

2 2017年の論説 新しいワクチンは依然として自閉症を引き起こす 米国政府はそれを認識

2023年09月07日 16時40分37秒 | ワクチンと自閉症の関係の科学的分析 グローバルリサーチ

2 2017年の論説 新しいワクチンは依然として自閉症を引き起こす 米国政府はそれを認識


The second method is in vitro studies that investigate a substance’s toxicity to cells or tissue in an artificial environment, such as a cultured medium, which are factually known to be related to a serious health or neurological.

2 番目の方法は、培養培地などの人工環境における細胞または組織に対する物質の毒性を調査する in vitro 研究であり、深刻な健康または神経学的症状に関連することが事実として知られています。

One critically important in vitro study observed thimerosal’s direct association with the deterioration of mitochondria in human brain cells.

ある非常に重要な in vitro 研究では、チメロサールと人間の脳細胞のミトコンドリアの劣化との直接的な関連が観察されました。


In a 2012 issue of the Journal of Toxicology, neuroscientists at the prestigious Methodist Hospital Medical Center in Houston published their investigation into thimerosal’s toxicological effects upon mitochondria in human astrocyte cells.

Journal of Toxicology の 2012 年号で、ヒューストンの名門メソジスト病院医療センターの神経科学者は、人アストロサイト細胞のミトコンドリアに対するチメロサールの毒性作用に関する研究を発表しました。

Astrocytes are the most abundant cells found in the human brain and are critical for maintaining normal, healthy blood-brain barrier function. 


The researchers observed that vaccine ethylmercury, which is more lipophilic (able to cross the blood-brain barrier) than methylmercury, is readily taken up by the astrocyte’s mitochondria, thereby disrupting the cell’s respiratory functions and eventually leading to cell death.


The researchers observed that astrocytes, when exposed to thimerosal, exhibited extreme signs of oxidation and “highly damaged mitochondrial DNA.”[5]


This study seems to provide biological evidence to support claims that thimerosal is very likely associated with some incidences of autism.



The influenza vaccine, which continues to use a high mercury level, and the MMR are the two most cited vaccines associated with autism.

高濃度の水銀を使用し続けているインフルエンザ ワクチンと MMR は、自閉症に関連して最もよく引用されている 2 つのワクチンです。

Yet studies point to other vaccines as well. 


Doctors at Stony Brook University’s Medical Center determined that male infants vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine prior to 1999 have a three-fold higher autism rather.


The risk was greater among non-white boys.


During the first four year period of the study—between 1997 and 2000—thimerosal was stilled used as a preservative in the Hepatitis vaccine.[6]

研究の最初の 4 年間、1997 年から 2000 年までの間、チメロサールは依然として肝炎ワクチンの防腐剤として使用されていました。

Although significant attention is being placed upon the presence of thimerosal in vaccines, most vaccines no longer contain the mercury preservative. 


By 2001, except for the influenza vaccine, mercury has been either completely removed or present only in trace amounts for all other vaccines given to children under the age 6 months.

2001 年までに、インフルエンザ ワクチンを除いて、生後 6 か月未満の子供に投与される他のすべてのワクチンから水銀は完全に除去されるか、または微量にのみ存在するようになりました。

One would therefore expect that autism rates would noticeably decrease; however, the opposite has been the case.

したがって、自閉症率は著しく減少すると予想されるでしょう。 しかし、実際はその逆です。

Since 2001, autism continues to steadily rise annually.

2001 年以来、自閉症は毎年着実に増加し続けています。


The CDC argues that this proves thimerosal is not the culprit.


It ignores a 2012 Australian study published in the journal Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry that there is a direct maternal transfer of ethylmercury from pregnant mothers to the embryo/fetus.[7] 

これは、妊娠中の母親から肺児/胎児へのエチル水銀の直接母体移行があるという、雑誌『Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry』に発表された 2012 年のオーストラリアの研究を無視しています。[7]

It remains American federal health policy for pregnant women to receive the flu shot that contains 25 mg of mercury. 

米国の連邦保健政策では、妊婦が水銀 25 mg を含むインフルエンザの予防接種を受けることが依然として定められています。

But vaccinations’ association with neurodegenerative conditions was never solely about thimerosal.


Another culpable ingredient now conventionally used in most childhood vaccinations, and also associated with adverse neurological effects is the adjuvant aluminum. 


Since 2000, as thimerosal was being phased out, the aluminum adjuvant burden has increased.[8]

2000 年以降、チメロサールが段階的に廃止されるにつれて、アルミニウムアジュバントの負担が増加しました。[8]


Similar to thimerosal, aluminum is a heavy metal that contributes to oxidative stress leading to neuroinflammation and microgliosis, an intense adverse reaction of the central nervous system microglia that leads to a pathogenic results characteristic in some ASD conditions.[9] 


The National Library of Medicine lists over 2,000 references about aluminum’s toxicity to human biochemistry. 

