

Essay代写:Meditation education in American schools

2019-02-22 17:31:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Meditation education in American schools,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国学校的冥想教育。专注冥想教育源自佛教冥想仪式,是一种静心修炼法。它引导修炼者把注意力集中在自己的呼吸或者一件具体事物上,以放松心情。教育领域运用这种方式还只是开始。时下,美国越来越多的地区逐渐引入了这种教育理念。许多大学的心理学系、研究中心,都开始了对这种特殊教育方式的研究。据最新的研究结果显示,冥想教育不仅能使人更好地集中注意力,减少消极的自我暗示,还能帮助学生改掉厌食症和易饿病及一些不良习惯。

When the bell rings, fifth graders at piedmont elementary school in California close their eyes, focus on their breath and picture "love and kindness." Currently, American schools and colleges are promoting "mindfulness meditation" to reduce stress among students. To that end, piedmont elementary has changed its bell to the clanging of Tibetan chants.

The "mindfulness meditation" education is derived from the buddhist "meditation" ritual, which is a meditation practice. It guides the practitioner to focus on his or her breath or a specific object to relax. In 1979, Dr. Joseph kabakin, a molecular biologist at Massachusetts state university in the United States, applied the method of "concentrated mind" relaxation to the medical field for the first time, treating patients with chronic pain, anxiety, depression and other symptoms. It has since been extended to healthcare, business, professional sports and prisons. However, the use of this approach in education is only the beginning. More and more parts of the United States are introducing this educational philosophy. Psychology departments and research centers in many universities began to study this special education mode.

In early summer, the piedmont elementary school in California began a five-week "mindfulness meditation" program. Every other week, the coach in charge of the program goes to each classroom and gives 15 minutes of "gentle breathing and peace of mind" training, which is great for students to focus quickly.

"I started to imagine myself holding a bat and being in a baseball game. And completely immersed in the game." "It's amazing," monton, 11, said with interest to his classmates.

When the students start "mindfulness meditation", buddhist music will fill the whole classroom, waves of clear wooden fish percussion sound reverberated around. Asked how they felt when they heard the chants ringing in their ears, one third grader said: "I feel like I'm on the oprah winfrey show." Another said: "I feel like a bird being released."

Angela heiko, the principal of piedmont elementary school, says students are under increasing pressure. Some students began to exhibit varying levels of violence: "the child made a mistake, was left behind after school and asked to 'reflect seriously,' but could he really sit there and figure it out?" "Parents and teachers go out of their way to remind their children to 'pay attention! 'but they were never taught exactly what to do. In their view, the introduction of such training in schools can make up for this deficiency.

Since its implementation in many schools, this "mindfulness meditation" relaxation method has been well received by teachers, students and parents. Angela heiko calls this "the new ABC," an easy and effective way to approach life with more peace of mind.

Another effect of this kind of teaching is that when students intend to be rude to others, they can "have a tolerant and compassionate heart" and talk to others calmly.

The mother of one of the elementary school students told a parents' meeting that her child had been irritable before. "but one day, out of the blue, he said to me after school, 'I need to calm down and think.

According to new research, "meditation" not only improves concentration and reduces negative self-talk, it can also help students overcome anorexia, bulimia and other bad habits.


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Assignment代写:The laboratory accreditation system in the United States

2019-02-22 17:30:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The laboratory accreditation system in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的实验室认可制度。当今,实验室认可制度大体上可以分为两大类,一类是集中管理模式,这是大多数国家所采用的模式。另一类是分散管理模式。而美国的实验室认可体系基本上属于分散型的。美国联邦、州、地方或私营企业执行着若干套认可方案。在美国联邦政府之内,各实验室认可方案有很大不同。美国实验室认可方案由各级政府和私营机构共同管理。美国所采取的并不是集中管理的模式。

For decades, with the booming development of production and trade, with the expansion and improvement of various product certification, system registration and laboratory accreditation system, a kind of testing laboratory and calibration laboratory facing the vast industry and the scientific and technological community has been established all over the world, and received special attention from the governments of all countries.

