
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業


2021-12-21 19:33:55 | 日記

①Summon1 & WhiteKnightSquadron Farm*20(20) DaggerMan*8(30) LightBowMan*8(36) BowMan*6(120) BroadMan*6(108) BasterdMan*6(132) Lancer*4(104) Champion*3(102) Royal Champion(95) Elf*3(105) Fort*2(100)Cost985 ホワイトナイトスクアドロン 67体召喚 消費マナ-985
②Summon2 & BlackKnightSquadron ブラックナイトスクアドロン LightDevil*20(100),VampireBat*20(60),BlackBat*20(40),Infelno*8(96).,Skeleton*6(78),Devil*6(96),BoneDragon*4(88),Rich*4(100),Waite*4(122),Necromancer*4(88),Vampire*3(105),GoldDragon*2(100)=Cost977 104体 ブラックナイトスクアドロン召還時マナ-997
③Summon3 & ElfPack&ElfSet WoodElf*20(100)+halfElf*20(100)+SeaElf*20(100)+DarkElf*3(105)+Elf*3(105)DeepElf*3(105)+HighElf*2(100)+Nandor*2(100)+Sindar(100)+Laiquendi(GreenElf)(100)+AceElfSorcerer(100)+Elf Vanyar(100)+ArcElf(100) Cost 1315 召還時マナ-1315
④Summon4 & LightElfPack&LightElfSet WoodElf*20(100)+halfElf*20(100)+SeaElf*20(100)+DarkElf*3(105)+DeepElf*3(105)+Nandor*2(100) Cost710 召還時マナ-710 68体召喚
⑤Summon5 & Fairy ArtilleryKingDomGriffin(100),FreeDomGriffin(275),Fairy*6(90),Douiled(15),Titan*2(50),Bee*8(16),TeamBee*8(16),SeaElf*20(100),DeepElf*3(105),ElfVanyar(100),HighElf*2,(100)=Cost965 フェアリーアーテリー召還時マナー965
⑥Summon6 & heaven'sAngel (Angel*20(80)+LowerAngel*20(100) ArcAngel*8(64)+ExpertArcAngel(80)LightCherubim*8(120)Σ=2720Mana Cost444
⑦Summon7 & HighAngel(Cherubim*3(75),Raphael(Theraphim)*2(100),Gabrie(AceTheraphim)l(100)Michael(100)Lucifer(100) Σ=3190Mana Cost475
⑧Summon8 & MedicAngel&heaven's Asgard Summon heaven'sAngel(Angel*20+LowerAngel*20 ArcAngel*8+ExpertArcAngel*8,LightCherubim*8),HighAngel(Cherubim*3(75),Theraphim(100)*2,AceTheraphim(100)Michael(100)Lucifer(100))Σ=5910Mana Cost 919 メディックエンジェル(衛生兵天使)70体&天国アースガルド コスト919 回復専門部隊
⑨Summon9 & FullSetGriffin&ALLGruffin Summon KingdomGriffin , Griffin *3 , MiddleClassGriffin*8 , LightGriffin*20 Mana 345
⑩Summon10 & FighterPack & FighterSet MedicMan*20(80)&LightSwordMan*20(80)&SwodShoulder*20(80)&LightKnight*20(80)&2HandSwordMan*3(44)&Fighter*6(66) Cost430
⑪Summon11 & WhiteKnightArtillery FighterPack(430)+Barbarian*3(105)+Warrior(100)+Berserk*2(100)+FramGarden(20)+LifeSummonMagic*3(75) Cost830 召還時マナ-830
⑫Summon12 & Royal Lancer Lancer*2 Cost 81 ロイヤルランサ- 3体召喚 槍兵 HP40 マナ80 攻撃力:HP-370 魔法:フレイムバリスタ A+B+C+H1 召還時マナ-81
⑬Summon13 & Group BroadMan*3 グループブロードマン 3体召喚 HP30、攻撃力25+C属性、弓20、マナ10、魔法:マジックジョロ-アロ- 召還時マナ-54、MgCaFe&MgFe、岩田匡養生用
⑭Summon14 & Group Light BowMan グル-プライトボウマン 20体召喚 HP10 マナ4 レンジ5:HP-1+C属性 A+B+C 6体召喚 魔法:タワ- 生命 召還時マナ-60
⑮Summon15 & FramGarden ファ-ムガ-デン HP1 マナ2 A+C属性 攻撃力HP-1+C属性 20体召喚 サ-モン ファ-ムス 召喚時マナ-20
⑯Summon16 & ReligionCrossTeam Magic Priest(100),Gypsy*3(150),GodFather*6(210) Cost 460 十字信仰隊 召還時マナ-460
⑰Summon17 & DarkDiaGram DarkiPriest*6(150)DarkBishop*3(120)ShadowPreist(100)AdvancedDarkBishop(100) Cost470
⑱Summon18 & RecoveryPartner MedicAngel(719),DarkDiaGram(270),ReligionCrossTeam(460) Cost1449 45体召喚
⑲Summon19 & DoubleRecoveryPartner DarkDiaGram(270),ReligionCrossTeam(460),SubDiaGram(715),DoubleDiaGram(100) Cost 1545 86体召喚
