
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業


2021-12-21 19:28:31 | 日記
①Common 77 & Valkyrie Javelin Range15 HP-count & Max LOOP count & 5 Cost 1000
②Common 78 & Fairy Magic (+Rainstorm+chainLightning+FireBall+FramRing+SuperNova)フェアリ-マジック レインストーム(40)+チェ-ンライトニング、(8)ファイヤ-ボ-ル(23)、フレ-ムリング(23)、ス-パ-ノバ(60) マナ-118
③Common 79 & SpecialTarget ChainEnemy,ChainEnemyEnemy,ChainEnemyEnemyEnemy,NotLineNotFlyNotTargetCallTele Port,HP,Mana,NotShield,Chapter&Arragement,Number,ChainDestroy Cost0
④Common 80 & Advanced Assembly & Assembly Level2 = Category count&count Sector count&count Cluster count&count Chapter count&count ARangement count&count Number count&count Property count&count Item count&count Piece count&count Class count&count Module count&count Unit count&count Group count&count Part count&count Subject count&count Public count&count Portect count&count Private count&count Colony count&count Attribute count&count Community count&count count&0=Not & Deny & Break count&1=True & Accepting Automate Loop count & 20 Cost0
⑤Common 116 & Split Shield TargetName & HP&HP1+HP+1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP1+HP+1HP1 Cost25
⑥Common 117 & Sleep Cloud HP&Not Attack&NotRange&HPcount&HP-HP0&Peek&TargetName Cost35
⑦Common 131 & Peace & Heal25 ChainReturn Target Not HP0 & Chain Friendly & Chain Friendly Chain Friendly & Chain Friendly Chain Friendly Chain Friendly Loop count & Max Cost0
⑧Common 132 & Dead Church & Heal24 ChainRetuurn Target HP0 & Chain Friendly & Chain Friendly Chain Friendly & Chain Friendly Chain Friendly Chain Friendly Loop count & Ma xCost0
⑨Common 133 & Sense Magic Target Name(=分る魔法) Record Name Target Name & Magic Record Target Name ZeroMate Cost0
⑩Common 134 & Advanced sense Magic Target Name(=分る魔法) Record Name Target Name & Age Record Target Name & Birth Year Record Target Name & Blood Record Target Name & Job Record Target Name & Address Record Target Name ZeroMate
⑪Common 135 & Energy Boolt HP-count&20 Loop count&Max Cost43
⑫Common 136 & Thander Bolt HP-31 Special target Not ProofDamage Cost 3
⑬Common 137 & Fire Bolt HP-20 Special target Not Proof Damage Cost1
⑭Common 138 & Summon111 & DragonPriestMagic=(DragonSummoner(100) ArcBishop(100) ArcSummoner(100) Knight18KnightWyvernDragon(100) HellDragon(100) SuprimeTheraphim(100) BlackDragon(100)*2 Gold Dragon(100)*2 Battle5Dragon14LightningWyvern(100) Castle(100) Fort(100)*2 Ace Summober(100) Spiliture CreatureΣ=1200)
⑮Common139 & Otherr105 & AssemblyScuire Identify CallingScuire0MateMagic Local Assembly
⑯Common140 & Otherr106 & CallingScuire0MateMagic 36Scuire0
⑰Otherr108 & Common141 & PoisonLod HP0 Mana40 Special Target Magic ChainPosion*10 Shield Double Proof Damage Cost10
⑱Common142 & Otherr109 & ListUPDirect Target StructureClass=Tower,Magical Tower,Tower assault,Tower Healing,Castle,House,Fort,Royal Tower,Tempest/LifeClass=Knight1-18 & Sacred1-7,Battle1-6/OrderClass=AngelLevel1-10,GrrffinLevel0-4,Eldar1-5,Order1-15/NaturalClass=Neutral1-18,Elf Sorcerer,Avarice,WhiteAvarice,Earth Elf Sorcerer,Water Elf Sorcerer,Air Elf Sorcerer,Fire Elf Sorcerer,Elf Level 1-8,animal1-10
Dragon 1-26,DarkKnight,DrakPriestLevel 1-4,Lizard Man,afreet(ifreet)/DeathClass=Evil1-33
