

Those heart-warming scenes

2020-09-23 17:18:35 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Those heart-warming scenes,文章讲述那是一个寒冷的冬天的下午,风很大,有小雪。我在购物中心里走来走去,发现一个中年男子和他的小儿子蹲在汽车旁边,看着汽车下方狭窄的空间,彼此的声音很小。出于好奇,我朝他们走去,以便我可以仔细观察。最终,我看到一只猫安静地,安静地睡在那辆车下。我和那人交谈,知道父亲和儿子刚从购物中心出来,正要开车回家,那是他们在车下找到熟睡的猫的那一刻。毫无疑问,现在开车离开会惊吓甚至伤害猫。父亲和儿子只是在讨论该怎么做。


There are a variety of things we can do to make the world warmer and more harmonious. Some of the things, small as they may be, will make a great difference to any living creature that is helped by us. Just a few days ago, I observed a warm and moving scene, in which the deeds of a father and his son to a small lonely feral cat, which moved me deeply.

It was on a cold winter afternoon, the wind was fierce and there was light snow. I was walking around a shopping center when I noticed a middle-aged man and his young son squatting beside a car, looking into the narrow space under the car and talking with each other in a quite small voice. Out of my curiosity, I walked up towards them so that I could have a closer observation. Finally I saw there was a little cat sleeping under that car, quietly and peacefully. I talked to the man and knew that the father and the son just came out from the shopping mall and was about to drive their car home, and that was the moment they found the sleeping cat under their car. There is no doubt that driving their car away now would startle or even hurt the cat. And the father and the son were just discussing what to do. After a while, they stood up and walked towards a grocery store, and soon went out with a box of milk and sausage. The father gently fondled and woke up the cat, then carried the cat beside a tree. The son hurried into their car and took out an old cushion, a comfortable new bed for the feral cat! On that cold windy afternoon, there appeared a cozy picture: a little feral cat lying on a cushion, and enjoying her warm lunch, a sausage and a box of milk.

Seeing such a scene, my heart was filled with a certain kind of complex feeling and thought. It is not an uncommon thing to see feral cats and dogs on the street. How many times have we ever thought that they might have been starved for several days? Or might they be just be abandoned by their masters and lost their home even parents or children? Or even worse, they might be suffering from certain diseases and would die soon! Unfortunately however, for most of the times, we just go away after having a glance of them.

The deeds of the father and the son to the little feral cat reminded me that there are, indeed, a number of things we can do to warm our world. Perhaps for most of us, to buy a box of milk and a sausage is such a small thing that may easily forgotten by us. However, only a few of people choose to do it when faced with such situations. I used to see some people driving fast on the road, when a small creature, a cat, a dog, or a bird, happened to run onto the road and stopped in the way in front of them, they even would not bother to stop their car, but just drive directly, hurting or even killing those innocent lives. Since we are all living creatures on the earth, and we are all residents in our common home, why is it that some people’s hearts could be so cruel and cold?

I was not the only person who saw the scene at that time. Actually, what the father and the son did attracted many people’s eyes. Although there were still some people considered it a bothering thing to help the feral cat; most of them still showed their admiration to the pair of father and son. I believe, that is where the meaning of such good deeds lies. That is, to arose and waken up the kindness and sympathy that lying deep in people’s hearts.

Of course, this is only one of the things people can do to help small creatures and warm our world. If we observe our life carefully with a heart of love, we can find a variety of opportunities where we can contribute out efforts. The observation of one thing may create a new starting point of a long journey, and that is the greatest significance of this single deed.

Everyone owns a heart of love. As long as we observe our world carefully and sincerely offer our help to those who need it, our action of kindness, small as it may be, will make a big difference after continuous insistence. Our world will sure to become much warmer and more harmonious.




The media does play an important role in shaping our lives

2020-09-23 17:11:17 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The media does play an important role in shaping our lives,文章讲述在很大程度上,媒体在塑造我们的生活中确实起着重要作用,尤其是在这样的先进社会中。当我还是个孩子的时候,广告似乎并不那么受欢迎。我不记得了,因为当我们打开电视机或沿着街道行走时,突然到处都是,除非我们睡着了。我清楚地记得,在我小时候和父母一起看电影的时候,电影中没有太多的渗透广告,但是现在我无法在剧院里找到没有广告的电影。但是,我认为媒体造就了我们有点夸张。我不能否认媒体对人们的生活方式产生了巨大影响,但是每个人都是一个独立的个体,除非他或她在某种程度上没有得到充分发展,否则他们将拥有独立的判断力。因此,只有我们坚持自己的信念或基本原则,才有可能避免媒体的操纵。


Barnouw ends The Sponsor with “While we make our media, our media make us”, which is an insightful opinion to me. Simply, I think it means that we invent media but media makes big influence on what kind of a person we turn into.

