


2019-10-21 17:29:14 | 日記












Paper代写:Emotional interaction of brand vision under digital media

2019-10-21 17:25:50 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Emotional interaction of brand vision under digital media,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了数字媒体下品牌视觉的情感互动。互联网数字媒体和数字创意技术的发展,有助于加深品牌的传播和互动体验,活跃消费者的网络行为。随着数字品牌的发展以及人们生活质量的提高,以往传统媒体的静态视觉设计和单调的产品诉求已经不能满足人们日益增长对精神领域的情怀追求。而数字媒体下的品牌通过品牌视觉传播和用户体验,满足用户的功能性,情感性、与象征性的情感需求,这些情感带给用户不同层次的生理、心理、环境的感受,形成情感互动。

Through brand visual communication and user experience, brands in digital media meet users' functional, emotional and symbolic emotional needs, which bring users' feelings of different levels of physiology, psychology and environment and form emotional interaction.

Professor Donald a. Norman, an American scholar, stratified emotional design into three levels: instinctive, behavioral and reflective. The instinct layer is the one that responds the fastest and interacts with the person involved. Emotions at this level are often out of control. The reflective layer of emotion is the highest stage of the level, which will be formed after the user experience. This layer is mainly the deeper understanding of emotion generated by the interaction of the previous two layers on the user's culture, experience and other aspects. These three levels make certain differences in the behavior characteristics and emotional interaction mode of users, which will have a great impact on their liking for the design.

In digital brand visual design also peppered with certain emotions, through several aspects such as sight, hearing, behavior, concept, the brand culture of enterprise directly, from brand vision design of information dissemination to the Internet user recognition, and experience, and experience the process of demand, is the process of brand contact with people, users in the process to people's psychological need and feel the changes in the experience in a timely manner. The digital brand visual design itself also contains the brand's investment in the user, waiting for user contact or user experience and interaction. Digital brand visual design can find the entry point from these three levels for emotional interaction.

Instinct layer is more intuitive, emotional interaction through the brand visual design in brand name, packaging design, creative concept, narrative tweets, themes, copywriting, advertising visual, dynamic design, and media technology directly reflect the user's emotional: like it or not, beautiful or ugly, in instinct layer often are some intuitive design works as the center, such as bright color, rich visual symbols, etc., can give expression to surroundings accurately, through the special design to achieve emotional interaction.

The intuitive level of sensory perception and cognition is the basic work to maintain emotional experience, on this basis should be combined with other relevant experience and impact on the user. Such as rich and interesting stories, combined with special visual performance, with beautiful colors, add vivid dynamic expression form and virtual digital technology, finally with a divine comedy, let users directly produce a full range of sensory experience.

Behavior is to realize the feelings of users to enjoy the whole process, can form the positive emotion in use, it's like a glasses boxes, packing, loading glasses through a screens make it produce a stereo space, can put down screens when not with glasses, into a plane, do not affect a space, this kind of experience with user surprise feeling, bring the magic of a small design change, achieve emotional experience in behavior.

The reflective layer is the highest state of cognition, emotion and consciousness. Through a certain period of emotional experience and interaction, through the understanding and understanding of things, to reflect on their own, including personal feelings and values of views and attitudes of the experience. This stage is mainly formed through the functions of the first two stages, which are generated from the user's inner and deeper experience. It also integrates people's thinking, consciousness, emotion, experience and other factors to form the cognition and reflection of emotion. The emotional experience at the reflective level is the highest form of emotional experience. The main function of emotional stress at this level is to realize the overall sublimation of ideology, such as the improvement of my own thoughts, emotions and beliefs, and combine the design with the external abstract thinking, so as to achieve new thinking activities that people experience.

