TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news



2012-06-14 22:04:28 | 海外宣教
I heard that suddenly the chances to have a live and mini concert were opened.
The works of the Lord which came out throgh the Praise Band is awesome.

難病(ネジデロ ブレシトウシス)からのいやし

2012-06-14 15:55:01 | いやしの証し
日本に10人いるかいないかという、難病ネジデロ ブレシトウシスがいやされた市川茂美さんの奇蹟と感動の証し(体験談)です。涙が出てきます。是非、ご覧ください。
This is a healing testimony of Shigemi Ichikawa who was suffered from an intractable disease, which patients are ten or less in Japan.


2012-06-14 15:27:08 | 海外宣教
Gifts is praising at the conference of Thai church.
海外宣教最新情報より The Latest News of Overseas Mission trip→

行く途中でエンストに・・。 今回は車のトラブルが多いですね。みこころが大きいですね!

On the way, their car had a engine trouble. This time many car problems were occured. The will of God must be big!


2012-06-14 15:05:41 | 教会紹介
田川市にある筑豊キリスト教会をご紹介します。ホームページはこちらです→ブログ「ゴスペルの風」は感謝を通して逆転が起こる、とても励ましと慰められるブログです。 6月22日にパウロ平良明人牧師召天5周年記念聖会がもたれます。写真は賛美をされる平良和子牧師(右)
Let me introduce to you Chikuhou Christ Church in Tagawa city. Homepage and blog, " The Wind of Gospel" URL are upward, the blog gives you encouragement and comfort, that come from victories through givingthanks to God.
5th anniversary of Pastor Paul Akihito Taora' s going to heaven will be held on 22 June.
A photo is Pastor Kazuko Taira who is praising God.(Right side)
Special Commemorative Holy Meeting of 5th Aniversary Pastor Paul Akihito Taira's death

日時 2012年6月22日 18時30分 Date: June 22, 2012
会場 大任町レインボーホール Place: Ootoucho Rainbow Hall
講師 イザヤ木原真牧師/イスラエル小須田恵牧師 連絡 TEL0947-45-2125(教会)
Pastors: Isaiah Makoto Kihara, Israel Megumi Kosuda.


2012-06-14 08:43:34 | 今日のみことば

Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it. 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'

Matthew 22:37-39