⑲Common143 & Other110 Creture counter UP : Target StructureClass=Tower,Magical Tower,Tower assault,Tower Healing,Castle,House,Fort,Royal Tower,Tempest/LifeClass=Knightcount&count & Sacredcount&count,Battlecount&count/OrderClass=AngelLevelcount&count,GrrffinLevelcount&count,Eldarcount&count,Ordercount&count/NaturalClass=Neutralcount&count,Elf Sorcerer,Avarice,WhiteAvarice,Earth Elf Sorcerer,Water Elf Sorcerer,Air Elf Sorcerer,Fire Elf Sorcerer,Elf Level count&count,animalcount&count/ChaosClass=
Dragon count&count,DarkKnight,DrakPriestLevel count&count,Lizard Man,afreet(ifreet)/DeathClass=Evilcount&count ChaosCount&Count
⑳Otherr111 & Common144 & Sense Priest Priest List UP = TargetPriest Magic Level(30) count & count Heal(25) count & count
①Common145 & Sense Magic PriestListUP
②Common146 & Sense Creature List & Sense Magic : ListUpDirect & Creture counter UP
③Common147 & Sense ID KEY Target All&NameAndChainFriendlyAndChainNaturalAndChainEnamyLoop count&count And All Name Record First Brith Year count&1 Target All Name count&Type Loop count&count and AllName Men's Boy's count Loop count&count AllName Lady's Girl count Loop count&count & All Name count & Record Blood count&count Loop count&count And And All NameRecord Blood Type count&Type Loop count&count & Body Record count&Type Loop count&count Name Record & count&Type Loop count&count & Record TypeAditton Loop count&5 Loop count&count Mate Record Loop count&Type Loop count&count And Mate Level2 Record Loop count&Type Loop count&count and Mate Level3 Record Loop count&Type Loop count&countand All Name Record Range Target Friendly count Loop count&count All Name Record Magic Target Friendly Loopcount&Type Loop count & count And All Loop count&count
④Common148 ThatSummon&ThatCreture&That Duel&That Trading&Battle&Magic&Summon & That Enemy&Enemycount&count Talot And Name Record& That Summon Loop count&count & That SummonHP&count&count & That SummonMana count&count & ThatSummon Range count & ThatSummon Magic count & count & & ThatSummon Shield Count & Loop count&count And ThatSummon Double Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Proof Damage Count & Loop count&count Special & ThatSummon Target Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Line Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Fly Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Tele Port Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Target CallCount & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Attack Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Range Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Magic Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Total Cost Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Destroycount & Loop count&count & ThatSummon CriticalCount & Loop count&count
⑤Common149 Sense AttributeBoold) All ThatNameAndその名前 ThatNameRecord Parent ThatName Lady&MaleCont&Count And ThatNameRecord Parent Parent Name Lady&Male Count&Count Record Parent Parent Parent Name Lady&MaleCont&Count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Male Count And Loop Count&Count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop Count&Count & Child Name Male Count And Loop Count&Count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop Count&Count & Record Child Name Loop Count&Count Record Child Name Male Count And Loop Count&Count & Birth Year&Age&Name Record ThatName Parent Count&Count&Count Parent Count&Count )HP Count&Count & Mana Count&Count And Total Cost Count&Count And LevelRecord Count&Count Range Count&Count And Parent Count Child Count&Count Child Child Count&Count Child Child Child Count&Count And Parent Count & Count Parent Parent Cont & Count Parent Parent Parent Count & Count