⑳Summon20 & DarkDiaGram Griffin*(75) MiddleClassGriffin*8(120)LightGriffin*20(80) Cost275 =フリ-ダムグリフィン 同時31体 グリフィン A+B+C+H属性H属性、ダメージ1÷32軽減 召還時マナ-275 大4.21 男
(21)Summon21 & LifeKeeperGriffin*6 Cost90((75*2)-60Cost)=ライフキ-パ-グリフィン HP10から最大360HPで6体召喚し 6体リフレッシュ後、3体残し、3体リリ-スする マナ無し 召還時マナ-90 大7.26 男
(22)Summon22 & Neutral Artillery WindWizard(45),Phoenix(75),Valxily*2(100),ArcSummonr(100),ArcElfSorcerer(100),AceTheraphim(100),KingDomGriffin(100),Behimoss*2(70),Bee*20(40),TeamBee*20*(40),Titan*4(100),Fairy*6(90)=Cost960 ニュートラル アーテリー 中立砲手隊 召還時マナ-965
(23)Summon23 & Group DaggerMan グル-プダッカ-マン 20体召喚 HP2、ポケット5箇所ポケット各HP1合計HP7 攻撃力1+C属性、20体同時召喚 A+B+C
(24)Summon24 & DragonKnight BlackDragon*2(100),FireDragon*2,(80)FairyDraon*2(100),GoldDragon*2(100),SilvaerDragon*2(100),Leviathan*4(120),WhiteDragon*4(88),GreenDragon*8(104),SeaDragon(105),HellDragon(95)=Cost992 ドラゴンナイト(竜騎士) 召還時マナ-992
(25)Summon25 & WhiteNightSquadron2 HP100 Proof Damage Shield Double Mana 1200 Magic Summon WiteKnightSquadron Cost75 大4/21M男
(26)Summon26 & SummonShineAttribute サーモンシャインアトリビュート MedicMan*20(80)+LightSwordMan*20(80)+SwodShoulder*20(80)+LightKnight*20(80)+WoodElf*20(100)+halfElf*20(100)+SeaElf*20(100)+Fighter*6(66)+2HandSwordMan*3(44)+DarkElf*3(105)+Elf*3(105)DeepElf*3(105)+Nandor*2(100)+Sindar(100)+Laiquendi(GreenElf)(100)+WhiteElf(100) Cost1340
(27)Summon27 & OtherrLevel15 Write IDPack
(28)Summon28 & OtherrLefel16 Wrrite Fundation Frame step1
(29)Summon29 & OtherrLevel17 Write Fundation Frame step2
(30)Summon30 & OtherrLevel18 Write Fundation Frame step3
(31)Summon31 & IDPack2&Occupation2 Write occtupation2 AutoMate Accept
(32)Summon32 & YourID&Octupation3 Talot YourID
(33)Summon33 & Life Step
(34)Summon34 & Death Step
(35)Summon35 & Angel Step
(36)Summon36 & Cherubim Step
(37)Summon37 & Devil Step
(38)Summon38 & DemonSquadron サーモンサーティーエイト デーモンスクアドロン LightDevil*20(100) & Devil*8(128) & Demon*2(160) & DominanceDemon(100) & Phantom(100),Spectpr*2(100) & DarkWraith*3(105) & Wraith*8(80) & Mist*20(80) Cost 953 召還時マナ-953
(39)Summon39 & Freedom Grrifin Griffin*3(75) Cost 75
(40)Summon40 & Theraphim Pack heaven'sAngel(444),Theraphim*2(100) Cherubim*3(75),God Dragon(110),heaven's Dragon(50),Fairy Dragon*2(100),Arc Titan(100), Valxily(120)*2 Σ=1099
(41)Summon41 & HighPrisisArtillery & LightHighPrisisPack = FireDragon*2 BlackDragon*2 SilverDragon*2 FairyDragon*2 HellDragon GoldDragon*2 WhiteDragon*3 GreenDragon*6 Leviathan*3 HevenDragon*2 Castle Fort*2 Tower*6 RoyalTower*3 Titan*4 ArcTitan 召喚 マナ-1394
(42)Summon42 & Talot0 Pack Category count & count Sector count & count Cluster count & count Additon Talot0 + Identify Loop count & count Talot0+Identify Additon House+Identify & thief+Identify & Palmist+Identify & Priest0+Identify & Summoner0+Identify Loop count & count Cost 0
(43)Summon43 & TalotLevel2 Pack Property1 HighElf&Fort&MasterWarLock Property2 FireDragon,Property3 MasterNecromancere&BlackDragon Propertyr4 FariyDragon Property5 GoldDragon Propertyr6 ShilverDragon Property7 heaven'sDragon Cost133
