TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


いやしのセミナー HealingSeminar

2012-06-27 23:41:23 | 神学校
7月22日(日)礼拝19時より毎月1回東京アンテオケ教会会堂にて行われる、「スネルゴイ セラペイヤ 」 新井宏二先生(馬橋キリスト教会)によるいやしのセミナーの概要がアップされました。ぜひご覧下さい。

On Sun. 22 July, we’ll hold a healing seminar named “Synerugoi Therapeia” by Rev. Koji Arai of Mabashi Christ Church monthly from 7:00 pm at Tokyo Antioch Church. The contents of Synerugoi Therapeia’s page was created. Please have a look. English→

福島に児童養護施設を Building A Children 's Care center in Fukushima

2012-06-27 23:19:20 | 孤児院

We are supporting for building a children's care center in Kohriyama city, Fukushima prephecture where many children lost their parents at Tohoku Earthquakw in March 11, 2011.

This time we will hold a panel exhibition of NPO the Conerstone Orphanage which is supporting to build a children care center as a preparetion committee at Fukuoka Airport. We hope that many people will know about their needs and join to help them.
詳しくはホームページへ→For more informations click here 写真は完成予想図 This is a picture of an architect's conception of the finished building.

ケガの回復が驚異的! Surprisingly healing from injury

2012-06-27 23:02:45 | いやしの証し
3月に大きな交通事故に会われて入院され、教会の皆でお祈りし、病室でもお祈りさせて頂いてきた方が、階段を上り下りできるようになりました。リハビリの先生から、「この期間でここまで直るとは思わなかった!!」と言われ、驚異的な回復であることを証ししてくださいました。ハレルヤ、主のいやしを感謝します!   靴をはいた写真を撮らせてくださいました↓

Someone who has been hospitalized for a big car accident, being prayed by church members and at his hospital room is able to climb up and down stairs. A doctor who gives him rehabilitation was surprised and said,"I did not expect you have been recovered like this in short time!" , he proved his recovery is unusual. Hallelujah, we thank God's power go healing!!

He allowed me to take a picture his legs with socks.

駅前ライブ Live Performance in front of a Station

2012-06-27 15:43:40 | 昔話

We had street live in front of Karatsu Station. The passersby listened to us.
I was surprised that Family Mart is opened inside of the station since I have not come for a short while.


2012-06-27 07:35:54 | 今日のみことば

For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Do all things without complaining and disputing.

Phillippians 2:13,14