To much extent, media does play an important role in shaping our lives, especially in such advanced societies. When I was a kid, advertising seemed not so popular. I don’t remember since when it suddenly appeared everywhere whenever we opened the TV sets or walked along the street except when we were asleep. I clearly remember there were not so many permeated ads during films when I was a kid watching movies with my parents, but now I can’t find a single movie without ads in the theatre. However, I think it’s a little big exaggerating to say that media make us. I can’t deny that media have huge impact in people’s way of life, but every person is an independent individual, who is endowed with independent judgement unless he or she is not fully developed in some way. So only if we are insistent in our own beliefs or basic principles, it’s not hard to avoid media’s manipulation.

Barnouw criticized media successfully revised “Our traditional tenets of our society” (98). He thinks that “the preemption of the schedule for commercials ends has put lethal pressure on other values and interests” (95). The popularity of advertising industry totally changed our traditional when various kinds of products were produced to turn whatever natural things into unnatural while others products were created again to correct the unnaturalness. To Barnouw, it’s ridiculous for people with curly hair to straighten hair while straight-hair ones to curl their hair. I am very impressed by the example. When China first began the opening and reforming policy, many female flushed to the barber shops to curl their hair and dye them into blonde. All of  a sudden, blonde or red hair were the features of fashion. Now black hair gradually becomes the main stream in China.

I also think that Barnouw’s criticism still applies in relation to today’s media environment and even applies in a more deeper level. I assume Guangzhou Evergrande F.C. is not a too strange football team to the world since it made such a breakthrough in China’s football history by winning the first place last year. I myself am not a big fan of football but an ad of Evergrande ice water has left me the most impression. It says Evergrande is not a maker of purified water but a porter of the Grand Nature, then the ad shows us a film of an engineer searching water in a famous snowy mountain. It’s just like what Barnouw says in the book --Human beings first have very healthy water to drink but most of the water is polluted because of the industrial development, but now, please don’t worry, because Evergrande will help correct it!


It’s true we think we control what we watch but somehow we are controlled by the sponsors. I totally agree with you that sometimes we are allured to buy stuff before we realize it and many advertisements directly influence how we live our lives. It’s also annoying even if we choose not to watch the ads but they would be directly sent to us without our permission. However, I don’t quite agree with “what we must fault is the fact the system”, which you cite from the book. I do think the sponsors and the broadcasters depend on each other to survive in many ways, but I don’t think the system is the only to blame. In my opinion, the system is also the product of human beings. So every party involved shoulders the same responsibility.




Personal development discussion

2020-09-23 17:08:47 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Personal development discussion,文章讲述我打算学习的专业是会计,而我的动力是我从小以来对商业的一贯兴趣的结果,我出生在一个家庭,对商业的教育程度很高。小时候,我经常从父亲和叔叔那里听到与生意有密切关系的故事,我的叔叔是一个自营职业的企业家,专门从事服装业,在他的桌子上堆放着会计帐簿,这令我感到困惑,后来又对诸如股票购买和交付之类的含义产生了好奇,现在,它是一组数字和符号,可以最大限度地减少成本并实现利润最大化。



My intended major is Accounting, Finance, or Economics, and my  motivation for it is the result of my consistent interests in business since my childhood. I was born in a family, in which business education was highly regarded. When I was a little kids, I often heard from my father and uncles of the stories with close relation to the business.  My uncle was a self-employed entrepreneurs, specializing in the clothing industry , and on his desk pile up stacks of accounting books. It was puzzlement to me,. and later was curiosity over the meaning behind, such as stock purchasing and delivery, Now, it is a set of numbers and symbols that makes possible of minimizing costs and maximizing profits.  On the other hand, both my father and mother used to be the management of companies, and especially my mother, who used to be advertising promotion manager, HR manager, market manager, store manager, financial manager, etc. Over our daily communication, business topics are usually mentioned. They are my source of my interests in business, and also the collection of inform study of business,


Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?

