TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


ショートメッセージ Short Message

2012-06-20 23:57:15 | カリスマ聖会

Pastor Israel Okada delivered message from Isaiah53:4-5, that nothing greater than love of Cross, Jesus'cross is able to solve any problem and gives us mercy.He tesified that his sister's healing and salvation, a miraculous testimony.

預言セミナー A Seminar of Prophecy

2012-06-20 19:43:29 | カリスマ聖会

Pastor Israel Okada taught about receiving God's direction through dream T the seminar of prophecy.
This is a picture of Pastor Israel Okada and his wife who are leading first half of praise and worship.

今日のみことば Word of God For Today

2012-06-20 16:17:08 | 今日のみことば
That in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth- in Him. Ephesians 1:10

インターネット委員会 A Committee of Internet

2012-06-20 13:02:45 | カリスマ聖会

Today we had church prayer meeting in the morning and inthe afternoon prayer meeting for the work of the Internet and the Internet Committee wierze Held.
This picture słows that they started to pary first, but oh? Ms. N, why are you looking at a notebook?


2012-06-20 07:59:08 | カリスマ聖会
Today there is a Charisma Meeting in Kitakyuahu. Charisma means the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, they are nine like a gift of healing, prophecy and so on. We have a time of gospel, message and prayer time for the sick. Everyone is invited.

北九州カリスマ聖会&預言セミナー. Kitakyushu Charisma Holy Meeting & a seminar of prophecy
日時 2012年6月20日(水). Date: June 20, tue 2012
18:20~19:00 預言セミナー Seminar of prophecy 18:20-19:00
19:10~21:00 カリスマ聖会 Charisma Meeting 19:10-21:00
会場 小倉商工会館3F(A)会議室 Place: Kokura Commerce and Industry Hall 3F Room A
講師 イザヤ木原真牧師/イスラエル小須田恵牧師/イスラエル岡田牧師
Pastors: Isaiah Makoto Kihara, Israel Megumi Kosuda, Israel Okada
連絡 TEL(FAX)093-952-1907(教会) Contact: tel & Fax 093-952-1907 (church)