(46)Summon46 & Men's Talot0 Pack Category count & count Sector count & count Cluster count & count Additon Talot0 + Identify Loop count & count Additon Talot0 + Identify Additon Priest0+Identify Ocutupater+Identify Griffin0+Identify Dragon0+Identify HevenDragon0+Identify Talot0+Identify
(47)Summon47 & Lady's Talot0 Pack Category count & count Sector count & count Cluster count & count Additon Talot0 + Identify Loop count & count Additon Talot0 + Identify Additon Palmist+Identify Summoner0+Identify Execution0+Identify Destroyer+Identify Vampire0+Identify Talot0+Identify
(48)Summon48 &Talot0 Pack Category count & count Sector count & count Cluster count & count Additon Talot0 + Identify Loop count & count Additon House+Identify Priest0+Identify thief+Identify Palmist+Identify Summoner0+Identify
(49)Summon49 Talot Pack IDPack
(51)Suumon51 &Ace Summon Magic WoodElf*20(80) HalfElf*20(80) Mist*20(80) Shine Dragon*20(100) Tower*6(30) BlueDragon*6(120) Wraith*4(40) Barbarian*3(105) Leviathan*3(105) DarkWraith*3(105) DartkKnight*3(105) ElfSorcerer*3(105) RoyalTower40*3(120) Berserk*2(100) HevenDragon*2(100) Fort50*2(100) Demon50*2(100) DarkBishop*2(80) Wind Wizard*2(100) Spector*2(100) HevenDragon*2(100) Valxily*2(120) Phoenix(75) Nandor(95) Sindar(95) Castle(100) Tempest(100) LargeDragon(100) DeathDragon(100) HighDragon(100) ArcDragon(100) Warrior(100) Laiquendi(100) Falathrim(100) Eglath(100) ArcElf(100) ArcTitan(100) HighPrisisSorcerer(100) ShaddowPriest(100) AdvancedDarkBishop(100) Phantom(100) Dragon Demon(95) Dominance Demon(95) God Dragon(110) Royal Champion(95) Crusaide Champion (100) Ultimate Lancer(100) Nue (100) Manticora(100) Cost5965
(50)Summon50 & occtupation Write Chapter count&count ARangement count & count Number 1,2,3,4,5,65,7,8,9,010,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Identify Cost 16
(44)Summon44 & occtupation Level2 Property count & count Item count & count Piece count & count Additon count & count Loop count & count Talot Level2 + Identify Cost29
(45)Summon45 & occtupation Level3 Class count&count Module count&count Unit count&count Addition TalotLevel3+Identify Loop count & count Cost57
(52)Summon52 & occtupation Level4 Group count&count Part count&count Subject count&count Addition TalotLevel4+Identify Loop count & count Cost114
(53)Summon53 & occtupation Level5 Public count&count Portect count&count Private count&count Addition TalotLevel5+Identify Loop count & count Cost282
(54)Summon54 & occtupation Level6 Colony count&count Attribute count&count Community count&count Addition TalotLevel6+Identify Loop count & count Cost564
(55)Summon55 & LightAce サーモン10ファイターパック、サーモン51エースサーモンマジック、サプライムセラフィム、サーモン58エレメントエルフ、ヘブンエンジェル、イージーメイトケイス、サーモン86ゼロメイトサーモン
(56)Summon56 & Guard アークサモナー、アークビショップ、エースサモナー、サーモン24(ドラゴンナイト)、サーモン9フルセットグリフィン、キャッスル、テンペスト、フォート*2、サーモン16リリジョンクロスチーム、ケルビム*3、セラフィム*2、エースセラフィム、ジャスティスセラフィム
(57)Summon57 & Assult タロットライトエース アークドラゴン、エースサーモンマジック、サーモンヒーロー、ニュートラルアーテリー、スペシャルターゲット、イージーメイトケース、ガード
(58)Suumon58 & Group Dark Elf & Element Elf Earth Elf Sorcerer,Water Elf Sorcerer,Air Elf Sorcerer,Fire Elf Sorcerer Cost400
