


2020年05月10日 10時57分33秒 | 百日咳のアスコルビン酸ナトリウム治療、スザンヌ・ハンフリーズ医師



Kidney Stones腎臓結石

A healthy person doesn’t need mega doses of ascorbate when they are healthy, but only in conditions when such doses are required.



22 Harri Hemila. 2006. “Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends”, Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.

23 DeMeo 2015, Adverse Events After Routing Immunization of Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants. JAMA Pediatrics, PMID:26030302

24 Luberoff BJ (1978) Symptomectomy with vitamin C: a chat with Robert Cathcart, MD. CHEMTECH 8:76-86

25 Cathcart 1985, Vitamin C: The Nontoxic, Nonrate-Limited, Antioxidant Free Radical Scavenger, Medical Hypotheses 18: 61-77.


Research shows case reports of oxalate crystal formation in the kidneys of people using high dose ascorbate for various illnesses and in health, but it is very rare and can be prevented.


Note that the presence of crystals in the urine does not mean stones will form.


The crystals have to precipitate and join together in order to make a stone.


Urine pH, citrate concentration, and other factors can control the joining together of crystal-forming elements into a stone.


Existing case reports that implicate ascorbate, do not necessarily prove ascorbate was the only factor.


People who have a condition known as primary oxalosis, are prone to form oxalate in the body.


Some people who have fat malabsorption absorb more oxalate from the intestine, and those people will have an underlying risk of oxalate stones.


If they ingest ascorbate, the ascorbate will usually be implicated, and in some cases it may contribute.


If kidney stones are a concern, check with your doctor.


If you have a history of kidney stones, please inform yourself of the risks and be sure to drink plenty of water and alkalize the urine.


(訳注: 小さなスプーン半分程度の重曹(炭酸水素ナトリウム)を空腹時に飲めば、尿だけでなく全身がアルカリ化される。)

I have yet to hear of or witness an infant with kidney trouble or stone formation at the time of or following ascorbate dosing.


Could it happen? Yes. It is possible.

それは起きる可能性はあるのでしょうか? あります。可能性はあります。

But when I see an infant blue in the face and know that ascorbate will help, it seems unethical to withhold the treatment.


If that same infant were septic, nobody would consider withholding antibiotics even though the chances of anaphylactic shock from antibiotics are about the same as, or higher than the chance of kidney stone formation from vitamin C in that infant.


In fact, antibiotics are routinely given to B. pertussis patients despite the lack of evidence that they do anything beneficial to the recipient, once the infection is well established.


I always tell parents that stone formation is a potential, but very low risk.


I don’t know of any parent who has considered not using ascorbate in their coughing infants, once they learn the physiologic benefit.


If there is concern about kidney stone formation, or kidney failure, do not take vitamin C or ascorbate without consulting your doctor.


In older children and adults, hydration with water and fresh lemon will alkalize and dilute the urine, making oxalate stone formation nearly impossible.



If there is a known history of a stone forming disorder called hyperoxaluria, then caution should be exercised.


However to be safest, keep the urine dilute and alkaline as oxalate stones form in acidic, concentrated urine.







『ひとめでわかる のんではいけない薬大事典、浜六郎(著) 出版社:金曜日(2017/6/27)』








痛風の傾向のあるお酒が好きな人への大切なアドバイスです。アルコールをのんだ後は、アルコールの利尿作用で(ビールでも)のんだ量よりも大量の尿が出るため脱水になり、尿酸が極端に出にくくなります。そのために、水をたっぷりとのむことが大切です。 水が大量の尿とともに尿酸を体外に排泄することで、血液中の尿酸の濃度を減らし、痛風を防ぐのです。しかし、アルコールののみすぎは禁物です。





(参考情報: 国立研究開発法人 国立成育医療研究センター内 小児慢性特定疾病情報センターグルコース-6-リン酸脱水素酵素欠乏症

https://www.shouman.jp/disease/details/09_08_016/ )


Anyone with a very rare disorder called Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PDD), which can cause anemia and red blood cells breaking open when certain foods and drugs are given, should not use mega doses of vitamin C, except under specialist care.


This issue as well as other toxicity issues are discussed in a previous BLOG26.


If you or your family has a history of anemia or G6PD deficiency, consult a doctor well informed in vitamin C immunobiology before taking vitamin C.


If I suspect there could be a family history, I always send for the blood test as early as possible.


People with this disorder can still take moderate doses of ascorbate when they are very ill.


The G6PD gene is carried on the X chromosome but women and girls can still have the disease, so don’t assume it is only a male issue.27



How Ascorbate worksアスコルビン酸塩はどのように作用するか

Ascorbate, being the anti-oxidant portion of whole vitamin C, is an electron donor, neutralizes toxins in the blood, and will stabilize the child.


If you are breastfeeding, you will have to take it yourself and/or give it to the child until the coughing stops.