Brand experience under emotional interaction communication is user-centered active communication, which is a strong advantage of digital brand communication and a unique feature of the Internet. Building an emotional and interactive brand is a new brand concept under Internet digital media. Emotional interaction is an important feature of emotional expression in digital brand visual design. Brand design innovation and digital design innovation should be combined together. In the process of design, designers should comprehensively explore the psychology of the public and carry out innovative thinking to combine the psychology of people's audience with the design of works, so as to realize the communication between each other's hearts and finally realize the comprehensive communication of the brand.

Through the analysis and research on the emotional interaction of the three levels of emotion generated by brand design -- instinct layer, behavior layer and reflection layer: the instinct layer responds quickly and intuitively, and realizes the transmission of feelings and characteristics through auditory, sensory, visual and other abstract thinking activities; The behavior layer is the interactive experience brought by brand vision to users in the Internet or virtual reality experience. The reflective layer is the highest level of cognition, emotion and consciousness, and its emotional interaction is more intense. Through emotional research and analysis, it is clear that what consumers experience is emotion, and consumers are impressed by brand emotion. In turn, consumers transmit the brand in a secondary or multi-dimensional way, such as forwarding, commenting, co-creation and re-creation, and finally reach the brand value at the emotional level.


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2019-10-21 17:20:53 | 日記

1.Don’t set fluency targets


Never ever commit the mistake of setting a “number of words spoken per minute” kind of targets. They are destructive as they do not allow the mind to really work constructively without pressure.


2.Be a natural


Let things happen naturally. As you read more, and convert the read word into spoken word, your speed will gradually pick up. Do not be artificial.


3.Read, read, read


As you read more, your confidence about issues / topics / subjects will grow. You will start owning knowledge. You will develop an inner, natural strength. It is a matter of time that is starts showing on your face.


4.Write at least 1 essay per day


It is the ultimate test of what you are learning, and if you are learning something at all. Pick a plain paper, think of a topic, and write an essay (300 words max) on it. Do it every day. It will very productively force you to raise the level of the game.


5.Be measured while you speak


Do not try to outgun anyone in the group. Take a few seconds before you react (2 or 3 seconds, say). That will ensure that you do not over-react, instant-react, or wrong-react.


6.Talk to yourself


You will never be ashamed doing that. Keep doing it regularly. It will open up your tongue.


7.Shout, at least once a day


Go to the rooftop literally, and shout aloud. Do that for some minutes. Speak something sensible if you can. It will train the mind not to be scared of anything. Of course, if you do that elsewhere, people may beat you up :)


8.Love yourself for what you are


This is perhaps the most crucial step. If you hate yourself for not being a fluent English speaker (as per whatever random benchmark you’ve adopted), your sense of self-worth will be destroyed. Don’t let that happen to you.


I have come across some really fast speakers who talk sense, and some who are idiots; some measured speakers who talk a lot of sense; and some slow speakers who are a pleasure to listen to.


It all depends on your profession, your eye-contact and body language, and the choice of words + depth of knowledge.


So relax, and start your personal journey of success! It will take time, so buckle up. Wish you great luck.




Paper代写:The system of succession in medieval England

2019-10-21 17:19:35 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The system of succession in medieval England讨论了中世纪英国的财产继承制度。在12世纪末13世纪初的时候,英国就形成了以长子继承制为主要特征的普通法继承规则。该规则以严苛著称,在整个中世纪占据主导地位,但是并未给英国社会带来过多的负面影响。其原因在于,在主流的普通法继承规则之外,英国还存在诸多非主流因素。它们皆以公平正义为核心理念,关注弱势家庭成员,维护个体权力,适应下层民众习惯。这些非主流因素的存在,有效地平衡了家庭成员的继承份额,协调了个体封建主和封建主阶层的整体利益,匡正了不合时宜的普通法继承规则。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

At the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th century, the common law succession rules with primogeniture as the main feature were formed in Britain. The rules were notoriously strict and dominated throughout the middle ages, but did not have much negative impact on British society. The reason is that in addition to the mainstream common law inheritance rules, there are many non-mainstream factors in Britain, such as the family property distribution scheme designed by individual feudal owners, the inheritance habit insisted by the lower class and marginal groups, and the distribution principle advocated by church courts and chancery courts. They all take fairness and justice as the core concept, pay attention to vulnerable family members, maintain individual rights, and adapt to the habits of the lower class. The existence of these non-mainstream factors effectively balanced the inheritance shares of family members, coordinated the overall interests of individual feudal lords and feudal lords, and corrected the anachronistic common law inheritance rules.

