


2020年05月10日 10時55分26秒 | 百日咳のアスコルビン酸ナトリウム治療、スザンヌ・ハンフリーズ医師




The whooping cough bacteria First let it be known that the species of bacteria responsible for whooping cough, Bordetella pertussis, has properties that not all bacteria have, and that is what makes it such a problem to deal with: It secretes several toxins, and has adapted to stick to the cells of the airway.

百日咳菌は、まず百日咳の原因菌であるBordetella pertussisには、すべての細菌が持っているわけではない特性があり、それに対処するのがこのような問題の原因となっていることを知っておいてください:それは、いくつかの毒素を分泌し、呼吸路の細胞に付着して順応します。


Those parts marked “Nonciliated cells” are the damaged ones.


They look like a lawn mower has cut them down.


Most of the respiratory tract lining (from the nose to the bronchi) is covered with hair-like (ciliated) epithelial cells.


The cilia beat in one direction, moving mucus towards the throat where it is swallowed.


Moving down the bronchi, the cells change in shape but are still ciliated.


In health, the bronchial hairs are moving mucus around all the time.


It is this continuous movement that keeps the airways free of invasion from pathogens.


If the lungs didn't do this, then we would not be able to get rid of the bacteria and viruses we breathe every day.


The lining mucus is part of the innate immune system and is loaded with immune globulins.


So you must keep the mucus moving, especially in a sick child.


Once the B. pertussis bacteria have a hold on the cilia, it secretes tracheal cytotoxin, which cuts the hairs off, stops them from beating, and destroys the cells underneath17.


The mucus then stops moving normally and instead, it pools deeper in the lungs.


Then it builds up, breathing becomes harder, and the body signals coughing to try to move the mucus out of the way, for proper breathing to occur.


As long as you keep the mucus moving, your baby should not get a secondary infection.


Ascorbate and good hydration will help to keep the mucus thin.


When you first start to use ascorbate, the mucus may thin out quickly and the person coughing may bring up large quantities of mucus in the first 24 hours.



17 Cookson, BT.,1989. “Primary structure of the peptidoglycan-derived tracheal cytotoxin of Bordetella Pertussis.” Biochemistry.Feb 21;28(4):1744-9 PMID 2541765



That is a sign of success.


There are two first-line bacterial toxins18; pertussis toxin (PTx) which stops the body from sending neutrophils (immune cells) to kill the bacteria, and Adenylate Cyclase Toxin (ACT).

第一線の細菌毒素は2つあります18。 体が好中球(免疫細胞)を送って細菌を殺すのを阻止する百日咳毒素(PTx)、およびアデニル酸シクラーゼ毒素(ACT)。


ACT inhibits the immune cell function and poisons the immune response19, acting as a “force-field” to shield the bacteria from the immune system while the bacteria start stripping the lung cilia off of the epithelial cells.


Vaccinated children cannot mount antibody to ACT20.


Ascorbate will help neutralize these toxins while the body is mounting a proper immune response, which takes weeks.


If the disease goes out of control, toxins can enter the blood stream and irritate the body.


If the baby's immune system is not so good, or the liver detoxification system is inhibited, then B. pertussis toxins can also get to the brain, but this is very rare.


This is one reason why 1 in 200 babies can die—their figures, which I am repeating back to you.


What is more likely is that 1 in 200 babies who have received standard medical treatment, or no ascorbate treatment whatsoever, might die.


These numbers are used to frighten parents into vaccinating, but the numbers are generated by counting children who’ve been treated conventionally, not by those of us who have successfully treated the infection in breastfeeding infants, with supportive care and ascorbate—at home.


Those children rarely land up in the hospital, and thus are not counted in the stats.


If the mucus is not coughed up, other bacteria can grow and cause a secondary bacterial infection, which doctors will want to treat with antibiotics.


It is believed that whooping cough can cause long-lasting lung problems, in rare cases.


Yes it can, if you treat it the way conventional doctors do, doing nothing other than antibiotics.


Just using antibiotics does not deal with the pooling mucus, or manage the cough, or deal with the toxins.


If you keep the mucus moving, there should be no further problems other than the cough itself.




Clinical scenario and diagnosis


Whooping cough has two stages.


The first stage, colonization, is like a minor cold, which can, but does not always increases in intensity over about a 10-day time frame.


Then it seems like the cold is gone and there is nothing to worry about.


The second or toxemic stage of B. pertussis begins gradually.