It is better for you to give vitamin C directly to babies, rather than trying to guess how much is coming through breast milk.


Even if you take high doses, you will not get the dose you need into the baby.








The ascorbate will not kill the bacteria, but it will mobilize the neutrophils and phagocytes (the immune cells that process the infection), which grind to a halt without it, because ascorbate is their fuel 28,29.


The bacterial toxin forms a barrier to the immune system.


In using ascorbate, you are clearing out the barrier and allowing the immune system to get in and deal with the bacteria.


It could still take the whole 100 days to deal with the B. pertussis and start to regrow cilia—, but the child will have LESS serious symptoms, because you are keeping the body as clear of toxin as possible, and the immune pathways functioning properly.


My experience is that most people treated with ascorbate will not cough for the full 100 days, usually 50-75 and it is a very manageable situation, with one peak week being most difficult.


The functions of vitamin C and ascorbate in any toxin-mediated disease (which includes tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, Staph. aureus, Strep. A, meningococcal invasive disease, pneumococcal invasive disease, etc.), are numerous.


Three of the many fundamental functions of ascorbate are strengthening cellular and vascular collagen bonds, detoxifying the body, and keeping mitochondria running properly.



26 Humphries, Suzanne, Aug 3, 2012, “Why is nobody studying vitamin C in whooping cough?”



27 G6PDdeficiency.org http://g6pddeficiency.org/wp/g6pd-deficiency-home/women-with-g6pddeficiency/#.


28 Bozonet et.al 2015, Enhanced Human Neutrophil Vitamin C Status, Chemotaxis and Oxidant Generation

Following Dietary Supplementation with Vitamin C-Rich SunGold Kiwifruit, Nutrients, PMID:25912037

29 Schorah 1996 Total vitamin C, ascorbic acid, and dehydroascorbic acid concentrations in plasma of

critically ill patients.PMID:8615361



The very common reason why people who are ill for a long time have extreme lethargy—is lack of vitamin C30.


You can't have functioning mitochondria without ascorbate.


And it's no fluke that if a competent doctor tests babies after SIDS, they can often find undetectable vitamin C/ascorbate levels, and bone evidence of scurvy.

そして、有能な医師が乳幼児突然死症候群SIDSの後に赤ちゃんを検査する場合、彼らはしばしば検出不可能なビタミンC /アスコルビン酸の濃度と極度の壊血病の証拠を見つけることができるのは偶然ではありません。

Okamoto has found a reproducible experimental relationship between SIDS, ascorbate deficiency, and carnitine deficiency.31.



Here are a few functions of vitamin C, using whooping cough as the example:



O The front line function of vitamin C is to neutralize circulating toxin, which is then removed from the body before being able to destroy tissue and disrupt normal fatty acids and cell function.


With whooping cough, the body manages the toxin with its antioxidant reserves, until it runs out of antioxidants.


Then the toxin builds up, the cough intensifies, and there is breakthrough of toxin into the bloodstream.


In babies with subclinical scurvy, the blood brain barrier can weaken significantly—and result in toxin crossing into the brain.



O When a baby with whooping cough runs low on vitamin C, the mother may notice that the child's gums may go red around the edges—a first sign of scurvy.


Then the cough gets much worse, because the neutrophils become less functional.


The bacteria spreads deeper through the lungs, eroding the bronchial hairs, which means that instead of the mucus flowing up and recycling normally, it now pools at the bottom of the bronchi, and toxin rules the area.


At this point, ascorbate in large enough doses lowers the toxic load, but it won't stop the need to cough, because the hairs aren't intact, so the child still has to cough up that pooled mucus.


Ascorbate thins out the mucus, making it much easier for the child to expectorate, avoiding the blue or red in-the-face stage, because the mucus isn't as thick and moves up and out more easily.


However, because the mucus moves up quickly, you may get the odd “vomit” session, particularly if the child has just eaten food, or swallowed the mucus instead of coughing it out.


Vomiting, in my observation, seems to be a result of swallowed toxin-containing mucus in the stomach.



O Without adequate vitamin C, the integrity of the body's collagen intracellular bonds in blood vessels and capillaries start to weaken, and the child will get pink eyes from the cranial force, the lungs can start to become congested, and the blood-brain barrier can weaken, and become permeable.


Poor tissue strength will also contribute to the rare collapsed lung that the medical literature reports during whooping cough.



30 Sagun KC et al.2005. “Vitamin C enters mitochondria via facilitative glucose transporter 1 (Glut1) and

confers mitochondrial protection against oxidative injury.” FASEB J. Oct;19(12):1657-67 PMID 16195374.

31 Okamoto M. 2005. “Is sudden death with vitamin C deficiency caused by lack of carnitine?” J

Clin Forensic Med. Jan;13(1):26-9 PMID 16084747



O Vitamin C is a prolific antioxidant. Without it, the neutrophils and liver struggle to deal with the free radicals and toxins generated by the bacteria32.