(59)Summon59 & Life Summon Magic DaggerMan(5)*5 LightBowMan(3)*5 Tower*1(5) Cost45,ライフサモナ--マジック:ダッカ-マンx5、ライトボウマンx5、タワ-x1 マナ--135
(60)Summon60 & Hell Summon Magic WhiteDragon GreenDragon*4 Cost45,ヘルサモナ-マジック:ホワイトドラゴンx1、グリ-ンドラゴンx4 マナ-290
(61)Summon61 & Fairy Summon Magic Fairy FreeDomGriffin Cost35,フェアリ-サモナ-マジック:フェアリ-(15)、フリ-ダムグリフィン(275) マナ-35
(62)Summon62 & Death Summon Magic Waite Devil Cost25,デスサモナ-マジック:ワイト、デビルファントム、マナ-25
(63)Summon63 & heaven's Summon Magic heaven'sAngel 消費マナ-444
(64)Summon64 & Summon Magic Cost 823 ,StanderdSet2 Spiliture Creature サモナ-マジック:ヘルサモナ-マジック、フェアリ-ササーモンマジック、ライフサモーモンマジック、デスサーモンマジック ヘブンサーモンマジック マナ- マナ-823
(65)Summon65 & Light Summon Magic Cost 379 Life Hell Fairy Death Cost379 消費マナー379
(66)Summon66 & SummonHero StanderdSet2 Spiliture Creature HevenMonk*20(100) LightGriifin*20(80) LightKnight*20(80) SowrdShoulder*20(80) Douiled*8(120) LightCherubim*8(120) ArcAngel*8(64) BasterdMan*6(132) Necromancer*4 (88) Summoner*2(110) Wizard*2(90) WarLock*2(110) Spiliture Creature StanderdSet2 サーモンヒーロー(リカバリ部隊)召還時マナ-1174 120体召喚
(67)Summon67 & SummonLightHero BasterdMan*2(44),Douiled*2(30),Summoner*2(110),Wizard*2(90),Necromancer*2(44) LightCherubim*2(30) LightGriifin*2(8) WarLock(55)、StanderdSet2 Spiliture Creature Cost411 サーモンライトヒーロー(リカバリ部隊)召還時マナ-406
(68)Summon68 & HighPrisisArtillery & LightHighPrisisPack = FireDragon*2 BlackDragon*2 SilverDragon*2 FairyDragon*2 HellDragon GoldDragon*2 WhiteDragon*3 GreenDragon*6 Leviathan*3 HevenDragon*2 Castle Fort*2 Tower*6 RoyalTower*3 Titan*4 ArcTitan 召喚 マナ-1394
(69)Summon69 & SummonerPack (Summon Pack)HighLeviathan,Supreme Theraphim,HellDragon,Ace DragonPriest,SeaDragon,SaintKnight(710),ArcMasterLaw,Crusade Champion,MasterSacred(600),Water Elf Sorcerer Spiliture Creature Standard Set2 Σ=2110
(70)Summon70 & AllStep LevelStep AtuoMate case TalotLevel 6 Additon TalotStep(PureTalot Summoner),BishopStep(ArcBishop.Bishop),VampireStep(Gold Bat,Vampire),DeathStep(BlackBat),LancerStep(Ultimate Lancer),ChampionStep(Royal Chamption),PhantomStep(DarkWraith,Phamtom),DevilStep(LIghtDevil , Devil Dominance Demon,TitanStep(ArcTitan),CherubimStep(Cherubim,AceTheraphim),AngelStep,LifeStep(Framas) Loop count & Max
(71)Summon71 & LevelTalotFrameStep1 & LevelStep Summon Talot Farms Automate Case | Farms Addition Talot Level1 Automate Case | Talot Lvevel1 Additon Talot Level 3 AutoMate Case | Talot Level3 Additon Talot Level 6 AutoMate Case | Talot Level6 Additon Chapter count & count & ARangement count & count & Number count & count & Identify Automate Accept Cost1
(72)Summon72 & TalotFrameStep1 & TalotStep Summon Talot Farms Automate Case | Farms Additon Talot Level1 Chapter1 ARangement8 Number 1 Automate Case | Talot Level1 Additon Talot Level1 Loop count & 10 Automate Case | Talot Level1 Additon PureTalotSummoner Automate Case | Summon Talot Level1 Additon House Loopp count & 5 Automate Case | PureTalotSummoner Additon Talot Level1 Loop count & 100 Automate Case | Talot Level1 Additon House Loop count & 100 Automate Case | Chapter5 ARangement9 Addition Talot0 Number count & 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Automate Case | Talot0 Chapter 5 ARangement9 Number count & 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Additon TalotHouseTalotthief Loop count & Max Automate Accept
