
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業

日記 英語 戦争

2023-03-25 23:02:13 | 日記


I don't believe in the founder of Necromancer Crucifixion. In the first place, it is said that there is no room to say that it is evil in itself. This is an insult to Zeus. I cannot authorize this. Necromancers are said to be people, but they are earth gods. And it can be accepted that Zeus and others built the Necromancers that way because human spirits should sleep under the earth.

Tarots are a kind of creation for people to live in, and they do not have spirits from the beginning. Furthermore, since spirits live in the tarot, it is not possible for the soul to dwell in all the created objects, but if it is sent outside the body, it will awaken. The fact that the company was founded from a leaf other than Hades is my property.

Furthermore, Tadao was a spirit directly descended from Isokura Takada, but Isokura Takada abandoned him. It was the abandoned people who abandoned and fought back. This means that Tadao was directly assigned to Hades. Hades is dangerous, but Zeus is no longer the Holy Spirit and is evil. And doing evil demonic deeds with Jesis Christ.

You explain that Luke did not become a disciple of Christ just because he was in Christ. This does not know that Christ's rule over the Apostles is definitely established. Christ's real name is Jesisde. I call myself Jesus, but Christ, Jesus is only transmitted to Japan. This is clearly a fact.

Or rather, this means that Christ can no longer be recognized as God. That's because they accuse those who don't believe in God. I am Catholic and my devotion is to the God of Water, Marfa, the Mother Earth Goddess. I am the thief of Zeus, who was crucified as a thief at the same time as the two thieves.

In other words, it is fundamentally impossible to claim that Jesus Christ is God in Greece and Germany, where the Jesus Christ was up until the first year of the Christian era. This is to say that Christ affirmed that he was a thief. Christ is a thief, but in later life he became Shinji Takeda and called himself a devil, but he denied it after his death, but Christ has no virtue.

Arrogant is said to say something like Germany. Germany spread and conquered a large territory in World War II, but it is a fact that it did not win in the number of weapons or the technology of weapons. The only country that could compete with Germany was the United States. Germany is a NATO vvcountry trying to increase its siege on President Putin and Russia.

Arrogant is said to say something like Germany. Germany spread and conquered a large territory in World War II, but it is a fact that it did not win in the number of weapons or the technology of weapons. The only country that could compete with Germany was the United States. Germany is a NATO vvcountry trying to increase its siege on President Putin and Russia.

However, I do know that Germany has issued over 62 Leopard 2s to Ukraine, said to be the most powerful in the world, capable of defeating the Russian T-80 tanks. In addition, the Ukrainian border was built with sandbags to protect the infantry from the blaze of artillery fire, as well as moats to allow them to fight under tank fire. The front line is fenced, and dozens to hundreds of heavy tanks are guarding and patrolling Russia.

The reason why France was still armed by the navy is that the navy cannot engage in warfare. France has no support for poor countries to support, so it is never less military power than England. My current name is Mr. Dai Fukuoka.