In the medieval society dominated by natural economy, property inheritance was often the basic way for people to obtain property and status, and also the main means for vested interests to maintain their political and economic privileges. This was especially true in medieval England. In medieval England, the common law inheritance rule, characterized by primogeniture, gave the eldest son the right to inherit the family's core property but excluded other family members. Faced with such an extreme inheritance system, Chinese and foreign researchers mostly focus on the successor, the eldest son, and are keen to analyze the causes and effects of this system, while few people pay attention to the family members other than the eldest son. In the author's opinion, under the property inheritance system in which the eldest son has the absolute advantage, the rights of vulnerable family members deserve more attention. What do disadvantaged family members live on if they can't inherit the family property? Is there any other way for them to get property? Why do these pathways exist? How do they relate to primogeniture? What is the impact on the property inheritance system and British society? Based on the detailed analysis of the property inheritance in medieval England, this paper makes a brief analysis of the above problems.

Before examining the British property inheritance system, we must first clarify several concepts closely related to it.

In medieval England, property generally consisted of both real and movable property. The former is divided into tangible and intangible. Tangible real estate is characterized by fixity, sustainability and immobility. It mainly refers to real estate, houses and mineral deposits. Intangible real estate is characterized by abstractness and imperceptibility, mainly referring to some profitable rights, such as the right of teaching recommendation, franchise, title, etc. Movable property refers to tangible property other than immovable property, including money, creditor's rights, clothes, household utensils, etc. The reason why I want to elaborate on the classification of property is that in medieval England, different kinds of property were governed by different inheritance rules and were administered by different courts. For example, the free application of the common law rule of succession to the ordinary courts; the land of the copybook was distributed according to the inheritance habits of the lower classes and was administered by the court of the manor. Movable property is governed by the inheritance principle advocated by the church and belongs to the church court.

Property inheritance is carried out among blood relatives. Blood relatives refer to people who are descended from a common ancestor and are related to each other by blood. There are paternal and maternal blood relatives, paternal blood relatives refer to the relatives of the decedent's father, and maternal blood relatives refer to the relatives of the decedent's mother. Some inheritance laws specify the order of inheritance. For example, the common law inheritance rules stipulate that paternal consanguineous inheritance takes precedence over maternal consanguineous inheritance. Blood relatives are also divided into direct and collateral blood relatives. "direct blood" refers to the relatives who have a vertical blood relationship with the inheritor, starting from the inheritor and tracing vertically upward or downward, such as father, grandfather, great-grandfather... Such as the elder direct blood relatives, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren... For the younger direct blood relatives; Collateral and direct. Relatively speaking, a relative who shares a common ancestor with the decedent but is not directly related by blood, just like the branches of a tree, although they share the same root, they are not related to each other. John stiles, for example, had two children, of whom there are descendants of the descendants of continuous generations of John stiles as their common ancestor, but of whom they were only collateral relatives. Specifically, the heirs' brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews are all related by blood. Also can say, collateral blood relative shows horizontal distribution, it is the indirect relatives besides immediate relatives.

Property inheritance can be divided into direct inheritance, collateral inheritance and upward inheritance. Direct descent means that the property of the decedent is inherited by his direct descendants. If the decedent has no direct descendants, his property is inherited by his next of kin, which is collateral inheritance. If the decedent has no collateral relatives, his property will be inherited by his elders, and this is the ascending inheritance.