(73)Summon73 & Bishop FrameStep1 & BishopStep Summon Famas Automate Case | Famas Additon Talot Level1 Number count & 1 Automate Case | Talot Level1 count & 1 Additon Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,3 Automate Case | Talot Level 3 count 1&3 Additon ArcBishop*2 Automate Case | ArcBishop*2 Additoin Talot Level 3 Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop 16 Automate Case | Talot Level 3 Number count & count Additon Talot Level 3 Nubmer 1,3 Loop 2220 Automate Case | Talot Level 3 Number 1,3 Additon ArcBishop*2 Automate Case | ArcBishop Additon ArcBishop *13 Loop count & 4440 automate case | ArcBishop count & 4440 Additon Bishop Loop count & 38 Automate Accept
(74)Summon74 & VampireFrameStep1 & VampireStep Summon Talot Farms Automate Case | Write Chapter1 ARangement8 Number 1 Automate Case | Summon Gold Bat Loop 4 Automate Case | Gold Bat Addition Gold Bat Loop 16 Automate Case | Gold Bat Additon Gold Bat Loop 64 Automate Case | Gold Bat Additon Gold Bat Loop 256 Automate Case | Summon Vampire Loop 155 Automate Accept Accept Accept Cost 1
(75)Summon75 & AutoEnemyChrage & Otherr33  Summon DeathStep & Identify Chain 1-3 Enemy AutoMate Case | BlackBat and Tallot Number count & count Addition PhantomStetp & Identify Chain 1-3 Enemy Loop count & count AutoMate Case | Phantom Addition DevilStep & identify & chain 1-3 Enemy Loop count & count Automete | Dominance Demon Addition Angel Step & Identify & chain 1-3 Enemy Loop count & count Automate Accept
(76)Summon76 & LancerFrame Step1 & LancerStep Summon Famas Automate Case | Famas Additon Talot Level1 Number count & 1 Automate Case | Talot Level1 count & 1 Additon Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,3 Automate Case | Talot Level 3 count 1&3 Additon UltimateLancer*2 Automate Case | UltimateLancer Additon Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Loop count & Max Automate Case | Talot Level3 count & 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Additon UltimateLancer *12 Loop count & Max Automate Case | UltimateLancer Additon UltimateLancer*6 Loop count & Max Automate Case | UltimateLancer Additon UltimateLancer*6 Loop count & Max Automate Case UltimateLancer Loop count & 150 Additon Talot Level3 Numbercount 1,3 Loop count & 93 Automate Case | Talot Level3 Number count 1,3 Loop count & 1290 Additon UltimateLancer count & Max Automate Case | UltimateLancer Loop count & 2580 Additon UltimateLancer Loop count & 2580 Automate Accept