The work of these testing and calibration laboratories can generally include: providing fair and reliable measurement data to the government and the public, so as to serve as the basis for the regulatory authorities to formulate laws and regulations, and thus regulate the market order; Assist enterprises to improve product quality and competitiveness; To help consumers understand the safety performance of goods and realize consumers' right to know and choose goods; Provide technical service for product certification; And to mediate or impose legal sanctions on judicial organs or administrative departments in the event of trade disputes or in the investigation and handling of counterfeit and shoddy commodities; In the event of a trade dispute with a WTO member, relevant measurement data may be provided to the WTO dispute settlement body to facilitate a fair settlement of the dispute. Of course, the role of these laboratories can be fully played only after they are recognized by the government or authorities for their capabilities.

Nowadays, the laboratory accreditation system can be generally divided into two categories. One is the centralized management model, which is adopted by most countries. Another is decentralized management. Our country belongs to the former. China's laboratory accreditation system is under the "national certification and accreditation supervision and administration committee" of the "China national accreditation committee for laboratories" responsible for the accreditation of laboratories and the establishment of a national operation system. The national operation system is established by the committee in accordance with ISO/IEC guide 58, "accreditation system for calibration and testing laboratories - general requirements for operation and accreditation". The American laboratory accreditation system is largely decentralized. In the United States, several accreditation programmes are implemented by federal, state, local or private enterprises. However, regardless of the form of the system, ISO/IEC guide 17025, "general requirements for testing and calibration laboratory capabilities", is the guideline for national laboratory accreditation systems.

The United States, highly developed in industry and technology, attaches great importance to the implementation of the laboratory accreditation program. Use an example to illustrate the importance of the laboratory accreditation system in the United States. In 1996 President Clinton signed into law an American act, the American screw quality act, for a single screw in manufacturing. Why did the United States go to great lengths to introduce this bill? It is precisely because the United States civilian and military screw quality is often unqualified and caused a series of large equipment and large buildings were seriously damaged, to the military industry and civilian industry caused very dangerous consequences, unexpected huge expenditure. The enactment of this act is in essence closely related to the laboratory accreditation system. Section 5 of the act requires the designation of a screw testing laboratory that must apply for accreditation under the American voluntary laboratory accreditation program administered by the American institute of standards and technology, or accreditation with the NVLAP accreditation authority. This means that the quality of screws used in the United States, whether imported or produced locally, must be guaranteed. Screw suppliers that import to the United States must test the rules without slack. This is a strict determination of the American bill.

It is well known that accreditation schemes in the United States are implemented differently from those in most countries. In other countries these powers are delegated to authoritative public organizations or institutions with some degree of government involvement. In the United States, however, the pilot accreditation program is managed jointly by all levels of government and the private sector.

Most of the accreditation programs implemented by American laboratories are designed to meet the special needs of governments and private companies, which implement different forms of accreditation programs. The process for evaluating laboratory capabilities varies. Basically, there are three levels:

Laboratory accreditation programs vary widely within the United States federal government. The laboratory accreditation program is administered by governments at all levels and the private sector. The United States does not have a centralized management model.

National voluntary laboratory accreditation program, NVLAP is a comprehensive accreditation program. The solution is listed in NIST handbook 150. This protocol is in accordance with the basic contents of ISO/IEC guideline 17025-1999, general requirements for the capabilities of testing and calibration laboratories. NVLAP is suitable for testing and calibration laboratories, both official and private, including: commercial laboratories, in-house factory laboratories, university laboratories, as well as federal, state and local government laboratories. Two certificates shall be issued to certify the accreditation of NVLAP laboratory: one is the accreditation certificate; Second, the scope of the specification.

The NVLAP symbol is a federal registered symbol operated by the national institute of standards and technology. NIST and the federal government have the authority to control the use of this identifier. The right to use this logo is granted to laboratories accredited by NVLAP. Laboratories may have the right to use the label when announcing their approval status, as well as the test report and calibration report provided. However, NIST reserves the right to control the quality of use of this identifier.