To begin with, it should be made clear that the common law preemptively deprives all feudal owners of the right to dispose of their estates by will, and that all lands are subject to the following rules of succession.

Male preference is not an ancient fact in Britain. In Anglo-Saxon times, all tribes followed the rule of equality between men and women. This remained unchanged during Danish rule. The relevant provisions can be found in the law of Edward the confessor, and later approved by William the conqueror. It wasn't until Henry I that there was a clear "men first" rule.

Britain's primogeniture is not ancient, but gradually formed. Before the Norman conquest, children inherited property regardless of gender. When William the conqueror came to power, he began to require the military servitude and title of the fief to be inherited by the eldest son, the remaining fiefs remain unchanged. During the reign of Henry ii, part of socage also practiced primogeniture. Serjeanty was an estate acquired by the vassal through personal service, so it could not be divided; the ecclesiastical reservation cannot be inherited. At this point, primogeniture was established in all kinds of tenure.

The principle of representation means that the deceased heir should be represented by his heirs. If the eldest son dies before he succeeds, his heirs will exercise the right of succession on behalf of the eldest son. The eldest son has priority over the eldest son and daughter. During the reign of Henry ii, this principle was incorporated into the common law, but it was seldom implemented in the later period. This was due to the destruction of king John: Henry ii had five sons, the eldest died young, the second died in rebellion, and the third, Richard, succeeded to the throne but died childless, leaving the throne vacant. Arthur, the eldest son of Geoffrey, won the throne against John, the fifth. Severely damaged the results on behalf of the principle, the reign is known as the Casus John Regis. But the damage does not stop there. John murdered Arthur in 1203, but Arthur also had a sister, Eleanor, who could represent her father, Geoffrey, according to the principle of representation, and whose right to the throne took precedence over John and his descendants. So when John's son Henry iii became king, he guarded Eleanor until she died unmarried. After the death of Henry iii, the principle of representation was restored.

The descendants of feudal lords were divided into "legitimate birth" and "illegitimate birth". Children born without these conditions are illegitimate. In common law, nullius filius is a child born to nullius filius, which means "no one's son" and therefore does not have the right of inheritance. As the 12th-century jurist granville put it, "any child born out of wedlock or not legally married has no right of inheritance."

The common law coverture principle defines the property rights of married women. The doctrine treats married couples as one, with the husband representing the whole. This principle seriously affects the wife's property right: first, it deprives the wife of the possession and control of the real estate, the wife before marriage and during the marriage of all the real estate must be transferred to the husband to possess and control; Secondly, the movable property acquired by the wife before marriage is owned by the husband after marriage. Again, because the wife does not have property, do not have the right to conclude a will so, more do not have the right to sign a contract alone, bring a lawsuit or appear in court as the defendant.

When can't direct inheritance, real estate collateral relative by blood by inheritance, but collateral heir should be the first purchaser of offspring. "Purchaser" Latin for perquisitor, meaning to ancestors. "Acquired land", as opposed to "hereditary land", refers to the land acquired by means other than inheritance such as gift, grant, purchase and confiscation.

This principle complements the previous one. In the process of land inheritance, due to the long history and several generations, it is often impossible to trace back to the first person who acquired the land, so the heir can only be required to be the blood relatives of the last person who possessed the land, that is, not only from the same ancestor, but also from the same couple. For example, Geoffrey and his wife Lucy have two sons, John and Francis, and John and Francis are each other's blood relatives. Suppose Geoffrey dies and Lucy marries again and has a son jack by her remarried husband, lewis. Jack is half-blood with John and Francis. Similarly, if Lucy dies and Geoffrey marries again, the children of his later wife are half-blood relatives of John and Francis.

In collateral inheritance, male offspring take precedence over female offspring. This principle is actually designed to echo the first principle. Since the first acquisition was difficult to trace over a long period of time, it was not only remedied by the second principle, but was also considered more likely to trace the ancestry of the first acquisition to the male than to the female. This rule clearly favors men. Moreover, the principles of male preference in direct descent also apply to collateral inheritance.