I am a pain taker with a strong will power. I have once participated in a community volunteer work in doing tiring labor works. I have also sent out leaflets on the street for an entire week. Previously, I participated in those activities because I would like to taste the hardship that the ordinary people had. When I started to give them a try, the fist feeling that overflew inside was juts to give up, and enjoy your cozy and sweat bedroom. But I insisted on,  even though the prize was just my half-month pocket money. But I want to say to give up halfway is never who I am. Another thing that could shed light on it is the continuous progress I made in practicing the flute. I started to learn it when I was a little boy, but the process for a new learner was really tough. I had to first recognize the musical notations, and associate them with the way how flute was played. But inside me was always a voice, telling me to insist, and keeping practicing. Therefore, I stood myself out, and won champions in competitions of several times. Nevertheless, wards are not I am after, but the process of sweats, and reaping what I sow.


I am also a person ready to embrace new things, and that is why I keep myself learning new things, from Japanese, Korean, to the basics of Spanish Language. I also taught myself the piano, the Chinese zither, guitar, and other musical instruments.. I think the direct result of such an attitude is the all-rounded development of me.


I am an independent young man, and I think I inherit it from my father. When I was a little boy, I was encouraged to wash by myself, install computer systems by myself, switch lightening bulbs by myself, fix electrical wires by myself, etc. That is why I could become instantly adapted to the studying and living in an exotic land.


Last but not least, I am outgoing and helpful young man with a lot of friends. I am always willing to share with my teammates what I am thinking about. During my high school and college period, I had once a good job in cooperating and coordinating with other team mates. I was also a competent organizer, the team that I have once cooperated with has a very high efficiency, and under my presence and my assignment, everyone has find out the place suitable to his or her own. That is the essence of teamwork.




A potential El Nino phenomenon

2020-09-23 17:05:42 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- A potential El Nino phenomenon,文章讲述从美国北部中心2014-15冬季的三个天气预报中,可以发现参考文献1提到冬季的平均温度将低于或等于上一个冬季,并且会有更多的降雪。参考文献2提到即将到来的冬天将会有更多的降雨,更多的积雪。平均温度会更低。参考文献3提到平均温度将等于上一个冬天,并且会有更多的降雪。


From the three 2014-15 Winter season forecast for the North Center US, it is similar to find that the reference 1 mentions that the average temperature of the winter season will be below or equal to the last winter and will have more snow. Reference 2 mentions the coming winter will have more rain, more snow. The average temperature will be lower. Reference 3 mentions that the average temperature will be equal to the last winter and will have more snow.

These forecasts use some dates of the winter seasons climate before to get the indication of the coming winter season. With the help of dates, some maps which indicates the possible temperature are shown. Meanwhile, some experience will be used to get the forecasts. These forecasts which predicted last winter season have some correct indication. But they could not think that the last winter was so cold to imagine. So it is not accurate to get the forecast of the coming winter season. But it can give some information about the coming season, which is important for the people’s daily life.

As is known to all, in this year, all of us have experienced the frigid, bitterly cold and snow-filled winter. It lacks heat and the average temperature of this year is comparatively lower than before. How will it be in the coming winter? Will it be colder or warmer than before?

According to the dates in temperature of this year, it is clear to find that how it is colder than before. The average temperature of this year is lower. So I think the coming winter season will be the same as the last winter. But it may have more rain and snow. We remember clearly that in the last winter season, it is lack of rain. Many parts of the country were dry. But in this year, so far for now, we have experienced some big storms which impress us a lot. So I think the coming winter season will continue and the average level of water will be more than the last winter season. So the coldest outbreak of the season will come during the final week of January into the beginning of February, when frigid arctic air drops temperatures across the Northern Plains. What’s more, as the frigid air blows across the Great Lakes, snow showers and squalls will drop heavy amounts of snow to the lee of the Lakes.

From the references, we can find that the potential El Niño is an uncertain element. It shakes up climate around the world, changing rain and temperature patterns. El Niños are usually strongest from December to April, but there’s no guarantee that we will see one this winter. We’ll just have to wait and see, but in the meantime, I suggest you stock up on firewood, sweaters, and hot cocoa. Because many forecasts indicate that the coming winter season will be much colder though the average temperature of the coming winter season will be equal or little lower than the last winter season. So it certainly looks like another long winter of shivery and shovelry is on tap.





