

Essay代写:American cultural values in film and television works

2019-02-14 17:24:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American cultural values in film and television works,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了影视作品中的美国文化价值观。美国的大部分影视作品都是选用亲情、友情、爱情、正义以及科幻为线索。其华丽的场面,再加上其政治、经济、文化的优势,使美国文化中的个人主义、英雄主义、自由与民主借助影片完整地展现在观众眼前,由此引起人们的思索与探究。美国影视作品传达出的道德关怀和人道主义,物质进步和增长以及追求自由与平等的价值观都值得观众借鉴和学习,而这些不仅是美国经济、文化发展的支柱,同时也成为世界上大多数国家所乐意标榜的完美价值观。

Most American movies and TV programs are based on family, friendship, love, justice and science fiction. Large-scale production of gorgeous scenes, coupled with its political, economic and cultural advantages, so that the American culture of individualism, heroism, freedom and democracy with the film fully show in front of the audience, thus causing people to think and explore. The moral care and humanitarianism, material progress and growth as well as the values of pursuing freedom and equality conveyed by American films and TV programs are worth learning from. These values are not only the pillars of American economic and cultural development, but also the perfect values that most countries in the world are willing to boast.

Most of the construction of American cultural system comes from its immigrant culture, so American culture is called a "melting pot". Much of the traditional culture of the United States was brought over from their native lands by the anglo-saxons, and although it was incorporated into the cultures of many of the countries of immigration, it was largely dominated by the traditional culture of England. The statue of liberty, barbie doll, American gothic, buffalo nickel and uncle Sam are regarded as the five symbols of the American traditional culture, from which the derived democratic regime, the principle of freedom, individualism and heroism have become the American traditional and mainstream cultural values. As the United States is an emerging capitalist country, the traditional culture has been retained for a relatively short time. The modern culture of the United States is also a gradual transition from the traditional culture, which is mainly reflected in the American dream, freedom and equality, moralism and humanism. Americans, as well as asians and latinos, see the United States as the cradle of their dreams, and they want to make something of it through their own efforts. At the same time, as a country built on freedom, freedom and equality in the same cultural system in the United States occupied the most important position, this is because most of the early American colonial lower class from the colonial countries, they strictly against many of the "old world" inequality, hope to achieve real sense of freedom, the management of their own life. Most americans are deeply religious, so moralism and humanitarianism are also seen as an important part of American cultural values. In general, "modern American culture is moving from estrangement to unification". Of course, this is inseparable from the reform of American social system.

Although film as an audio-visual art, but in the materialistic today, most of the film is just people in their leisure time for entertainment. But for really let a person see after the enlightenment, the harvest of the film will still get the audience's enthusiasm and praise. Most American movies and TV shows are dream-making, and it is not limited to a small part. A dream of racial justice; Have dreams of wanting to live a life of abundance; Hope to be on the stage of all eyes, the dream of becoming a star; There are also dreams of saving all humanity and exploring the unknown. All of these without exception have demonstrated the American values of individualism and heroism from another perspective. Whatever the meaning of the dream, it is generally referred to as the modern sense of the "American dream". Although different people have their own understanding of the word, but his axis will never change, the land of America provides a platform for people to realize their dreams, that is, "everyone has the hope of success and the possibility of creating miracles".

Many American movies have a perfect interpretation of the "American dream". Movies like forrest gump and the pursuit of happyness exemplify the American dream. In forrest gump, the thought of "acting stupidly" runs through all the time. Although he was a mentally retarded child, he successfully completed his college studies and joined the army with his never-giving faith in life, and eventually became a hero in people's eyes. Fate is unknown to everyone. We never know what will be our next stop. When god closes a door for you, he will also remember to open a window for you. Through the window, sunlight can still shine in. Forrest gump's story teaches that anything is possible if you dare.

Another film that perfectly interprets The modern "American dream" is The pursuit of happiness. The American film "The pursuit of happiness" is based on a real story. The protagonist of the story is now the famous investment expert Chris grander. This film belongs to inspirational films, but it is quite different from inspirational films that simply describe individual struggles and dreams. It successfully portrays an is on the verge of bankruptcy, wife away home, only the image of the poor and the salesman and son together, the last is how to rely on our own efforts to become a famous financier story, and this process is not a strong will and spirit pillar, ordinary people is hard to do, the son is he constantly struggle. Chris says in the film, "this part of my life is called taking the bus; This part of my life is called silliness; This part of my life is now part of the process of running, and this phase of my life is called happiness. This film is not all about individual striving, being down-to-earth or being smart to succeed. Here happiness is not a goal, a direction, but a responsibility, a right. The pursuit of dreams is not blindly walk, occasionally also need to stop to think, what is the goal of life, have a dream to be well to defend it.