If neither the descending inheritance nor the collateral inheritance is possible, the property of the decedent will be transferred to the ascending inheritance, that is, the successor will be sought in the elder relatives of the decedent. There are two rules for uplink inheritance:

Uplink inheritance can be divided into apparent upward succession and collateral uplink inherit two kinds, the former refers to the decedent's property by his father, grandfather and great grandfather lineal elders such as inheritance, this is impossible under common law, because according to the rules of the common law, anyone before his father hasn't died is impossible to become the heir to the real, even the eldest son just inheritors "pending". When the eldest son is able to inherit the estate, the father must have died, so it is impossible for the father to be the stepson, let alone the grandchild. Therefore, uplink inheritance can only occur in collateral systems.

Collateral ascending inheritance can be divided into two categories: paternal ascending inheritance and maternal ascending inheritance. And the same principles of male preference in direct descending inheritance apply to ascending inheritance.

To sum up, the common law inheritance rules have the following four characteristics:

The first is the principle of three priorities, that is, the male priority, the first son priority, paternity priority. The principle of "three priorities" is the core idea that runs through all the time, whether it is inheritance on the downside, inheritance on the collateral, or inheritance on the upside.

The second is ignoring the interests of the weak. In addition to female heirs and widows can share a share, other family members are basically excluded from the property inheritance sequence;

Again, it emphasized the overall interests of the feudal class. The common law succession rules were made by the rulers, who, relying on their powerful royal power, occupied the dominant position in society. The laws they made were bound to safeguard the interests of the entire feudal class represented by the rulers.

Finally, ignore the real needs of individual feudal owners. Common law succession rules forcibly deprived individual feudal owners of the right to arrange estate inheritance by wills according to their own will, resulting in their inability to adjust the inheritance share of family members.

The common law rules inherited the causes of the formation of these characteristics, we must return to the common law rules inherited form in the background to find: after the Norman conquest, the domestic situation, the conqueror of regime needs the support of the powerful military force, therefore, in order to ensure certainty and effectiveness of military duty, they regulated the system of property by the eldest son. At the same time, because the economic, judicial, political privileges and titles enjoyed by the feudal lords were all related to the land, the feudal lords chose primogeniture to ensure these rights, so as to ensure that the land bearing these rights was not divided and passed on from generation to generation intact. Visible to the eldest son inheritance system as the main characteristics of the common law rules are designed to maintain the feudal rule, the purpose is to maintain the father parent, the eldest son, husband, and role as one of the feudal class of overall interests, ensure smoothly feudal an obligation, maintain the feudal lords' houses are divided, so as to ensure the integrity of the feudal title and name.


Essay代写:Authority of law

2019-10-21 17:16:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Authority of law,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了法律的权威。法律的权威是法律得以实施的重要保障,也是法律理论发展史上不少学者为之争论不休的一个问题。在实证主义法学看来法律的权威地位的确立与法律中主权者的作用和地位分不开。在法律理论史发展的历程之中,法律权威概念的暴力概念正不断减弱。从法律权威的发展历程可以看出,法律本身所具有的物质强制力也在向合法性论证的方向转变。