国立医学図書館には、人間の生化学に対するアルミニウムの毒性に関する 2,000 件を超える参考文献がリストされています。

Aluminum’s dangers, often found as alum or aluminum hydroxide in vaccines and food preparations, have been known since 1912, when the first director of the FDA, Dr. Harvey Wiley, later resigned in disgust over its commercial use in food canning; he was also among the first government officials to ever warn about tobacco’s cancer risks back in 1927.[10]

アルミニウムの危険性は、ミョウバンや水酸化アルミニウムとしてワクチンや食品に含まれることが多いが、1912年にFDAの初代長官ハーベイ・ワイリー博士が食品缶詰への商業利用に嫌悪感を抱いて辞任して以来知られていた。 彼は1927年にタバコの発がんリスクについて警告した最初の政府高官の一人でもあった[10]。


A common argument against vaccine opponents who blame aluminum for a variety of health conditions, including autism, is that the metal is the third most prevalent element found on earth. 


What they fail to acknowledge is our gastric-intestinal system is rather impervious to aluminum absorption. 


About 2% of orally consumed aluminum from the environment is actually absorbed and much of this is later expelled from the body by other means. 

環境から経口摂取されたアルミニウムの約 2% が実際に吸収され、その多くは後に他の手段によって体外に排出されます。

However, injectable and intravenous aluminum compounds directly entering the bloodstream are a completely different matter.


And this is why the use of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines carries a high neurodegenerative and autism risk. 


Aluminum neurotoxicity in preterm infants after intravenous feeding, which then contained alum, was observed back in 1997 and reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.[11]


Thirty-nine percent of infants receiving aluminum-containing solutions developed learning problems upon entering schools compared to those receiving aluminum-free solutions.

アルミニウムを含む溶液を受けた幼児の 39 パーセントは、アルミニウムを含まない溶液を受けた幼児と比較して、学校入学時に学習上の問題を発症しました。


Drs. Christopher Shaw and Lucjia Tomljenovic at the Neural Dynamics group at the University of British Columbia have conducted the most extensive research to date in order to determine the neurotoxicological effects of vaccine aluminum, and its correlation with the rise of autism spectrum disorders.


There is already a strong correlation between children in countries with the highest autism rates and the amount of vaccine aluminum exposure.


The maximum amount of aluminum permitted in a single vaccine dose is 850 mg.

ワクチンの 1 回の投与で許可されるアルミニウムの最大量は 850 mg です。

However the FDA established this measurement based upon the amount necessary to trigger the vaccine’s antigenicity rather than toxic concerns about safety.

しかし、FDA は安全性に対する毒性の懸念ではなく、ワクチンの抗原性を引き起こすのに必要な量に基づいてこの測定値を確立しました。

In an earlier study published in the journal of Neuromolecular Medicine, Dr. Shaw and his team demonstrated that the extreme toxicity of aluminum adjuvant contributed to motor neuron death associated with Gulf War illness.[12]

Journal of Neuromolecular Medicine に掲載された以前の研究で、ショー博士と彼のチームは、アルミニウムアジュバントの極度の毒性が湾岸戦争病に関連する運動ニューロン死の一因であることを実証しました


Another recent 2012 study carried out at MIT and published in the journal Entropy that requires serious further investigation is potentially a combination of aluminum adjuvant and acetaminophen, or tylenol, and the onset of autism.


(訳注: アセトアミノフェンによる自閉症(3)を参照)

This was noted especially in children receiving the MMR and Hepatitis B vaccines.

これは、MMR ワクチンと B 型肝炎ワクチンを受けた小児で特に顕著でした。

Both of these vaccines have high incidence of spiking high fevers following administration. 


It is common practice for parents to administer children’s Tylenol to counter vaccine-induced fevers.


Although this study was not biologic, rather a review and analysis of vaccine injury data from the CDC’s VAERS database.

この研究は生物学的研究ではなく、むしろ CDC の VAERS データベースからのワクチン損傷データのレビューと分析でした。

Remaining inconclusive, the study does identify raise an important observation that may explain why autism rates show no sign of decline.[13]



Some of the research to discover aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines toxic levels and their adverse effects have found the following:


・Aluminum inflicts strong neurotoxicity on primary neurons.[14]


・Aluminum-laced vaccines increase the aluminum levels in murine brain tissue leading to neurotoxicity.[15]

・アルミニウムを含むワクチンは、マウスの脳組織内のアルミニウムレベルを増加させ、神経毒性を引き起こします。 [15]

・Aluminum hydroxide, the most common form of adjuvant used in vaccines deposits mostly in the kidney, liver and brain.[16]


・Long term exposure to vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide (which is today an ingredient in almost all vaccines) results in macrophagic myofastitis lesions.[17]



Vaccine opponents for a long time have focused upon non viral ingredients in vaccines.