Equality and freedom are the concepts that americans generally agree with all the time. Although americans do not have a unified idea, they do have a commonly agreed concept, that is, the value system centering on equality and freedom. The declaration of independence of the United States puts equality and freedom in the first place. He states clearly that "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." America's freedom and democracy seem to have been a godsend. In the beginning of many American movies, there has been such a scene, in a golden light, a symbol of the American people to fight for freedom, the yearning for a better life and the pursuit of the statue stands high on the liberty island in New York harbor. Therefore, democracy and freedom are repeatedly interspersed in the film and television works.

When it comes to the pursuit of freedom in American culture, it also brings most viewers back to the shawshank redemption in 1994. "Some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright." The film depicts the story of shawshank prison with third-person narration, and depicts what Andy did and the people in shawshank prison who were saved by him from the perspective of red. The film is the most attractive to the audience or the host Andy's strong inner strength and dedication to a free life. He said that life can be simply divided into two choices: get busy living or get busy dying. Throughout the film, we can see that the protagonist's persistent desire for freedom never stops. It took 19 years to hammer out a hole with a stone. What gave him momentum? It was the seed of hope in his heart. "Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free." this is what the works themselves are telling people.

Since its inception, American films have striven to create various heroic myths and create unique cultures with various visual effects. Such as "truth first", "war horse", "Titanic", "2012", "tao", "speed" and so on. But whether it is a legal-themed film or some huge disaster film or science fiction film, an important secret for him to attract the attention of the audience is to skillfully interweave the brilliance of human nature into the whole film.

Shot in 1999, the green mile is as much a prison movie as the shawshank redemption was in 1994. Prison is the darkest and most horrible place, full of fear and creepy. Although in such a place, there is no lack of shining humanity. In the green miracle, John Coffey, a black dead prisoner, looks terrible, huge, but has a warm love and magic power. He and the warden Paul aizhikemu together sincerely help the dead prisoners calmly and peacefully through the final journey of life, and deduce a touching story. In China, by contrast, there are many touching stories, but few touched by dogmatism.

"Titanic" is a film in the program, since its release in 1997, has been talked about, this film is shocking, not only because of great love, but also human nature. "Let women and children go first" instead of "leaders go first". It was at the moment of the sinking that the dramatic conflict of the first mate being paid to go into the lifeboat became strongly felt. In the face of life and death men themselves immersed in water, let women and children first on the lifeboat, they overcome the human selfishness, they are all heroes. That moment of the sinking of the Titanic, the ship embrace die elderly couple, tell stories mother and two children buried together the bottom of the sea, the priest at the last minute also don't forget to give people the spirit of comfort, it shows a man's unparalleled greatness and fearless, they like thinking reed in the destruction of the natural bulging with the power of the privilege. A disaster, witnessed the vulnerability of people, but also witnessed the human nature itself contains the true, good, beautiful. On the theme of human nature, whether the film, TV series, animation, there will always be people to see after thinking, harvest, will also become a permanent praise of the United States to talk about.

To most viewers, saving private Ryan is little more than a carefully crafted piece of American patriotism. But if you watch carefully, you will understand the film's deep meaning. A mother had four sons in the war, three of them dead at the same time, so the chief of staff of the United States ordered the safe withdrawal of the fourth son from the front line at all costs. As one of the cradles of modern democracy, the founding spirit of the United States is to emphasize individual values. Although "war has no mercy, killing has no conscience, but the smoke of war is still shining the glory of human nature. Eight go to save a person, in order not to let an old and infirm mother, experience all sons to die the tragic news of the battlefield, believe that most of the men who have seen this film will also find their own shadow in this film.

American films and TV programs set a global standard by virtue of their unique cultural characteristics. The values reflected in American films and TV programs, such as the pursuit of dreams, the pursuit of freedom and the respect for the value of individual life, have become the criteria for the evaluation of global cultural values. Watching movies and TV programs can not only help us continuously improve our in-depth understanding of American culture, but also help us master the application ability of language itself. Most films and TV programs describe and discuss the differences and conflicts between Chinese and American cultures. Understanding the differences between different cultural backgrounds, historical backgrounds and geographical regions can effectively promote the smooth progress of cross-cultural communication. Take its essence, discard its dross, and better inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture.