In addition to NVLAP, there are other accreditation programs in the United States, some of which require only a minimal review of laboratory qualifications, some of which require a designated laboratory to screen the initial product and require a federal laboratory to provide critical test data. For example, the defense logistics agency of the U.S. department of defense only recognizes laboratories that are capable of testing products required by the logistics agency. The defense department's laboratory accreditation program is open only to organizations that have the ability to provide products to the government.

In most cases, state and local governments require certain products to be inspected or tested by authorized agencies to manage the products. For example, state and local governments in the United States regulate building and electrical materials by requiring them to pass tests and be labeled with an approved laboratory. Or, as in the above federal regulatory program, designate some laboratories as conformance tests for products to perform certain supervisory and screening assistance. State and local government laboratories dedicated to providing vital test data.

As with the federal government, requirements at the state and local level vary from program to program. Some of the programs are very comprehensive and considerate in their scope of recognition, while others are only partial recognition of the laboratory capacity, with a simple process and a single project.

Private accrediting organizations in the United States also administer the laboratory accreditation program. It helps laboratories maintain their capabilities, helps an industry avoid government regulation in the form of self-assurance, and helps government agencies enforce regulations, such as testing construction products. The American blood bank association operates an accreditation program for blood Banks and blood transfusion services that has been approved and adopted by many state governments. Another example: the American college of pathology program recognizes hospitals and independent medical laboratories, and the CAP program is used by the VA to ensure the quality of VA medical equipment. A accreditation scheme operated by the American association for laboratory accreditation allows accreditation of laboratories in a variety of testing areas.

Now, the United States is actively working on bilateral or multilateral agreements between governments to enable mutual recognition of test data. These agreements require either party to accept the test data generated by the other party's accredited laboratory. Mutual trust in each other's recognized laboratory testing capabilities is a guarantee for the successful implementation of these protocols. One example of such a multilateral agreement is the international agreement on the transport of perishable food and its use of special equipment. ATP is a multilateral agreement that sets standards for the testing and use of perishable food transport equipment. Usda certifies testing stations and laboratories in accordance with ATP requirements. These groups can issue us ATP certificates, which are recognised by other ATP signatories. Among them are: Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia.

The national voluntary laboratory accreditation program of NIST has signed bilateral agreements between the national association of testing institutions of the United States and Australia, the test laboratory registration board of New Zealand, and the Canadian standards board, respectively. In accordance with these agreements, data obtained by a laboratory recognized by one party shall be recognized by the other party.

Laboratory accreditation system is an important project to guarantee product quality in the world. The implementation of this system in the United States has received high attention, the main reason may be that this measure can guarantee: can use the reliable test data of recognized laboratories to improve the level of government authorities to formulate laws, regulations and supervision and management, and to regulate the order of the commodity market; Can assist enterprises to improve product quality and improve product competitiveness. Over the years, the laboratory accreditation system has been continuously improved and improved all over the world.


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2019-02-22 17:30:25 | 日記

















Paper代写:The Gwangju Uprising Reflected in the Movie A Taxi Driver

2019-02-22 17:30:01 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Gwangju Uprising Reflected in the Movie A Taxi Driver讨论了电影《逆权司机》中的光州起义。电影《逆权司机》改编自德国ARD记者Jurgen Hinzpeter的真实故事,他前往光州,拍摄了政府利用军队对人民进行殴打、杀害的罪行。在电影中,彼得潜入光州的帮助下金和大规模的示威活动进行了调查。这部电影最准确的描述了Hinzpeter所做的事情,这些事情也让他成为了韩国的英雄。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the 1980s, the wave of democratization reached Asia and covered China, Japan, and South Korea. The Gwangju Uprising was the climax in the history of South Korean democracy movements. This paper analyzes its historical context reflected in the movie A Taxi Driver (Jang Hoon, 2017) and provides both domestic and international points of view through a series of mass media research.

