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白馬賛美大会の出場順決定! Final Round, Time Order Praise Contest was settled!

2012-06-24 23:52:35 | 白馬キャンプ

地域 チーム 教会
1 中国 Praise the Lord (下関十字架の恵み)
2 北陸 G4 (十日町)
3 次点枠 Faithful fifty(神のしもべ長崎)
4 次点枠 Anointed(帯広)
5 関東 ウラノス (東京アンテオケ)
6 アメリカ Psalm103 (ロサンゼルス)
7 中部 しるしと不思議 (四日市シオン)
8 次点枠 Truth (神戸アンテオケ)
9 次点枠 By His Sprit(東京アンテオケ)
10 北海道 PATOLIS (イスラエル神の栄光)
11 沖縄 クロスロード (沖縄エルサレム)
12 九州 PEACE   (神のしもべ長崎)
13 東北 Grace (盛岡聖泉)
14 関東 Ciel (兵庫フィラデルフィヤ)
15 沖縄 Bless (沖縄いのちの水の泉)
16 関東 ラスポーザ (東京アンテオケ)
17 関西 スプレンダー (関西合同)
18 関東 エルサレム (東京アンテオケ)
19 関東 True Vine (甲府)
20 関東 Come&Worship (東京アンテオケ)
21 沖縄 Spring of Life (沖縄いのちの水の泉)
22 関東 Gifts (東京アンテオケ)
23 関東 Gospel Seed (東京アンテオケ)

Final Round, Time Order Praise Contest was settled.

No., Area, Team Name
1. Chugoku “Praise the Lord” (Shimonoseki Grace of Cross)
2. Hokuriku “G4″ (Tokamachi)
3. Runner-up “Fatihful Fifty” (Servants-of-God Nagasaki)
4. Runner-up “Anointed” (Obihiro)
5. Kanto “Uranosu” (Tokyo Antioch)
6. America “Psalm 103″ (LA)
7. Chubu “Sign and Wonder” (Yotsuichikaichi Zion)
8. Runner-up “Truth” (Kobe Antioch)
9. Runner-up “By His Spirit (Tokyo Antioch)
10. Hokkaido “PATOLIS” (Israel God’s Glory)
11. Okinawa “Cross Lord” (Okinawa Jerusalem)
12. Kyushu “PEACE” (Servants-of-God Nagasaki)
13. Tohoku “Grace” (Morioka Holy Spring)
14. Kanto “Ciel” (Hyogo Philadelphia)
15. Okinawa “Bless” (Okinawa Spring of Life)
16. Kanto “La Spoza” (Tokyo Antioch)
17. Kansai “Splender” (Kansai Together)
18. Kanto “Jerusalem” (Tokyo Antioch)
19. Kanto “True Vine” (Kofu)
20. Kanto “Come&Worship” (Tokyo Antioch)
21. Okinawa “Spring of Life” (Okinawa Spring of Life)
22. Kanto “Gifts” (Tokyo Antioch)
23. Kanto “Gospel Seed” (Tokyo Antioch)

あなたのその力で行き Go in This Might of Yours

2012-06-24 23:34:50 | カリスマ聖会


A message was given from God through the Judges 6:14,that we should admit our weakness, then trust in God's word who said, "Have I not sent you?" obeying God with this might ours, we will see glory of God wil be revealed.

賜物特訓 Practical Training of the Spiritual Gifts

2012-06-24 22:56:57 | カリスマ聖会


Today we had a pracical training of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit inviting Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara as a lecturer.
We trained the gift of prophecy, different kinds of tongues,the interpretation of tongues, healings, the word of wisdom and knowledge and fatih.