18 Carbonetti NH et al., 2005. “Pertussis Toxin and Adenylate Cyclase Toxin Provide a One-Two Punch for

Establishment of Bordetella Pertussis Infection of the Respiratory Tract.” Infect Immun. 2005

May;73(5):2698-703 PMID 15845471

19 Goodwin MS. 1990. “Adenylate Cyclase Toxin Is Critical for Colonization and Pertussis Toxin Is Critical

for Lethal Infection by Bordetella Pertussis in Infant Mice.” Infect Immun. 1990 Oct;58(10):3445-7. PMID


20 Ibid Goodwin


The child starts the odd cough, and after about two weeks, the cough starts to get strong, with prolonged and paroxysmal coughing that often(but not always) ends in a characteristic inspiratory gasp (whoop).


The cough is often more prominent at night.


If the cough changes, and becomes more of a bark, and more regular—developing a pattern at night of “every hour, on the hour”—then you have to consider that it could be whooping cough.


If you need a laboratory diagnosis, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and bacterial culture are both available.


Both have advantages and disadvantages.


The culture test is less reliable than a PCR test.


A negative test does not necessarily rule out B. pertussis.


Blood testing is sometimes used later in the cough, but most people get their diagnosis by the more reliable PCR method.


Read more about available testing on the CDC website.21

CDC Webサイトで利用可能なテストの詳細をお読みください。

Most parents benefit from confirming the diagnosis.


First off, you know exactly what you are dealing with, and recent contacts can be warned.


Secondly, you have a record of infection that can be used as evidence of immunity later.


The potential disadvantage of requesting a test is how you could be treated by the consulting doctor.


It is not uncommon for parents of both vaccinated and unvaccinated children, to diagnose the cough before the doctor does, and after the doctor has misdiagnosed and misprescribed multiple times.


The doctor surprisingly continues to deny parents the right to get their child tested.


Often, when this happens, the parents will go to another facility and get the test, which comes back positive.



As the cough becomes more severe, various stimuli can trigger it.


A classic way of diagnosis is to touch the middle of the tongue with your finger to see if this starts the cough.


Or if eating (i.e., passing food over the tongue) starts a cough, consider whooping cough.


If a child happens to be breathing in, as well as eating when the food touches the tongue, and the cough starts on the inhale, there is a possibility of food going down the wrong way.


If this happens, you may have to do a gentle push under the diaphragm to have them pass the food back up from the trachea.


Running around is another trigger.


If you watch the child, they go cough, cough, . . . cough, cough, cough, cough, cough (and at this point are starting to go pink in the face, and are starting to wonder when they can have an in-breath) cough, cough, and then right at the end, they stop coughing, and the in-breath is really fast, because they want to expand their lungs, and the result can be a “whoop.”

あなたが子供を見ると、彼らは咳をします。 咳、 咳、咳、咳、咳、咳(そしてこの時点で顔がピンク色になり始め、いつ息ができるか疑問になり始めます)咳、咳、そして最後に突然咳は止まります。そして彼らは肺を拡張したいと思っているので息をのむのは本当に速いです、そしてその結果は「ゼーゼーと息をする」ことになり得ます。

Older children don’t whoop much, if at all.



The early progression of cough:


The cough will become more regular and predictable, first at night.


You may get coughs every hour, on the hour.


This is because it takes around an hour for the mucus to pool deeper inside the lungs.



21 CDC last accessed August 24, 2017 https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/clinical/diagnostictesting/diagnosisconfirmation.



Usually parents start to suspect whooping cough once the cough becomes regular in the day as well.


If you suspect it is whooping cough, write down the time of each coughing spell at the beginning, to see if a pattern establishes.


This will help with diagnosis.



Why write it down? なぜ記録するのか?

Because life will become so hectic you won't be able to remember, and your paper pad will be your memory.


It will enable you to look back clearly, without panic, and see what the progression has been.


Once the cough is established, at the end of some coughs, fairly thick mucus might come up.


This is because the bacterial exotoxins have eroded most of the hairs in the bronchi that normally sweep the mucus up and around, like a non-stop river to keep the surfaces moist.


The earlier in the illness you start using the ascorbate, the fewer bronchial hairs will be lost.


Once bronchial hairs are lost, the cough sounds dry, and that's because the mucus membranes aren't being kept as regularly moist as normal.


Most children do not pool mucus, so long as they continually bring it up.


Healthy babies, toddlers, and older children with whooping cough look quite normal between the telltale coughing spells.