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Assignment代写:American contemporary art

2019-02-14 17:24:21 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- American contemporary art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国当代艺术。美国当代艺术是一种短暂的火花。自从50年代起,美国纽约艺术活动日趋活跃,且影响到整个西方世界。美国现代艺术在西方画坛崛起的标志是抽象表现主义的崛起。抽象表现主义强调的是作者行动的自由性和无目的性,把创作行为本身提高到重要位置。它实际上是一种艺术思潮,并无统一的艺术风格。简单地说,抽象表现主义的意义是自由。

Early immigrants brought European culture to the United States. Soon, these cultures spread throughout the United States. Up to now, American culture has become one of the mainstream cultures in the world. With the diversified development of culture, new art rises in America, that is, American contemporary art. American contemporary artists have made great contributions to the development of new styles, new ways of self-expression and even new cultural forms. This is undoubtedly determined by the overall temperament and tolerance of a country and a nation. It is a representative of the national characteristics of a country and cannot be imitated at will.

American contemporary art is a fleeting spark. Since the 1950s, art activities in New York have become increasingly active and have affected the whole western world. The rise of abstract expressionism is the symbol of American modern art in western painting. It emphasizes the freedom and aimlessness of the author's action and elevates the creative act itself to an important position. It is actually an artistic trend of thought, and there is no unified artistic style. In terms of pollock's "action painting", this process of pollock is an inner consciousness and action that cannot be controlled, which initiated the western art of action. Simply put, the meaning of abstract expressionism is freedom.

Take pollock's example, pollock's creation reflects the American nationality not hidebound, aggressive, expand the macrocosm and the inner consciousness of spirit, represent the postwar American high mental state, but behind the high also shows the American intelligentsia in highly industrialized society some manic depression and anxiety anxious mood. His painting is very free. Everyone knows how freely you can enjoy the process of dancing around the canvas, dipping your stick in the paint and letting it flow. Get rid of the limitations of your wrists, elbows, and shoulders and reach a state of uncontrollability. This kind of art reflects the contemporary American culture. We should not imitate or even copy this kind of art to prove our artistic spirit. After abstract expressionism, another trend of thought is "post-pictorial abstraction", which emphasizes brushwork, color and texture effects to express subjective feelings and to express opposition. The idea is to replace it with an abstract form that is clear and unambiguous. Abstract expressionism that continued into the 1970s.

The name of pop art first appeared in Britain in the 1950s and was later widely used in American art. Artists use the materials and media they come into contact with in daily life to create images that can be understood by the public, combine art with industrial machinery civilization, and make use of mass media for popularization. The purpose of pop art is to stimulate the audience's consumption desire while carrying out effective publicity. Marilyn Monroe, by Andy warhol in 1962, was reproduced many times and painted in many colors. Putting heads together again creates a sense of novelty in familiar images. Still have a plenty of the existing material object in the life moves a position, change an environment, gift new meaning.

Conceptual art, which appeared in the United States in the 1960s, believes that the concept and concept of artists are the first in artistic activities. Real artworks do not need artists to create material forms, but mainly convey the form and development process of ideas to the public through various media, such as words, pictures, recordings and artists' bodies and behaviors. It puts more emphasis on audience participation. The public is gradually attracted to come in, and some even become part of the works. Duchamp said: "generally speaking, works belong to two products: one is the creation of the works themselves; At the other end of the spectrum are people who appreciate works of art. I think they are equally important. And then the emergence of new schools in the 1980s, are re-playing of the past, and even the new schools of art in the United States now are replicas of the past. Modern art has evolved to reveal privacy and magnify objects for astonishing purposes. We should carefully and critically absorb and utilize these artistic phenomena. American postmodern artists are trying to break down the boundary between art and life in their own way. However, we know that art and life cannot be regarded as the same, so that art can be made into life. Mr. Yi zhongtian said: "life is not art, life is a real thing. Making art "life-like" and one-sided emphasis on the role of ideas, will bring great negative impact on art.

If we want to engage in contemporary art, we must be influenced by western masters, but we must always keep in mind the deep cultural deposits and artistic spirit of our homeland. I think we have to look at our own art at this point. American contemporary art, especially graffiti art, is quite free. People can take part in this art activity. But later works of new genres did not achieve the same effect. The author's teacher recalled the experience of seeing art exhibitions in the United States and said that few people go to see art exhibitions held by American people now, and there is nothing worth thinking about after watching. Just a few minutes to see the end of the exhibition is not impressed! What does that mean? American contemporary art will delight the eye for a brief moment. Many contemporary artists have accepted the idea that their work is not permanent. In 1962, in the rue visconti in Paris, the public saw the barrel wall built by kristol. In 1985, everyone walked on the new bridge packaged by him. In these "works of art events", the vivid memories left by people are obviously not simple projections or photographs. Isn't this the case with performance art in the national art museum of China in Beijing in the 1980s? The art of messing about cannot last long. Because the public has become a direct witness to this art, it will ultimately pursue American art and lack national spirit.