The enrichment and development of law in modern society is largely due to the continuous establishment of the independent status of law in recent centuries. In this process of independence, jurists continue to inherit the traditional legal theory and at the same time from the theology, philosophy and political science to explore and separate the legal factors, and their re-combination and interpretation, and then form a unique legal system. The basic concept of jurisprudence plays a decisive role in any legal theory system. They assume the unique mission given by the author, and often have a strong purpose. In the forming process of positivist jurisprudence, this characteristic is very obvious. In terms of positive jurisprudence in particular, such examples abound, such as "rights", "obligations", "rules" and so on. The presentation or reformulation of each concept is the formation of a new legal concept or the revision of the traditional legal concept. Such is the concept of sovereign. Moreover, in positivist jurisprudence, the sovereign and its related factors occupy a fundamental position in the whole legal system. Its formation process reflects the attempt of positivist jurists to solve the legal problems they must face. Hobbes and austen used it to re-establish the authority of the law, giving it certainty and independence. From the moment it appeared, the "sovereign", bearing the authority of the world, gave orders to his inferiors. This image was taken to the extreme by austen, who was often used as a spokesman for the theory of legal violence. In his opinion, the legal system based on this concept is very effective in the development of legal theory. However, as the violent nature of the modern state diminishes, so does the coercive nature of the law. The concept of the sovereign as the supporting point of law enforcement is constantly reviewed and criticized. Especially in hart's self-sufficient rule system, the uniform acceptance of officials as the guarantee of effectiveness and various legal rules as the rigorous logical framework have eliminated the violent color of the order of the sovereign. Furthermore, hart's interpretation is regarded as the standard interpretation of austen's theory by later generations. With the weakening of modern state governance and the strengthening of management, the sovereign, the core concept of positive jurisprudence, seems to have retired after fulfilling its mission. What catches our eye now is "ruleless governance", in which the violent "sovereign" must be re-examined in the context of a high degree of autonomy.

Taking positive jurisprudence as an example, the emergence of the concept of sovereign is loaded with an important mission, and a series of important legal propositions need to be solved, among which the most important is the subjectivity and authority of law. In the early years of legal positivism, its core proposition was that the sovereign commanded and the law imposed sanctions by the state. These two propositions were connected with the proposition of "the distinction between law and morality" until Austin, and formed the triangulation proposition of legal positivism thereafter. In these three propositions, it is said that the distinction between law and morality is the product of the methodology of empirical science, that is, the distinction between "ought to be" and "fact" in research methods, while the other two propositions are directly from the empirical reality, that is, how to demonstrate the status and legitimacy of legal authority in theory. Positive science itself strengthens the legitimacy of the legal system and demonstrates the rationality of the legal order under the rule of the state. In a word, the social sciences shaped by the positivism spirit in the background of science are all developed around the country and serve the country. Legal positivism theoretically supports the supremacy of national sovereignty, and sovereignty, national will and national coercive force have become the key words of legal positivism. On the micro level, legal positivism shapes the technical thinking of scientific reasoning and the legal subject required by modern society.

Exploring the origin of the concept of the sovereign can help us better understand the problems that jurists use it to solve and the universality and abstract image of legal authority. Just as the ancient Roman legal system provided the source for many European civilizations, the origin of sovereignty can be traced back to ancient Rome. On the other hand, we can see that the sovereigns had a lot to gain from Roman law. This is largely attributed to austen's dedicated study and research of Roman law before he took up the post of jurisprudence faculty. In feudal times, sovereignty had little influence because of the way the vassals ruled. Its re-emergence is largely due to the fact that modern jurists combined the "imperial power" with the "governance" in Roman law and the sovereignty in feudal times, thus establishing the concept of sovereignty in modern legal system. The legal theory of sovereignty can only be traced back to the beginning of the Roman empire. Sovereignty is common to all peoples. In order to enable one person to exercise the powers contained in sovereignty on behalf of all the people, the Romans delegated sovereignty to the head of state through the law of the king. As a result, the emperor consolidated the powers that had been vested in different institutions during the republic. Gradually, the exercise of the emperor's power became a fixed system, and the emperor's power was no longer exercised by the authorization of the people. Justinian's "ladder of law" says: "the emperor's decision also has legal effect, because according to the law of the king that gives him power, the people hand over to him all their authority and power. Therefore, all the ordinances of the emperor, all the decisions in the judgment of the case, all the provisions in the summons, are of course the law; all these are called constitutional ordinances. According to this account, the emperor's orders were only one source of law. But he can equate his will with the law. He has the right to impose his will on others, because his power has the property of requiring universal obedience. But that changed in feudal Europe. Social classes coordinate their relationships through a set of hierarchical contracts. Obligations and rights are often in the same person, interdependent. A feudal Lord is not the same as a Roman emperor. He must make a promise of himself before he can get it from others. However, the theory of sovereignty has not disappeared, it has been preserved in the imperial power of Germany and other countries. Until later, the power originally possessed by the emperor was combined with the concept of "ownership" in Roman law, and the power to issue orders was regarded as a proprietary right similar to property. Thus the theory of sovereignty took its full shape. From this we can see that the power of the sovereign comes from the power of governance and governance is its core content. It has never been of a legal character to that of a legal character and has grown in strength. The jurist bodin defined sovereignty as "absolute and enduring power within a state." The first and most fundamental feature of sovereignty is the ability to issue orders to society as a whole or to individuals without the consent of others. Moreover, gradually, the sovereignty was separated from the content of governance and became the general term of the power exercised by the king. Thus sovereignty became an indivisible, inalienable institution, and thus the representative of the will of the state, and has not changed much since. The only difference is that after the rise of the revolutionary theory, the sovereignty of the king was replaced by the sovereignty of the state. This theory can be best represented in Rousseau's argument. From then on, sovereignty evolved from the ownership of specific individuals to the special attributes of abstract personality subjects. The emergence of the concept of social contract endows the sovereign with legitimacy and enables the sovereign to become the bearer of the general will, thus making it a useful analytical concept in both traditional and modern societies.