⑥Common150 Sense Healing Priest Magic Level Count&Conut Loop Count&Count Heal Count&Conut Range Count&Count Magic Count&Count & TotalCost Count&Count & Target HP0 Count & Target HP Not0 Count & Target Not Friendly Count Loop Count&Count Case Sense Priest
⑦Common151 & sense Creature HP count&count & Mana count&count And Total Cost count&count And LevelRecord count&count Range count&count And Magic count&count And RangeTargetEnemycount And MagicTargetEnemy count And Proof Damage count And Shield count And Destroy count And Critical count & SpecialTarget count Target Common143&Sense Creature List Loop count&count
⑧Common152 & sense Attack & Summon Name ThatName And その名前 & HP & Summon Name Not 0 & Attack Not AttackHP-count & Record Name & Summon Name AttackHPcount&Max count & Summon Name Attack Less Than count & 5000 count & Record Summon Name Attack HP-count&count And Less Than count & More Than count & Summon Name Tele Port count & Summon Name Fly count & Summon Name Line count & Summon Name Explode Cout & Summon Name Critical count & Summon Name Destroy count & Summon Name Special Target count & Summon Nmae Friendly count Target ThatName&Summon Name&sense Creature
⑨Common153 & ArcScuire0MateMagic 27Scuire0
⑩Summon115 & Common154 & Standard Step1 & Standard Step Talot Sumon71 LevelStep AutoMate Case , TalotLevel6 Count & 1 Additon LevelStep Loop Count & 1000 AutoMate Case , Talot Level6 Count & 1000 Addition Sacred7 DragonPriest Loop Count & 10000 AutoMate Case , Talot DragonPriest Count & 10000 Addition Talot HellDragon Talot Supreme Theraphim Talot Rangeer Talot ArcSummoner Talot ArcBiishop Loop Count & Max AutoMate
⑪Common154 & Case TalotCase
⑫Common155 & Clause TalotClause
⑬Common156 & Standard Mate & AutoMate TalotAutoMate
⑭Common157 & Write & Charge TalotWrite
⑮Common158 & Count TalotCount
⑯Common159 & Type TalotType
⑰Common160 & Name TalotName
⑱Common161 & Other116 & MateLevel3 & Mate3 MateLevel3(Mate TalotName*20)
⑲Common162 & Other117 & MateLevel2 & Mate2 MateLevel2(Mate TalotName*8)
⑳Common163 & Other118 & MateLevel1 & Mate1 & Mate Mate TalotName TalotName TalotName TalotName
①Common164 & Other119 & Additon & Addit & Add Additon Talot Talot Talot Talot Talot Target Namet
②Common165 & Additon & Addit & Add Additon Write Count&Count Write TargetName or Talot
③Common166 & Mate & Mate0 Talot0 & Talot & Thalot Level2 & Talot Level3 & Talot Level4 & Talot Level5 & Talot Level6 & Number & Number
④Common167 & PalmistTalot0 HP0 Mana2 Shield Double ProofDamege
Range Other45 Target That Name or その名前 or Other46 Target That Name or その名前 or Other47 Target That Name or その名前 or Other48 Target That Name or その名前 Other49 Target That Name or その名前 or Other50 Target That Name or その名前 or Other51 Target That Name or その名前 or Other52 Target That Name or その名前 or Other53 Target That Name or その名前 or Other54 Target That Name or その名前 or Other55 Target That Name or その名前 Magic Other45 Target That Name or その名前 or Other46 Target That Name or その名前 or Other47 Target That Name or その名前 or Other48 Target That Name or その名前 Other49 Target That Name or その名前 or Other50 Target That Name or その名前 or Other51 Target That Name or その名前 or Other52 Target That Name or その名前 or Other53 Target That Name or その名前 or Other54 Target That Name or その名前 or Other55 Target That Name or その名前