Historical Background and Achievement of the Gwangju Uprising

The Gwangju Uprising started in May 1980, when students from all over South Korea marched and protested for the abolition of Martial Law and the promotion of democracy. A Taxi Driver did a great job on representing the tense atmosphere in the part before the charters went to Gwangju. At the beginning, Kim Man-seob was having a normal day as a taxi driver in Seoul but what he encountered was somehow different. Students’ protests caused a traffic gym and when Kim drove back he saw policemen chasing the students and threw smoke bombs at them. He also heard gun shot and saw banners against the Martial Law (00:04:18). The movie also showed some political background in flexible ways. The radio reported the government’s order of the prohibition of political activities of artists, the suspension of classes of college students, and banning of demonstrations or strikes (00:11:21). In addition, from the conversation among Peter and his coworkers/friends, we learned that Kim Dae-jung was arrested, Kim Young-sam was under house arrest at the time. When Kim and Peter arrived Gwangju, they received the most welcome. It showed the desire of the students to spread the news to the world and seek for help and support.

What we did not see from the movie is, in the next few days, thousand of soldiers entered the city driving tanks. Despite the people blocking the road, the tanks still ran over their bodies unscrupulously and made it into the city. At the same time, the soldiers opened fire to the people for many times and killed dozens of people. Eventually, the troops dismissed the crowd and occupied the government office building again, and brutally suppressed this democratic movement. The official body count was over 500, and some human rights groups argued the death roll was over 2,000 (Goodman & Gonzalez, 2005).

After the horrible massacre, the South Korean people were not deterred. Instead, they persevered in continuing their struggle for years. In June 1987, millions of people embarked on the streets of Seoul and demanded democracy. The military was no longer able to suppress the movement (Flower, 1999). Under the enormous pressure, the government were forced to accept the plan of constitutional reform. South Korea could be democratized and ranked among the modern civilized nations, the Gwangju Uprising plays a significant role as the cornerstone.

Mass Media Responses

The Gwangju Uprising attracted wide attention in the world. The Kung Sheung Daily News (Hong Kong) reported on May 22nd 1980 that the anti Martial Law demonstrations in Gwangju, a southwestern city in South Korea, were escalated into riots, and at least 50 people were killed. The Reuters reported that 1,500 people parachute troop was sent from the capital to suppress the uprising in Gwangju. On the 21th, Agence France-Presse reported that dozens of people were shot or wounded by the government military and the whole city of Gwangju fell into anarchy (KSDN, 1980). At the same time, the New York Times carried out 47 news reports on this matter from May 18th to June 1st (NYT, 1980).

However, different parties in South Korea tried to strictly block the outflow of truth at the time. Some local journalists sneaked out to the printing office of their newspaper and tried to publish the facts to the public. But the manager of the newspaper beat them up and smashed the machines. Meanwhile, fake death roll was spreading through TV news and the press was telling a completely opposite story, which claimed the students as mobs (01:07:15 - 01:09:06). The citizens out of Gwangju have absolutely no idea what was happening and only discussing it as lunchtime gossip (01:31:07).

Today, the Gwangju Uprising is accepted and memorialized by the South Korea government, who sponsored many cemeteries to commemorate the victims (Yea, 2002). All the memorial sites in the country are reminding people of the contribution and efforts people took in promoting the process of democratization in South Korea. However, there are some right-wing writers argue that the Gwangju Uprising is inevitable and wrote this points of view in textbooks. The Ministry of Education had eventually ordered it to be rewritten (Kingston, 2016).

The Significance and Influence of the Movie

This movie adapted from the true story of German ARD reporter Jürgen Hinzpeter went to Gwangju and filmed the government’s crime of using troops against people, as well as beating and killing them. In real life, Hinzpeter went to the scene several times and was cut off from the outside. In great danger, he insisted on filming the bloodbath directed by the government and managed to carry it out and spread it (Schwering, 2016). In the movie, Peter dived into Gwangju with the help of Kim and conducted a investigation on the large-scale demonstrations. The movie is mostly accurate to describe what Hinzpeter did, and for what he did, he is still a hero in South Korea.

After the broadcast, the movie has received countless responses. According to statistics, the movie’s first day box office reached 4.5 million USD with a total of 698,000 viewers, which is the most audience in the Korean film history (Maala, 2017). It attracts lots of attention out of Korea as well. Many Hong Kong audiences claimed that they were deeply touched by this story and were reminded of the situation in HK. Apple Daily published an editorial comparing the history involved in the movie with the Umbrella Movement (Lu, 2017). This is not a story of South Korea; it is a story of mankind. The movie motivates an impulse and reflection to recognize and learn this history and provides a desire to establish an insight of how tyranny stopped and how democratization occurred with sacrifice.