This has led to a sizeable faction within this community claiming to be pro-vaccine but demanding safer vaccines.


According to this argument, simply removing the toxic ingredients such as thimerosal, aluminum, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde and others will make vaccination safe.


However this denies other vaccine risks. 


Significant contamination of vaccine formulas during the manufacturing process is one serious threat that the vaccine industry has no solution to prevent.

製造プロセス中のワクチン製剤の重大な汚染は、ワクチン業界が防ぐ解決策を持たない深刻な脅威の 1 つです。

Today, the fact that a vaccine is likely contaminated with foreign DNA and genetic fragments is a given. 

今日では、ワクチンが外来の DNA や遺伝子断片に汚染されている可能性が高いという事実は当然のことです。

The biomolecular and neuronal risks from genetic contamination remains a no-man’s land and federal officials have barely begun to tackle this problem.



In addition, since 2000, advancements in virology are now identifying serious risks to the viruses and viral components in the vaccines themselves.

さらに、2000 年以降、ウイルス学の進歩により、ワクチン自体のウイルスおよびウイルス成分に対する重大なリスクが特定されています。

Other factors increasing vaccination risk include abnormal immunological reactions in response to vaccination. 



In 2002, researchers at Utah State University conducted a serological study of elevated measles antibodies and myelin basic protein (MBP) autoantibodies from 125 autistic children and 92 children in a normal control group.


MBP has been identified as playing a significant  role in the onset of autism. Ninety percent of the MMR antibody positive autistic children were also positive for MBP autoantibodies.

MBP は自閉症の発症に重要な役割を果たしていることが確認されています。 MMR抗体陽性の自閉症児の90%はMBP自己抗体も陽性でした。

The researchers concluded that “an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to the pathogenesis of autism.[18]


It is well known that in addition to metals such as mercury and aluminum, viral infections also cause oxidative stress that decreases methylation capacity common in autism.[19]



Although not an extended longitudinal study and with a limited number of participants, Dr. J Bradstreet el al detected genomic RNA from the vaccine’s measles virus in the cerebrospinal fluid of children with regressive autism or autistic encephalopathy (AE).

長期にわたる縦断的研究ではなく、参加者数も限られていたが、J Bradstreet博士らは、退行性自閉症または自閉症脳症(AE)の子供の脳脊髄液からワクチンの麻疹ウイルスのゲノムRNAを検出した。

In addition each child had concomitant gastrointestinal symptoms previously observed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield at the Royal Hospital London in the 1990s.[20]



According to the World Health Organization, the US ranks 39th in the overall health of its population.

世界保健機関によると、米国は人口全体の健康状態で 39 位にランクされています。

A large proportion of this ranking is contributed to the failing health American children, with autistic and neuro-developmental disorders soon reaching 1 in 50.

このランキングの大部分はアメリカの子供たちの健康状態の悪化に寄与しており、自閉症や神経発達障害は間もなく 50 人に 1 人に達します。


The public needs to demand a national debate between those who advocate for mandatory vaccination and those who challenge them.


More than ever before it is imperative to have this dialogue as privately controlled interests infiltrate the halls of state legislators to lobby for state-wide mandates.


It is highly predictable that autism rates will escalate as more vaccines come to market and states mandate the CDC’s vaccination schedule.


The public needs to be educated about the science and ultimately decide for themselves. In a real democracy, an informed patient should have the freedom of choice in making his or her own health decisions.

国民は科学について教育を受け、最終的には自分たちで判断する必要があります。 本当の民主主義では、十分な情報を得た患者が自らの健康に関する決定を下す選択の自由を有するべきです。

Today, there is no honest debate, no informed consent, no real science, no transparency of vaccine research, and no accurate statistics. Instead, we have federal health agencies, such as the CDC, on its own website, making false claims, advocating fake news.

今日、誠実な議論、インフォームドコンセント、本当の科学、ワクチン研究の透明性、そして正確な統計は存在しません。 その代わりに、CDCなどの連邦保健機関が独自のウェブサイトで虚偽の主張をし、フェイクニュースを主張しています。

Finally, it is worse that the powers of federal and state governments are being used to mandate the enforcement of vaccination in a totalitarian manner upon its citizens.


This is not democracy, this is medical tyranny.



Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Richard Gale は、Progressive Radio Network のエグゼクティブ プロデューサーであり、バイオテクノロジーおよびゲノム産業の元上級研究アナリストです。

Dr. Gary Null is the host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on nutrition and natural health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including Autism: Made in the USA, War on Health: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny and Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccination.


「自閉症: Made in the USA」、「健康との戦い: FDA の専制カルト」、「サイレント・エピデミック: ワクチンの語られない物語」など。


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