O Vitamin C has a major role in mitochondrial function.


The patient can feel exhausted without adequate reserves, because carnitine won't pull fatty acids into the mitochondria, and thus mitochondria produce less energy.


Without ascorbate, the whole of the body's core functions gradually shut down, and if it is not replaced, there is only one result, and that is death.


You can toss everything else into a human body—every other good food or nutrient . . . but if there is no ascorbate, death will ensue.

他のすべてのものを人の体に投げ込むことができます。他のすべての良い食べ物や栄養素です。  しかし、アスコルビン酸塩がなければ、死が起こります。



General rules (not set in stone) 一般的なルール(厳格に定められていない)

If you are using ascorbate to bond to and neutralize toxins in whooping cough or any other disease, you must use as much as the body will soak up, to get all the functions going and complete the process.


Everything you put in is quickly utilized to join with exotoxin and flush it out; to keep the neutrophils moving around and dealing with waste; to keep the liver functioning well; to keep the mitochondria functioning properly; to keep the connective tissues intact; to cope with the coughing.

あなたが入れたものはすべてすぐに外毒素と結合し、それを洗い流すために利用されます。 好中球を移動させ、廃棄物を処理し続けるため。 肝臓の機能を良好に保つため; ミトコンドリアを適切に機能させ続けるため; 結合組織を無傷に保つため; 咳に対処するため。

Powdered and lipospheric sodium ascorbate are what you have to keep in the house.


It is available to you from your health food store or online from Amazon or iHerb.


The lipospheric ascorbate can be used by itself in exclusively breastfed infants.


Sometimes you will have to add powdered SA even to breastfed infants, when the bowels are sluggish.


Anyone eating food will need powdered sodium ascorbate because it gets down to the small bowel and colon where other bacteria live which also produce endotoxin.


Some people want to use IV ascorbate, with the idea that more is better and IV is better than oral ascorbate.


This is not true for most cases of whooping cough.


I have had people tell me they tried IV ascorbate and it had no impact on the cough.


There is a reason for that: The ascorbate, in anyone eating anything besides human milk, must get to the lower bowel to deal with everyday endotoxin production, and the pertussis exotoxin that is swallowed.


If a very young infant is in the ICU with well established and severe whooping cough, before I could get to treat them at home, I would recommend the doctors give one dose of IV ascorbate plus continuing oral ascorbate or nasogastric ascorbate dosing with close monitoring of urine output and kidney function.


I also would recommend administering IV hydration and continuing maternal milk either orally or through nasogastric tube.


But I would never use only IV without oral dosing.



32 Chatterjee et al. 2008. “Ascorbate sustains neutrophil NOS expression, catalysis, and oxidative burst.”

Free Radic Biol Med. Oct 15;45(8):1084-93. PMID 18675339


So if you are tempted to go get an IV treatment for an adult or teen go ahead, but know that it is probably not necessary and that oral ascorbate has always sufficed in my infant and toddler patients.


Dealing with endotoxin in the intestine by using powdered ascorbate, spares the liver having to take on that job, which it normally does.


The liver can then, more easily, deal with the other toxin being produced by the B. pertussis.


Powdered sodium ascorbate is going to be necessary for any infant drinking formula and anyone who is not exclusively breastfed.


Breastfeeding moms can express some breast milk into a cup, and put a pinch of sodium ascorbate powder into it, and mix it.


Then, using a plastic eyedropper, dribble this into the baby’s mouth gradually over a few minutes for each dose.


Don't squirt it in - just drip it in, bit by bit.


If your baby is formula fed, that baby will require more ascorbate than a breastfed baby, and it should be dosed in the formula over the day.


Liposomal ascorbate is the same chemical but embedded into a fatty layer that does not require the transporters in the bowel for absorption.


Therefore, it gets into the body differently and probably faster, using less of the body’s energy to bring it in.


It is really easy to dose infants because all you have to do is take your clean finger with a dab on it and swipe it inside the cheek.


Babies don’t love the taste but they tolerate it fine.


Infants as young as two weeks of age have been taking it with good effect.


Two week old infants usually require a whole 1000 mg sachet per day given in tiny dabs every 15-20 minutes and can require up to two sachets per day at peak of the cough.

2週齢の乳児は通常、1日あたり1000 mgの小袋を15〜20分ごとに小さな小滴で投与する必要があり、咳のピーク時に1日あたり最大2袋を必要とする場合があります。

For older children and adults, liposomal ascorbate taken just before bedtime reduces coughing at night, and can be used at the beginning of the cough, in order to boost the blood levels quickly.


It can also be taken in a bolus after a severe cough.


In one child who had mild underlying kidney issues, there was some swelling with high dose sodium ascorbate.


If that is an issue, ascorbic acid can be used with sodium ascorbate to cut down on the sodium.


You may need professional help if swelling becomes an issue.


It is very rare.それは非常に稀です。


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