Although the film was not released in Mainland China, it triggered a warm concern and discussion online. Since the movie page was established on the main file, critic site Douban in August, over 30,000 netizens viewed it and the average of the movie is as high as 9.1 out of 10. Many comments complimented the courage of South Korea to face their history. Mainland China has experienced similar democratic movement in 1989, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which is still strictly forbidding to mention in China. Some netizens spoke of it on the movie page but most of them got deleted very soon. At around 9:10 on October 3, the whole movie page was removed from Douban (Yu, 2017).

A taxi driver chose an unused and unique 'outsider' perspective, which is also the closest to the audience. It drags the audience into the 1980s through the non-sensational, straightforwardrd and calm portrayal. It is undoubtedly more objective to show the Gwangju Uprising through the perspective of an outsider. Kim did not understand politics, just like most of us, who are struggling in the livelihood of ourselves. However, through his changes, we also gained an indirect chance to experience history as we gradually approaching the truth.


A Taxi Driver did an excellent job to represent the historical context of the Gwangju Uprising, and it is absolutely a great movie to watch. Political revolution takes blood but the use of violence and military force by the government on unarmed people is totally unacceptable. Many countries have paid very expensive prices on the path of pursuing democracy but some are not fortunate enough to succeed. it is almost natural for me to associate the Gwangju Uprising to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. However, China remains a dictatorship under the communist regimes and the Chinese Communist Party has been cracking down free expression all over the nation. In the end of the movie, it shows the modernized city of Seoul in 2003. The prosperity and peace now in South Korea comes from continuous fighting and the awareness and determination of the people and the government. There is a famous quote in the Old Book of Tang says that history reflects thriving and depression (以史为鉴,可以知兴替), which implies how the world is shaped by history. More importantly, history offers guidance for the future.

Limitation and Prospect

Due to language barriers, this paper does not show enough supportive information or comments on German or Korean media, which I believe would really contribute to the topic.

For my suture research, I would love to do some comparative study on the democracy movements in China and South Korea.


A Taxi Driver. YouTube Movies.

Published on Nov 6, 2017.

Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez. (2005). 25 Years Ago: The Kwangju Massacre in South

Jeff Kingston. (2016). Dying for democracy: 1980 Gwangju uprising transformed South

Korea. The Japan Times, May 17.

James Flower. (1999). The United States and South Korean Democratization. Political

Science Quarterly, Vol. 114, No. 2.

Korea. Democracy Now, May 18.

Jon Maala. (2017). Taxi Driver dislodges Battleship Island from top of Korean box office.

International Bussiness Times, August 3.

Lu Feng 盧峯. (2017). Pinglun: cong chu zu che si ji fan si yu san yun dong苹论:从《出

租车司机》反思雨伞运动,Apple Daily苹果日报,September 28.

Sallie Yea. (2002). Rewriting Rebellion and Mapping Memory in South Korea: The

(Re)presentation of the 1980 Kwangju Uprising through Mangwol-dong Cemetery. Urban Studies, Vol. 39, No. 9.

The Kung Sheung Daily News.香港工商日报.

Uwe Schwering. (2016). Schnappschuss: Warum ist ein deutscher Kameramann in Südkorea

ein Volksheld? Das Erste, February 29.

Yu Mengtong于盟童. (2017). Han pian yin fa liu si tao lun da lu dou ban wang ji shan wen

韩片引发六四讨论 大陆豆瓣网急删文,VOA Chinese中央通讯社,October 4.