In addition, I think the development of Chinese contemporary art should be combined with the uniqueness and depth of national culture to create. Among the leading figures in Chinese contemporary art, zhang xiaogang, known as one of the four "king kong", found and skillfully expressed a living state and psychological characteristics of people in the old society of China, and expressed them through unique art forms. Such artists have made many contributions to the development of contemporary art. We can see the uniqueness and development potential of contemporary art from American contemporary art, and we believe that Chinese contemporary art will also stand among the world's art in the near future.


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2019-02-14 17:23:57 | 日記













最后,每个人对论证都有不同的理解,对于一些模糊概念,每个人都会有不同的看法,当然,很多限制性的词语会起到关键性的作用,看起来会有胆怯或不够确定的感觉。但在大多数情况下,导师对于表示完全确定的字眼如全部(all)、没有一个(no one)、从不(never)……不会留下好印象,但是限制性的词语会给导师造成一些阅读误解,但其实他们大多数反对的是对每个繁琐的观点都有限定条件的模糊限制语。所以还是要提醒一下留学生,应该多观察你所属领域的人如何处理不确定性,最后对文章进行总结性的整理和完善。



Paper代写:A Case Study Report on the K&T Ltd

2019-02-14 17:23:39 | 日記
本篇paper代写- A Case Study Report on the K&T Ltd讨论了K&T有限公司。K&T有限公司是一家小型企业,主要销售儿童玩具、服装和家具,面向的是儿童市场。目前,儿童电子商务市场已经进入了一个高度发达的时期。因此,K&T公司需要了解这种情况下的电子商务趋势和产品扩张偏好。当然,由于电子商务的一些常见问题和挑战,K&T公司也需要做好准备,采取一些有效的措施和策略。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Executive Summary

According to the Computer Science, E-commerce is a complex and controversial phenomenon as a multi-disciplinary subject. To follow the tendency of E-commerce, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the meaning of the E-commerce, which can be paraphrased as the use of the Internet and WWW (Web) to transact business (Lauden & Traver, 2010). Specifically, E-commerce

more formally digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals (Lauden & Traver, 2010). Nowadays, a variety of E-commerce exchange behaviors can be realized through different online platforms, such as the Amazon and the Justeat. In this way, E-commerce can help the business companies and their customers to have multiple interactions, achieving the process of buying, selling, or exchange of products, services, and information via computer networks, mostly the Internet and Intranets (Turban & King, 2010). With the analysis of both the advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce, the K&T Ltd will learn more about how to take use of E-Commerce to realize its market expansion in the near future.


In modern society, the development of Information Technology (IT) is mainly based on the advancement and application of the network technology. This has made it possible for the whole society to enter a completely new e-commerce era. With the rapid expansion of e-commerce, a number of different business enterprises have already been involved in using the e-commerce to promote their products, increase the number of customers and strengthen their brand awareness. For the K&T Ltd, it is supposed to take use of the E-commerce in order to achieve its future expansion plan. By adopting proper E-commerce strategies and investing in Information Technology more extensively to automate its business processes, the K&T Ltd is certain to benefit a lot from the E-commerce in a range of aspects, however, there are also some issues and challenges for the company to pay attention to after deciding to adoption an E-commerce Strategy. Therefore, this case study report will introduce the basic development of the K&T Ltd, together with the market identification of the E-commerce, the market needs of the customer. Besides, there will be some analysis of the E-commerce advantages and key challenges. Some additional recommendations will also be given to help the K&T Ltd to understand how E-commerce adoption can help their business.

Target Market Identification

The wide spread of Information Technology and the improvement of the network has promoted the emergence and development of E-commerce, which has already become an important component of modern lifestyle for average people. The transactions related to commercial activities between business companies and customers can be more than influential, creating different market situation. Business companies are required to come up with updated market strategies after identifying the target market of their products and services. Being a small business company, the K&T Ltd generally sells children’s toys, clothing and furniture, focusing on the children market. Currently, the children E-commerce market has entered into a highly developed period. Many companies have been dedicated to develop a series of children products, trying to seek differentiation development in E-commerce models, E-commerce panels and E-commerce product types in the children market. Previously, the price war, the global shopping, the communization model and the cooperation between online and offline sales have become the key words of the E-commerce development. Although the E-commerce market has returned to rational development stage, the competition among the business companies is growing fiercer and fiercer with the application of E-commerce. The children market is more than the competition in children products like the stationery and toys. Instead, some related products and services are becoming increasingly popular on E-commerce platforms especially the children clothing, the parental interaction with children and so on. Therefore, the K&T Ltd needs to be aware of the E-commerce tendency and products expansion preference under this circumstance.

Market Demand

Nowadays, a significant number of parents are the young generation who have a habit to be online customers. Besides, the reduced costs of shopping online can promote the E-Commerce of children’s products to develop more rapidly. Therefore, with the upgrading of the parenting concept and the consumer behavior, more and more parents prefer to buy things online for their children. Following this tendency, there is an increasing demand for the E-Commerce related to the children’s products.