⑤Common168 & Summon116 & Standard Set 1 Talot Hell Dragon Supreme Theraphim Ranger Arc Summoner Arc Bishop Dragon Priest CallinSquire0MateMagic ArccSucire0MateMagic ZeroMateSummon Talot0 Pack Additon Compriance Body 2Au 16Harf Au Bllod BAufe BirthYear Count & Count Birith Day Cont & Cont Birth Day January1 April21 July26 Oct15 Oct27 Sex Male Sex Lady & Colony,2 Attribute,Count & Count Ccommunity Count & Count
⑥(117)Comon169 & Summon117 & Standard Set 2

⑦Common170 & Summon118 & Spiliture Creature & Standded Set 3 Talot CallingScuire0MateMagic Talot ArcScuire0MateMagic Talo ZeroMate Summon
⑧(120)Common171 & Summon120 & DragonPriestGroup & AceDragonPriest Talot DragonPriest Standard Set2 Talot0Pack Case Special Target Spiliture Creature Ranger KightWyvern Summon Pack Mate Level2 Talot Magical Jewel Cart Talot Record Log Talot Sense Magic Talot Sence Creature Talot FreeHeal Talot DeadChuch Talot Spiliture Creature Talot Read Name Target All

(121)Sinior Dragon & Summon121 & Common172 & Dragon21,22,23,24,15,16*1,17*8,18*20(Arc,High,Expert,Light,God,Heaven*(2/2)=1,Blue*3,Shine*20)Spiliture Creature Special Target Case HeavenDreagon*1 & Standerd Set2 & Mate2 Talot MagicalJewelCart,Record Log,Spiliture Creature,Standerd set2,CreturCounterUP,Palmist Talot0,Freedom Zero,Free8 Cost 20*8+5*20,100*6
⑨(122)Saint Sacred & St.Sacred & Summon122 & Common173 ArcBishop(100),Bishop*3(105),Priest(100),God Father*2(100),Gypsy*3(105) Special Target Spiliture Creature case Standard Set2 DragonPriest Arc Summoner Cost710
⑩(123)Saint Knight & St.Knight & Summon123 & Common174 Crusaide Champion(100),RoyalChampion(95),Ultimate Lancer(100),Knight Wyvern(100),Lightning Wyvern(100),FreedomGriffin*3(105) Cost600
⑪(124)Common175 & Summon124 & DefaultUserSet & DefaultUserSet0 & Talot HellDragon(100),SupremeTherapim(100),AceDragonPrist(200),Saint Sacred(710),Saint Knight(600) Master Law*2 Spiliture Creature Standard Set2Cost1810
⑫(125)Order26 & Common176 & Summon125 & MasterLaw HP950 Mana1750 Attack HP-250+Critical Range BlizzardWand Magic Talot Common175&DefaultUserSet0=1810 Shield Double ProofDamege SpecialTarget Cost50
⑬Common177 & Sense Magic Record Common Count&CountName and Record Common count & count Loop count & Max
⑭Common178 & Sense Magic Target Name Record Name&Common Count&Count Name and Common Count&Count Target Name
⑮Common179 & Sense Magic Target Count Name Record Common Count & Record Common Count
⑯Common180 & Charm All RecordLogRecordFreedom Charm All
⑰Common181 Summon129 & AllFriendListUP
(129)⑰Common182 & Summon130 & AllFriendListUP 織田詩織、蛍、福岡大輔、ハーブケミカリスト、エンジェルボーカル、キュアクリーチャー、リカバリーヒーロー、黒幻術師&ブラックソーサリー、サブリーダーチャージ、海龍サーペイント聖狩師グリフォン、マスターカオス、ドラグーン、ニュークリアガード、Easy'z Priest Force、KnightWyvern Force、マッドドラゴンダークビショップ、ArcSummoner Artillery、ローワーカオス、マスターライト、マスターナイト、マスターサクリッド、マスターチャンピョン、セイントアンデット、セイントドラゴン
⑱Order27 & Common183 & Summon131 & ArcMasterLaw QuarterWand SpecialTarget HP3910 Mana1850 Range BlizzardWand Magic Talot Common175&DefaultUserSet0=1810 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost100
⑲Common184 & Other113 & DoubleMate Mate Additon TalotName*10
⑳Common185 & Other114 & SubMate Mate Additon TalotName*5
①Common186 & Other115 & EasyMate Mate Additon TalotName*25
②Common187 & Other120 & Ballista Force SubMate Ballista StoneBallista flameBallista Spiliture Creature FreeHeal Tower*6 RoyalTower*3 Grrifin*3 Fairy Dragon*2 Talot0Pack IDPACK OccupationLevel1 Spiliture Creature