Essay代写:The independent director system in the UK

2019-02-22 17:10:26 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The independent director system in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的独立董事制度。英国的独立董事制度是作为一种改善公司法人治理结构的方式而产生的。运行至今,它也存在着很多问题,这些问题引发了一系列委员会的建立,他们围绕董事会的组成、结构和效率等展开了研究,并发布了一些有影响力的报告评论,对独立董事制度的完善提出了一些建议。独立董事的功能不是作为公司法人治理结构中所有问题的答案,也不是对董事会的一味遵从,而是去监管公司的管理、运作,提供出他们独立的见解和判断。

The independent director system in the UK comes into being as a way to improve the corporate governance structure. These problems led to the establishment of a series of committees. They studied the composition, structure and efficiency of the board of directors, issued some influential reports and comments, and put forward some Suggestions on the improvement of the independent director system.

It is difficult to guarantee the independence of independent directors. In the Cadbury committee report, the requirements for the independence of independent directors were simply stressed, and no clear criteria were provided to determine the independence of independent directors. Cadbury's report also requires the board to have at least three independent directors and recommends that companies set up an appointment committee to perform the function of selecting independent directors. The majority of the members of an appointment committee are independent directors, which can prompt the company to appoint more independent directors to the board. But the number of independent directors on the board does not mean that they can perform their duties well.

Higgs's report gives an explicit definition of the independence of independent directors: no one has worked at the firm for the past five years; In the past three years, I have no business relationship with the company, nor am I related to its consultants, directors or old employees. No remuneration other than that due to the company; Cannot serve as a director of another company; Not being able to represent the company as an important shareholder; You can't have been on the board for more than 10 years. The Higgs report is simply too demanding for independent directors to be realistic. In practice, most of the independent directors are selected through their personal relationship with the company or friendship with the directors.

Solutions for independent directors' difficulty in obtaining company information. The Cadbury committee has stressed that independent directors have the same right to obtain information as executive directors and that the extent to which independent directors perform their duties is closely related to the quality of information they receive. However, it does not provide clear guidance to independent directors on how to obtain the information they want.

The Higgs report suggests something. It emphasizes that relevant materials and information should be presented to the independent directors in a concise way before the board meeting begins. At the same time, it also emphasizes that independent directors should evaluate the information provided to them every year, which gives independent directors an opportunity to evaluate what information is important to them and the quality of the information provided.

Solutions to the ambiguity of the rights and responsibilities of independent directors. For one thing, the Cadbury committee stresses that all directors are equally accountable for the actions and decisions of the board. On the other hand, I also realize that some directors should bear special responsibilities to the board of directors. Cadbury's committee expects independent directors to contribute in two ways: to monitor the behaviour of the board and its executive directors, and to make decisions when potential interests conflict. These expectations place a heavy burden on independent directors, who the Cadbury committee hopes will shoulder the burden of corporate governance, but whose responsibilities are not commensurate with their powers.

The Hampel committee opposes the distinction between the responsibilities of independent and executive directors. In the common interest of the board, they supported the assumption of equal responsibility. In addition, they tend to let the court decide the different responsibilities of independent directors.

The Higgs report acknowledges that different roles and responsibilities require different knowledge, skills and experience. Although there is no specific distinction between different responsibilities, it has taken the first step to distinguish the duties of independent directors from those of executive directors to realize that independent directors should have different responsibilities.

These reports put forward many Suggestions to improve the independent director system, and these Suggestions were gradually detailed. But in fact, they all go in the wrong direction to find solutions to the problem of independent directors. In fact, the unitary board system adopted in Britain determines the existence of these problems for independent directors, and it is difficult to find solutions to these problems. In British companies, the board of directors under the unitary model has to fulfill two main functions: strategic management and supervision. The board of directors shall be responsible for the operation of the company on behalf of the shareholders and shall supervise the work of the management personnel. Independent directors only work part-time in the board of directors and do not involve in the daily operation of the company. It is difficult for them to perform the strategic management function. Therefore, the unitary mode of merging the two functions in the board of directors limits the supervision functions of independent directors. These committees all hope that the independent directors can reconcile these two roles, which puts the burden of solving the problems in corporate governance structure on the independent directors. In fact, it is impossible for independent directors to meet these expectations, and the improvement of corporate governance structure should be the unified integration of all institutions in the whole company. The role of the independent director is only one part of what is needed, which is the cooperation of each institution of the company and the change of corporate culture.