The children’s product market has entered into an era of personalized consumption. In general, the children’s products are closely related to their specific developing stage or concrete developing demand. Parents with new parental concept prefer the products that can focus on their own children’s developing characteristics. E-Commerce provides more opportunities for parents to look for personalized products and services for their own children. If the demand for E-Commerce is largely neglected, the K&T Ltd is likely to lose a number of parent customers.

Information identification becomes important for parent customers. For the parents, they are equipped with mature online shopping experience, showing a rationality when making buying decisions. Therefore, they are in demand of great information before shopping online. In other words, when parents need to buy some products like toys or clothes for their children, they usually search a lot of similar products on line, gather much information of the products and make comprehensive comparisons. Having gone through all these procedures, they may finally decide on the most satisfying products for their children. the K&T Ltd should provide available information of their children’s products to their potential customers. Then, parents may rely on their E-Commerce channel, thus these potential customers can be turned into loyal customers.

Case Analysis

As can be seen from the case study, the K&T Ltd has been operating for a total number of four years, whose business is increasing significantly. To be specific, the the K&T Ltd is still a small business mainly selling the children’s toys, clothing and furniture. After a four-year developing process, the K&T Ltd is qualified business company in keeping the normal operation of the company, managing the employees, identifying the market demand and dealing with the changing market situation. At the moment, it is indicated that the company has been more than successful in the last two years and expected to grow in future. More importantly, there is a new future plan for the K&T Ltd, which means that the K&T Ltd is planning to open another ten shops next year in cities like Coventry, Leicester, Rugby, and Nottingham.

The owner of the K&T Ltd, David Andrew Smith, who aims to expand his company to other major cities in the UK including London, Manchester and Leeds, is supposed to realize the new market demands from customers, to cope with the latest challenges from the market and to keep up with the updated technology in modern society. However, it is obvious that there are some issues limiting the further development and expansion of the K&T Ltd. It is acknowledged the company has already used the Information Technology in some of its activities. For instance, customers pay at electronic tills and the company has a basic website that lists the location of its shop. As there is a growing demand of E-Commerce and the Information Technology from both the customers and the suppliers, more aspects of the business activities should be related to the Information Technology to provide more flexible choices and more convenient services for the customers. As a result, the K&T Ltd and its own should adopt the E-Commerce and use Information Technology extensively. Thus how E-Commerce and IT should be used and how their application can promote the business of the K&T Ltd need to be identified. To largely benefit from the application of E-Commerce and Information Technology, the owner of the K&T Ltd needs to make corresponding market strategies and plans in advance.

E-Commerce Advantages

As E-Commerce has already become a worldwide trend, the K&T Ltd can benefit a lot from the involvement in E-Commerce and the application of Information Technology. The followings are the main expected advantages brought by the wide use of E-Commerce for the K&T Ltd.

Following the guidance of the owner David, the K&T Ltd plans to open more branches next year and even expand its business to other major cities in the UK. In contrast, E-Commerce is another way to expand business branches with a lower cost. Traditional marketing strategy like company expansion relies on a series of layers of strict channels, combined with a great number of propaganda activities and manpower to compete for the market. This kind of traditional market strategy is not only time-consuming but also in need of high capital and employment cost (Molla & Heeks, 2007). With the popularity of the Internet, business companies can take advantage of the global network especially the E-Commerce to expand its business scope. E-Commerce makes it accessible for the sellers and the buyers to complete the transaction like face to face even from miles away. Other trading process like the electronic bill payment, the clearing and final accounts can also be realized. In addition, the supplement of the raw materials, the production organization, the product advertising and the marketing will change at the same time. Therefore, E-Commerce makes it much easier for the K&T Ltd to expand its business into other cities in the UK. More importantly, the operation of setting branches and the cost will be largely reduced.

E-Commerce will help the K&T Ltd to change its marketing mode and identify the personalized demand of customers. E-Commerce is a way to create mutual interactive relationships between the business company and its targeted customers. If the K&T Ltd can widely apply the E-Commerce to its operation, it will clearly grasp the personalized demands of customers and then make some corresponding strategies of the business profit maximization (Lin, Huang & Burn, 2007). This implies that E-Commerce can realize a one-to-one marketing relationship between the company and the customer. This kind of relationship will develop more loyal and regular customers for the K&T Ltd. The new marketing mode is on the basis of satisfying the customer demands to the largest extend. The free limitation from time and space characteristics of the Internet is the foundation of the E-Commerce marketing management.