Taking care of the caretake世話をする人のケア

First, let’s talk about you, the parent.


Most people who find this article, have first been terror-stricken by the pronouncements of gloom over their coughing child, and the huge field of fear that exists in the general public.


They also may not believe that they can treat the cough without a doctor with a prescription pad, who may also chide them for not vaccinating.


If that describes you, then the first thing you need to do is take some deep breaths and think.


If at first, your emotional scale is off the Richter line, that is natural—it can happen to anyone.


But it doesn't help the child.


You need to stand back and analyze the situation clearly.


Get some paper and a pen.


Analyze when symptoms started by thinking backwards, and writing down the progression, working up from the bottom of a piece of paper.


Start writing about today, and leave spaces between each day as you write, because you would be amazed at what you remember and can fill in, as time goes by.


Fill as many sheets as you can, and when you have worked out when you think exposure was, number the pages from the beginning of the infection to now, then continue on writing down exactly what you see and hear each day.


(If you do need professional help, this written record becomes invaluable. Give them a copy to read.)



There are parents all around the world who know that any baby, at any age, can be managed if a mother is supported and knows what to do.


A rocking chair is a must for parents and caretakers to conserve their own energy, and be able to easily rock very young babies.


This will serve to keep the infant relaxed and the mucus moving.



Powdered sodium ascorbate is good for starting.


You should always have this in the house to treat many different external and internal conditions.


Make sure you get a non-GMO formulation.


I have the most experience with Nutribiotic brand sodium ascorbate.


DO NOT USE Ester-C OR Calcium Ascorbate.


When using the high doses necessary for most illnesses, nobody needs that much calcium.


Besides which, the intestines transport the ascorbate into the body using sodium transporters and for that reason, sodium ascorbate is more compatible biomedically.


Caretakers/parents will find whooping cough stressful.


The stress can also take a toll on your health.


Eat well, and if you feel you need it, you can take a large dose (one tablespoon) of cod liver oil or omega-3 fatty acid, and 5-10 grams of ascorbate spread out over waking hours.


If you are coughing or under a lot of stress, it may also be a good idea to give yourself a loading dose of 5 grams in half a glass of water.


If this gives you loose bowels, cut the dose back.


Mix the sodium ascorbate in whatever volume of water works best for you and split it into maybe 4 doses through the day for YOU the adult.


You can also make a concentrated shot, or even dilute it much more, depending on how well you tolerate the salty feeling.


Regardless of how you take the powder, you must stay hydrated with plain water all day long, especially starting in the morning when your urine is most concentrated.


Hydration is important for babies too.


There is one important key for breastfeeding mothers, which I've seen happen numerous times, especially if you, the mother, have whooping cough.


YOU need to keep your ascorbate levels consistently high all day and night, because if you don't, your exotoxin can pass on to the baby through your milk.


So, you must efficiently neutralize the toxin in your own body.




Types of ascorbate to have on hand入手すべきアスコルビン酸塩の種類

Sodium ascorbate crystalline from a non-GMO source.


I recommend Nutribiotic brand available from amazon or iherb.


Liposomal sodium ascorbate.


I recommend Livon labs brand lipospheric sodium ascorbate, available from Amazon and iHerb.

AmazonとiHerbから入手できるLivon labsブランドの脂肪球アスコルビン酸ナトリウムをお勧めします。

Note that this is a soy-based product and also contains 12%, about 1/8th teaspoon per pack.


Even so, I have not had any problems administering it to very young babies.


For non-soy sensitive children it is ideal.


If the child or mother are known to be soy-sensitive, you can locate a sunflower oil based product instead.


A more recent discovery of mine was Sufficient-C brand ascorbic acid.


The benefit of this brand is that it tastes amazing.


It is a bit more expensive than nutribiotic SA and it is AA not SA, but I recommend you use it for older children and older toddlers who are weaned from breast milk IF you have to give very high doses of PSA or LSA.


Why? なぜですか?

Because you can hide the PSA and LSA in it.


I have yet to see one adult or child say they didn’t love this brand of ascorbic acid.


Best of all, it is sweetened with stevia and nothing harmful. It also contains caffeine free green tea extract, L-lysine and bromelain.


You can use a 50:50 PSA and Sufficient-C combination, or add some LSA to the sufficient-C to hide the taste of the LSA.

50:50 PSAとSufficient-Cの組み合わせを使用するか、十分なCにLSAを追加して、LSAの味を隠すことができます。

The owner is lovely and will offer a discount for larger orders.



