Divine Love ― 愛と歓びのゴールデンエイジを共に生きましょう!


サイババ 宇宙・地球の真実を語る

2017-07-27 23:14:23 | UFO アセンション

ババのダルシャンされている中、ババを見る私の歓喜の笑顔に気づいた純粋な魂の少年達、彼らへババから送られてくる愛と歓喜のエネルギーをまるで女神のように放てとの指示があり彼らに送るとJOYのうねり、まさにJOYのWave Movementが彼らの中に起きているのがはっきりとわかりました。その反応エネルギーは、Creation Energyとなってまるで愛と歓喜の波紋のように周囲に広がり、それを体感された方達はグループソウルで体感する本当の幸せを味わうことができました。

Lord Sathya Sai Baba speaks from His Lightbody Selected Messagesより一部抜粋
I wish to tell you more about Myself and why I came as an Avatar at this time on earth.
Planet earth was in great danger of being annihilated and colonized by outside forces, so I gathered together many spaceships from friendly alien colonizing planet earth, to mutate the human species to prevent humans from ever attaining Self-realisation and liberation from rebirth on planet earth.

I came to earth to raise the consciousness of human being so they would no longer need to be reborn on earth. This is what I am trying to do now from My Lightbody and through My spiritual mission in Muddenahalli and around the world, in many contries.
Another reason I came was to show seekers of Truth through My Divinity that all religions were created by God, to show the way to become Self-realized and liberated from rebirth.

I, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, came to demonstrate how to live according to Truth, Love, Peace, Righteousness and Non violence and to give up evil qualities like hate, anger, lust, greed, jealousy, and avarice.

I came to earth to relieve the distress and uplift the oppressed and downtrodden people of this world,who due to the ignorance of humanity have become enmeshed in different types of strife, turmoil, suffering and misery that they do not know how to escape from on their own.

I, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, came to be an example to all human beings how to be happy and content no matter what was happening in the external world.

I, came to teach human beings how to get along peacefully with one another despite the differences in caste, color and creed.

2017年アセンション予報 7月24日付 ”時間の分岐と8月のエネルギーウェイブ” 動画

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