The E-Commerce can promote the brand recognition of the K&T Ltd with the integration of products, services and information. The K&T Ltd can take use of the differentiation between the traditional marketing and the modernized internet marketing to form its own mature marketing model through the E-Commerce. The company can upgrade the latest information of their products and provide more considerable services on E-Commerce platforms, which can be viewed as a symbolic value for more customers. If the K&T Ltd can be engaged in the network and set a series of proper strategies for its E-Commerce promotion, it can be well turned from a traditional company to a popular E-Commerce company, with increased brand recognition as well.

Key Issues and Challenges

Under the popularity of the E-Commerce, it is inevitable that the E-Commerce companies may have some key issues and challenges together with their development and expansion.

The first and foremost risk is the security and privacy problem of the E-Commerce. This is a common problem for all E-Commerce participants. When customers become the online buyers, their personal information can be gathered by the business company. If there are improper use or unconscious leakage of their personal information, both the customers and companies can suffer great losses. In addition, there are many factors threatening the E-Commerce security. There can be some hackers attacking, internet viruses, denial of service problem and so on (Morris et al, 2012). Some unintentional acts like the disk lost can also be one risk factor. Thus the security and privacy problem can be disturbing for many E-Commerce companies and customers.

The second risk lead to some deliberate acts. As has been mentioned, some hacker attacking may bring the breakdown of the normal operation of E-Commerce, thus many companies may be influenced. Then, more thefts and frauds appear on E-Commerce platforms, making customers suffer great money losses. Some software attacks also need to be notices as it can destroy the important information belonging to the company and the customers. With the missing or false information, the E-Commerce can be damaged as a result.

The technique skills and the management are also the challenges for the business company. For the K&T Ltd, some specialized technical experts are needed to keep the normal operation of their E-Commerce. If their E-Commerce platform is deliberated damaged by others, these experts are supposed to settle the problem. For another, the management process of the E-Commerce is of great importance. The management members of the E-Commerce should have a deep understanding of how to run E-Commerce (Group & Limited, 2005). They need to follow the rapid changes of the market and make effective strategies to promote the expansion of the company. Otherwise, the K&T Ltd may meet a dilemma either due to technical failure or management failure.


To benefit from the E-Commerce with minimized risks and challenges, the following strategies are some recommendations for the K&T Ltd.

Firstly, the senior level within the company need to be further trained to become the qualified E-Commerce management teams. They need to be able to tackle with difference potential problems on the E-Commerce platforms with customers and suppliers. Then, the company should focus on the foundation of their E-Commerce system. With an improved and advanced E-Commerce system, they can avoid many common problems occurring to other companies. This also require the K&T Ltd to have some technical experts to manage the E-Commerce operation. Moreover, the K&T Ltd should keep up with the latest tendency of E-Commerce and the changing demand of customers. Thus they can make proper strategies to promote their expansion.


The improvement of Information Technology has contributed to the popularity of E-Commerce. As many of the young parents are experienced users of E-Commerce, it is a good choice for the K&T Ltd to expand its E-Commerce business with a lower cost. Following this, the company can benefit from the E-Commerce and realize its market expansion to other cities in the UK. However, limited by some common issues and challenges from the E-Commerce, the company also need to be well prepared with some effective measurements and strategies. On the whole, the E-Commerce can play a positive and significant role in helping the K&T Ltd to realize its market expansion in the future.


Business, Marketing, Computer Science, Management Information Systems

Management and Business Law etc.

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Lin, C., Huang, Y. A., & Burn, J. (2007). Realising b2b e-commerce benefits: the link with it maturity, evaluation practices, and b2bec adoption readiness. European Journal of Information Systems, 16(6), 806-819.

Morris, H. W., Bosco, E., Lippke, D. L., & Steele, C. A. (2012). Regulating users of online forums.

Molla, A., & Heeks, R. (2007). Exploring e-commerce benefits for businesses in a developing country. The Information Society, 23(2), 95-108.


Essay代写:Public sports services in the UK

2019-02-14 17:08:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Public sports services in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的公共体育服务。公共体育服务就是提供体育公共产品和服务行为的总称,包括加强体育公共设施建设、发展体育公共事业,发布体育公共信息等,为丰富社会公众生活和参与社会体育活动提供社会保障和创造条件。英国作为现代体育的发源地,其公共体育服务发展伴随着公共服务管理的发展,具有独特的历史演进过程。在英国的公共体育服务建设中,有效地调整了在体育事业发展中的政府机构与民间组织的关系,实现了政策制定与政策执行的分离,从而达成了一种高效的有机组合。

After World War II, the British government's policies on sports development model basically followed the old system, that is, citizens' voluntary non-governmental non-profit organizations. The Wolfenden report - Sport in the Community - was proposed by the central government in 1960 as the number of nonprofits and participants in sports increased. In 1975, the white paper on sports and entertainment was issued, declaring that sports is a basic component of the social service system and an essential daily service for the community. Under the "welfare state" system, UK sport policy explicitly serves sport for all. The Sport Council, a semi-official body that provides sports policy, advice, reports, activities and implementation plans to the government, plays an important role. This has a lot to do with the structural framework of sports construction in the UK, that is, sports are mainly controlled by the market and sports non-profit organizations, with government actions accounting for only about 30%. To this day, the UK continues to develop sport within this framework.