(77)Summon77 & TitanFrame Step1 & TitanStep Summon Famas Automate Case | Famas Additon Talot Level1 Number count & 1 Automate Case | Talot Level1 count & 1 Additon Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,3 Automate Case | Talot Level 3 count 1&3 Additon ArcTitan*2 Automate Case | ArcTitan*2 Additoh Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop count & 17 And Talot Level3 Number count & 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Automate Case | Talot Level3 Loop count & 340 Additon ArcTitan Loop count & count Automate Case | ArcTitan Loop count & 340 Additon ArcTitan Loop count & 4760 Automate Case | ArcTitan Loop count & 4760 Additon ArcTitan Loop count & 66640 Automate case | ArcTitan Additon Titan Loop count & Max
(78)Summon78 & ChampionFrame Step 1 & ChampionStep Ssummon Famas Automate Case | Famas Additon Talot Level1 Number count & 1 Automate Case | Talot Level1 count & 1 Additon Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,3 Automate Case | Talot Level 3 Number count & 1,3 Additon RoyalChampion*2 Automate Case | RoyalChampion Additon Talot Level 3 Number 1,3 Loop count & 125 Automate Case | Talot Level3 count & 125 Additon Talot Level 3 Nubmer 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop count & 173 Automate Case | Talot Level3 count & 3840 Additon Royal Champion AutoMate Case | Royal Campion Additon Royal Champion count & 38400 Automate Case | Royal Champion Additon Champion Loop count & 109700
(79)Summon79 & PhantomFrame Step1 & PhantomStep ファントムステップ Summon Talot Mist Automate Case | Mist Addition TalotLv1 Number 1,3 Automate Case | Mist & Talot Level1 Number 1,3 Addition DarkWraith Automate Case | DarkWraith Addition Talot Lv3 & Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.10 Automate Case | TalotLv3 Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Addition Phantom Loop count & count Automate Case | Phantom Addition Talot Lv3 Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,ARangement 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Automate Case | Chapter count & count ARangement count & count Number count & count Addition Phantom count & Max Automate Accept
(80)Summon80 & DevilFrame Step1 & DevilStep デビルステップ Summon Talot LightDevil Automate case | LightDevill Additon TalotLv1 Number 1,3 Automate Case | LightDevil & Talot Level 1 Number 1,3 Additon (A) Automate Case | LightDevil & Talot count & 20 Additon Devil count & 18 Automate Case | Devil Additon Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Loop count & 18 Automate Case | Devil Talot Level1 count & 180 Additon Devil Automate Case | Devil count & 180 Additon Talot Level3 Number 1,3 Automate Case | Devil count & 180 Additon Dominance Demon Clause | Automate Accept Accept
(81)Summon81 & Cherubim Frame Step1 & Theraphim Frame Step1 & CherubimStep & TheraphimStep ケルビムステップ&セラフィムステップ Summon Talot Angel Automate Case | Angel Addition Taliot Level 1 Number 1,3 Automate Case | Angel Addition Talot Level 1 & Number 1,3 Adiiton Talot Level1 & (A) Automate Case | Angel count & 18 Additon Talot Level3 Number count & 1,2,3,4 Automate Case | Angel Talot Level 3 and count & 72 & Talot Level3 Number 1,2,3,4 Additon Cherubim*576 Automate Case | Cherubim count & 576 Additon Talot Lvel3 Number 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 Automate Case | Cherubim Talot Level3 count & 6336 Additon AceTheraphim count & Max Automate Accept Accept
