that resulted in the sterilization of women in Africa without their knowledge or consent.
The film premieres tomorrow, Friday, June 10 at 2 p.m. ET on CHD.TV.
Immediately following the 30-minute film, a special edition of CHD.TV’s “Friday Roundtable” will feature Wakefield, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Jim Thorp, Brian Hooker, Ph.D. and Dr. Liz Mumper to discuss the dramatic rise in infertility issues across the globe.
“It is with timely irony that the World Health Organization reveals its true colors as it makes a desperate grab for control of global health,” said Wakefield, who directed the film.
“This story is a true ‘WHO’ dunnit.”「この物語は、本当に「WHOがそれをやった」ことです。」
“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” pulls back the curtain to reveal the truth behind WHO’s nefarious collaboration with the Kenyan government in which an experimental tetanus vaccination — later found to be laced with the pregnancy hormone βhCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) — was given to millions of unknowing African women of childbearing age in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Consequently, their right to carry children was stolen.
Wakefield chronicles this tragic story and brings shocking new evidence to light.
As the late Dr. Stephen Karanja warns in the film, “When they’re through with Africa, they’re coming for you.”
“The truths exposed in this film cast a long shadow from a tetanus trial in Africa to the symptoms of infertility that are happening all over the world, including reports after the Gardasil vaccine and the COVID-19 shots,” said CHD Chief Science Director Dr. Brian Hooker.
Mary Holland, CHD president and general counsel and author of “The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed,” had this to say about the film:
CHDの会長兼ゼネラルカウンセルであり、「HPV Vaccine on Trial:Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed」の著者であるメアリー・ホランドは、この映画について次のように述べています。
“This film documents evidence that strongly supports the idea that the WHO was conducting an experiment on women of childbearing age to make them infertile without informed consent.
“The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, signed by most countries of the world, specifies that enforced sterilization is a war crime.
This film highlights that rendering human beings infertile without their consent, as was done to the most vulnerable people during the eugenics era in the U.S., is truly diabolical.
“The film asks whether the global community should vastly empower the WHO to regulate and enforce global health policy.”
CHD.TV will air the film with special programming featuring leading experts discussing their concerns about the rise in infertility rates and how other vaccines, including the COVID-19 shot, are linked to infertility.
The line-up includes the following highlights:
Friday, June 10 at 2:30 p.m. ET: “Friday Roundtable” featuring Dr. Andy Wakefield, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Jim Thorp, Brian Hooker, Ph.D. and Dr. Liz Mumper.
6月10日(金)午後2時30分 ET:「金曜日の円卓会議」
Andy Wakefield博士、Christiane Northrup博士、Jim Thorp博士、Brian Hooker、とリズマンパーLiz Mumper博士。
Monday, June 13 at Noon ET: “Tea Time” featuring women’s health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup who will answer questions from the public regarding infertility.
Tuesday, June 14 through Friday, June 17 at 10 a.m. ET: “Good Morning CHD” will feature Dr. Patrick Flynn, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky and a representative from CHD Africa.
Thursday, June 16 at 1:30 p.m. ET: “Doctors and Scientists” with Brian Hooker, Ph.D. will be joined by obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Jim Thorp.
6月16日(木)午後1時30分 ET:「医師と科学者」
ブライアンフッカー博士と 産婦人科医のジム・ソープ博士が参加します。
Wednesday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m. ET: “Against the Wind” with Dr. Paul Thomas will be joined by Dr. Andy Wakefield.
6月22日(水)午後1時30分 ET:「風に逆らって」
Watch on-demand “The Solution” with Dr. Tony O’Donnell interviewing Dr. Andy Wakefield.
“An abiding principle of ethical medical practice is that every patient has the right to fully informed, voluntary consent,” said Kennedy.
“We expose the WHO’s gross violation of this principle in its surreptitious campaign to prevent and abort pregnancies in millions of unsuspecting African women.
WHO led these women to believe that they were part of a public health program to protect their newborn babies.
This is a timely message that the WHO is not fit, on any level, to dictate global health policy.”
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