On the other hand, Britain attaches great importance to the construction of physical education and starts to rebuild the overall plan of national physical education. After the sports department of the ministry of Education became an independent administrative department, Physical Training was changed to Physical Education. Physical Education, as an organic part of school Education, should realize the comprehensive functions of Physical, psychological and social Education. After Margaret thatcher came to power in 1979, professional clubs were responsible for establishing community sports programs in the context of the government's pursuit of privatization of public sector activities. However, their increasing business practices eventually resulted in the loss of community responsibility and the accountability to shareholders. In 1997, the new Labour government headed by Tony Blair carried out the comprehensive economic and social system reform in Britain with the "third way". The third path, a shorthand for a political and economic philosophy that straddle the line between traditional socialism and laissez-faire capitalism, emphasizes the building of strong civil society. In the field of sports, it is to change the government-led sports development model into one that emphasizes the autonomy of sports organizations. It is believed that the supply of public services should rely on the active participation of multiple subjects such as communities, non-governmental organizations and families, and should not be limited to the state or the private sector. The main contents include equal consultation of sports policies, mutual cooperation of sports organizations, government contract purchase of services and encouragement of volunteer services. Under this political idea, the government chose to cooperate with civil organizations, which became a strategy to realize the modernization of British sports development. In the 21st century, the British government has paid more attention to the relationship between sports and the overall development of communities, and constantly promoted the reform of public sports service policies and systems, all of which benefited from the strong support of sports policies and the mature development of public services.

The sports functional departments in Britain have an efficient management system, and the core lies in the effective separation of decision-making and implementation, as well as the effective separation of formulation and implementation. Specifically, the policy division is responsible for the formulation and planning of sport policy, while the non-government public governing bodies, such as the sport council of England and the sport council of England, are responsible for policy implementation. On the other hand, by purchasing public services through government contracts, the service functions are transferred to non-governmental organizations. The advantages of this system are as follows: first, the government's monopoly on the development of sports is reduced, and its functions are limited to the formulation and consultation of rules. Specific rights of implementation are given to non-governmental organizations, which effectively provides the development space and freedom for the field of public sports services. Secondly, by applying the principles of macroeconomics and social economics, externalizing the management process and utilizing the market mechanism to regulate sports policies, the dynamic optimization of the overall efficiency is achieved within the possible scope, and the ineffective components of pure government regulation are avoided. Finally, through the way of division of labor, the efficiency of policy making is improved. The government applies more human and material resources to the research and formulation of policies rather than the trivial implementation and implementation, which not only gives play to the unit cost advantage of division of labor, but also reasonably avoids the unclear responsibilities of both parties.

According to the basic principles of public economics, the government's direct provision of public sports services is likely to lead to inefficiency and waste. To solve this problem, the British government has adopted an indirect approach to provide public sports services. The above efficient management system provides institutional guarantee for this purpose. One obvious manifestation is the source of funds for public sports services. In public sports, the role of the British government has changed from a provider of funds to a guide of policies and an evaluator of performance, and civil organizations have become direct providers of services. Civil organizations based on public initiative can meet people's diversified sports demands, stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of ordinary citizens, and form the social network structure of social sports governance. Through the market mechanism, the low efficiency caused by the government's direct provision of services is effectively avoided, and the volunteerism of civil organizations maintains social equity. A good balance is achieved by giving consideration to both efficiency and equity.

As a public product under the condition of market economy, value-added is also one of the characteristics of public sports service. New Labour emphasizes the significant and far-reaching role of sports as social investment, and regards the development of sports as an important social investment for social cohesion, civic identity, crime reduction and health education, etc., so as to achieve the goal of maximizing the overall social effect through the broad participation of the masses. According to statistics, this social investment has brought about a return rate of about 500 percent to the British government every year. In addition, investment in football has helped reduce juvenile crime in poor communities. In a word, the social and economic components of sports development are organically combined through social investment, so as to promote the coordinated social and economic development of the country. It can be seen from this that the development of British sports has also played a powerful role in boosting the progress of the whole country.

In the planned economy period under the "all-around government" management system in China, the government is not only the producer of residents' sports public services, but also the supervisor and controller, so the function and role of public services are actually weakened. After the reform of market economic system, the government no longer seeks to directly manage sports public service activities, but gradually guides social organizations to govern by transferring specific management and service functions to outside the government.