In the early period of positivist jurisprudence, the establishment of legal authority was inseparable from the thought of social contract. In the history of the theory of sovereign, Hobbes' exposition has the significance of connecting the past and the future to the relationship between sovereign and law. Hobbes recognized that the central element in traditional religious relations is authority or obedience to power. The power of the mystical, the power of the mystical gods dwarfs everything else. It is out of fear and fear of these powers and authorities that we have established religion, and among its institutions the most perfect and strict authority on earth, and a whole body of authoritative theories. More importantly, the whole system and theory can also give authority derived from mysterious forces to secular figures. In the secular world, not all of us can hold power, because then we would be left in chaos. After describing human nature and the natural state of man, he said: "it is evident, therefore, that men are in what is called a state of war when there is no power to frighten them. This kind of war is everybody's war against everybody... The nature of war also lies not in actual combat, but in the well-known propensity for war throughout a period of no guarantee of peace. All other periods are peacetime. So Hobbes' view is now extreme: there was no justice, no way of distinguishing right from wrong, good from good, before the emergence of governing power. Hobbes rejects the idea that there is some kind of standard independent of human social thought. The idea is that there is a natural standard by which we are guaranteed to judge the nature of justice or injustice that we want. But it is hard to say that such a standard exists, and such a standard is not provided by the natural state. But people are able to form a group of judges, and this combination can provide us with some kind of power, prestige and standard. He argued that when everyone in the group agrees to be represented by one person, they become a single personality. It is only when this personality is sustained, and is the sole representative of it, in a group of people who are in conflict and struggle, that unity or unity of standards can be produced, and so can the authority of law and politics.

Therefore, it can be argued that legal power is an institution, but it is not a spontaneous structure, but an individual creation. In fact, according to Hobbes, sovereignty is an institutionalized power that combines the powers that individual members of society relinquish, and is allowed to act within the powers that are relinquished. Of course, to understand it this way, the authority and foundation of law is created by the fact of social contract. A social contract is a way of establishing universal power over society. Thus the relationship between the sovereign and the subject is established.

Hobbes introduced the relationship between the sovereign and the subject and provided a new epistemological and legal basis for the power of the ruler. If we break the shackles of the church and stop believing in god as the sole core, we will see a complex pluralism of views. To see the world as an open world that can be transformed from within also shows that we no longer see the world as the authoritative property of nature. Hobbes maintains this pluralism through a new kind of contractual construction, a kind of secular power, a kind of secular authority.