General care of the child子供の世話

Watch the child carefully throughout the day, and write down everything, including how you are feeling.


If the child feels hot, go ahead take the temperature.


Under no circumstances use cough suppressants of any kind, or acetaminophen, fever reducers, or cold medicines.


Parents have been conditioned to fear fever, but fever is the body’s innate mechanism to deal with disease.

両親は熱を恐れるように条件付けられてきましたが、しかし、熱は病気に対処するための体の先天的なメカニズムです。(訳注: 体は、熱を出して感染した菌を殺す)

However, know that whooping cough bacteria do not permeate into the blood and fevers are not usual in any phase of whooping cough.


If the temperature is above normal, other infections should be considered.


I have never seen an secondary infection in ascorbate treated children, but in conventionally treated people this can happen, most probably as a result of subclinical scurvy, white blood cell underfunction, and antibiotic use which can skew the microbiome.


Let the child play at home but if they run or exert themselves, they will have a cough.


Keep the child away from susceptible people, pregnant women, and siblings of very young babies until they are no longer contagious.


Contagion in naturally treated children is between 3 and 6 weeks.


If the cough is still roaring at 4 weeks, assume the child is still contagious, unless they’ve tested negative.



Vitamin C toxicity? ビタミンCの毒性

In the wake of pharmaceutical disaster after disaster in all areas of medicine, it is ironic that there is even discussion of a toxicity level for vitamin C –especially for a sick person.


Vitamin C is never a poison in the body, because so many functions of the body require it, and whenever you take too much, you will have an episode of loose bowels, as the excess is removed from the body.


This is how you know you’ve had more than enough.


For anyone to consider that vitamin C would have toxicity means that they have limited understanding of the various roles that it has in the body.


There is a huge mass of research literature supporting the truth that vitamin C is nontoxic and safe in indicated circumstances, even in mega dose quantities.


There is much evidence indicating that vitamin C metabolism changes during infections and this may change the relationship between doses and adverse effects22 if you are burning through vitamin C.


Because your body is requiring more and more, and using huge amounts of it, you will not suffer from toxicity.


You will suffer if you don’t use vitamin C.


One of the biggest problems, especially in toxin-producing illnesses like B. pertussis, is that people are hesitant to use the high doses that are needed.


They have been brainwashed about how dangerous ascorbate is in large doses.


They see 20-30 Grams for an adult or 5 -10 grams for a child as an outrageous amount.


These seemingly high doses of ascorbate are often only just enough to keep up, because the body will use it up very rapidly as it works to cope with ongoing toxin production, along with the resultant oxidative stress.


It's like pouring water into a bucket with leaking holes.


The vitamin C intake has to increase to keep up with the body’s need for it.


Nobody has ever died of a vitamin C or synthetic ascorbate overdose.


The LD50 is a convention used to represent the lethal dose for 50% of a tested population.


The LD50 for ascorbate is 11,900 mg/kg, for table salt 3000, acetaminophen 1944, aspirin, 200, caffeine 192 mg/kg.

アスコルビン酸のLD50は11,900 mg / kg、食卓塩3000、アセトアミノフェン1944、アスピリン、200、カフェイン192 mg/kgです。

Think about that for a bit. Nobody would think twice before using aggressive caffeine therapy on a premature baby who had respiratory depression after a vaccine23, or aspirin and acetaminophen for any aches pains or acetaminophen for fever.

少し考えてみてください。 ワクチンの後に呼吸抑制があった未熟児に積極的なカフェイン療法を使用したり、痛みにアスピリンとアセトアミノフェンを、発熱にアセトアミノフェンを使用したりする前に、誰も思い直したりしません。

Why the concern about vitamin C/ascorbate? Ignorance.

なぜビタミンC /アスコルビン酸塩についての懸念なのでしょうか? 無知だからです。

It has been reported24,25 that people with serious infections can ingest over 50 g/day of vitamin C without gastric problems.

深刻な感染症の人々が胃の問題なしに50g /日以上のビタミンCを摂取できることが報告されています24,25。

This same principle whereby the use of a substance acutely needed by the body will not cause toxicity, applies to a few other nutrients during infection, like vitamin A.


You can give a child with measles vitamin A in doses that would normally be considered toxic, because the action of the measles virus pulls vitamin A out of the body hand over fist.


All you are doing, is replacing what the infection in the body is mining.


Therefore, in the context of measles, high doses of vitamin A will not be toxic.



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