According to the governance theory: "the essential feature of governance and good governance is the independent management of public affairs by civil society organizations or the cooperative management with the government. Therefore, the key to China's sports reform lies in the transfer of some functions to non-governmental organizations, strengthening decision-making and supervision, and establishing a "limited" and "effective" government.

The first step is for the government to devolve executive power and reduce monopoly power. Through economic regulation and legal means to indirectly control sports, form a government, market and society in the supply of public sports services in the division of labor, complementary, competition and cooperation management mechanism, improve the efficiency and quality of public sports service supply. Secondly, establish a complete set of laws and regulations. As possible to meet the requirements of the service object at the same time, from the legal safeguard of cooperation between government, business, non-governmental organizations, the public sports service supply main body behavior effectively supervise, specification, fundamentally guarantee the fair competition between different supply main body and the effectiveness of the cooperation between each other, eventually form a diversified supply of public sports service system. Thirdly, establish and improve the overall monitoring and evaluation mechanism of sports management. With the scientific monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the process, the public sports service level can be effectively improved and timely revised and adjusted.

The object of public sports service is the key problem for the government to develop sports, that is, for whom to develop, which determines the goal and direction of the development of public sports service. As the masters of the country, the public should enjoy public sports services. Through the increase of the participation rate of sport for all, sports in Britain has been improved in health and education, youth cultivation, community development, social cohesion and other aspects, and has also reduced crime. In addition to obtaining a good sports development soil and the mass foundation, it has also promoted the coordinated development of national economy and society.

However, due to China's special national conditions and under the nationwide sports system, the development of sports focuses on competitive sports and ignores public sports services, leading to low participation in mass sports and generally low enthusiasm for sports. With the progress of China's social civilization and sustained economic development, people's demand for public sports services has undergone a great transformation, and it has become an obvious and inevitable trend that the desire for gold MEDALS in competitive competitions will be transferred to actual health and recreation. After the Beijing Olympic Games, China put forward the sports development strategy from a big sports country to a strong sports country. On the one hand, we should provide basic services to improve people's participation in sports. On the other hand, we should strengthen institutional building and civic awareness education, and encourage the public to participate in the whole process of public sports service. It is worth affirming that in recent years, faced with the pattern of dual public sports service system in urban and rural areas, China has gradually focused on narrowing the gap between regions and between urban and rural areas in public sports service, aiming at the equalization of public sports service for all.

The British government to promote the development of sports to choose cooperate with civil society organizations, not only can avoid the "government failure" and "market failure" caused the public sports service, get rid of the dilemma, fairness and efficiency is that individuals or groups of skills, interests, beliefs, and values through ngos platform to provide services to the public and community development, makes the transformation of traditional elite sports as a real mass sports. Therefore, this kind of service also plays an extremely important role in the construction of modern civil society.

The degree of social civilization and the supply of public services in a country or region depend to some extent on the number of social organizations. According to the NPO research institute of tsinghua university, sports, fitness and entertainment organizations account for 18.17 percent of the total number of over 300 social organizations in China. In the report of the 17th national congress of the communist party of China, it was proposed to achieve "effective connection and benign interaction between government administration and self-management of social organizations". Specifically, in the field of public sports service development, the development of non-profit sports organizations in Britain provides a mature example for China. By taking root at the grass-roots level, non-governmental sports organizations can not only fully mobilize social resources that the government cannot mobilize through administrative means, broaden the source channels of public sports service resources, but also effectively reduce administrative operation costs and improve the efficiency of public service supply. Therefore, the government should weaken the monopoly of public sports service and guide, support, encourage and promote the participation of civil society organizations in public sports service through various incentive measures. We should innovate the mechanism and mode of public sports service supply and play an important role in policy advocacy, social governance and public service.

The development of the contemporary British sports, is undoubtedly a great success with example, successfully juggle the fairness and efficiency, effectively adjust the plays in the development of undertakings of physical culture and sports the relationship between government agencies and ngos, realized the separation of policy making and policy implementation, to achieve a kind of efficient organic combination, and eventually help British sports enterprise out of the difficult position, to the bright road of revival. It should be reflected that the success of sports development in Britain is closely related to the development concept of adhering to mass sports and improving the opportunities and degree of participation in mass sports. Of course, the social system and national conditions of China and the UK are not completely the same, and the economic situation and the specific situation of the people are also very different. Therefore, it is not advisable to copy the reform experience of the UK completely. Therefore, China should selectively learn from the development experience of British sports in the future, break through the bottleneck of system innovation, break the shackles and limitations of thoughts, strive to improve the efficiency of the government and the development opportunities of social sports, and strive to go further on the development path of Chinese sports in the future.