(82)Summon82 & AngelFrame Step1 & AngelStep エンジェルステップ Summon Talot Angel Automate Case | Angel Addition Taliot Level 1 Number 1,3 Automate Case | Angel Addition Talot Level 1 & Number 1,3 Adiiton Talot Level1 & (A)=『Number 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20』 Automate Case | Angel & Talot Level 1 & Number count & 20 Addition Angel count & 20 Automete Case | Angel count & 20 Additon Talot Lv1 & Number1,3 Automaqte Case | Angel count & count Addition Talot Level 1 & Number 1,3 Adiiton Talot Level1 & (A) & Number (A) Loop count & 20 Automate Case | Angel & Talot Level 1 count & count Addition Angel count & count Automete Case | Angel count & count Additon Talot Lv1 Number1,3 Clause Automate Accept Accept
(82)Summon83 & Occupation3 & YourID ユアアイディー Cost132 Write Talot Level1 Chapter count & Max ARangement count & Max Number1 & Number3 Addition Identify Automate Case | Chapter count&Max ARangement count & Max Number1 & Number3 Addition Number 2,,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop count & Max Automate Accept
(84)Summon84 & DeathFrame Step1 & DeathStep デスステップ Summon Talot Farms Automate Case | Write Chapter3 ARangement8 Number 1 Automate Case | Sumon BlackBat Loop count & 5 Automate ,BlackBat count & count Addition Chapter 3 ARangement8 Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop count & 2 LocalAssembly Case | Summon BlackBat Loop count & 160 Automate Case | BlackBat count & count Additon Chapter 3 ARangement8 Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop count & 80 LocalAssemby AutoMate Accept末尾に使う
(85)Summon85 & LifeFrame Step1 & LifeStep ライフステップ Summon Talot Farms Automate Case | Write Chapter1 ARangement8 Number 1 Automate Case | Summon Frams Loopp count & 20 Automate Case | Farms count & 20 Addition Chapter 1 ARangement8 Number 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 LocalAssembly Case | Farms count & 20 Additon Chapter 1 ARangement8 Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Loop count & 20 LocalAssemby AutoMate Accept末尾に使う
(86)Summon86 & Zero Mate Summon Tempest0 Sheman0 Vampire0 Magican0 Elf Sorcerer0 heaven'sDragon0 thief House Priest0 Palmist RecoveryTalot0 DarkBishop0 Griffin0 Destroyer Dragon0 Lion0 Scorpiton0 Execution0 Tempest0 Sheman0 Guild Master0 occupaer Magican0 ZeroMate
Summon87 & Summon friend1 Talot LightAce Summon Hero Nutural artillery Summon86ZeroMateSummon Common140Otherr106CallingScuire0MateMagic Common153 & ArcScuire0MateMagic 織田詩織 WhiteKnightSquadron CrusaideChampion heaven's As Guard SpecialTarget EasyMate Cese Talot Guard 織田詩織 Angel'sSummoner ArcTitan SpecialTarget EasyMate
(88)Summon88 & StanGram0
(89)Summon89 & BlackStanGram
(90)Summon90 & StanGram
(91)Summon91 & StanGramLevel2
(92)Summon92 & StanGramLevel3
(93)Summon93 & TalotSummoner HP500 MagicMana2000 Attack500+ChainDestory Range15SummonShineAttribute Magic Write Summon Shine Attribute | Case | Occupation2&IDPack Loop count & half | Case | Write AutoSlice ChainTarget BirthDay count&Conut + Sex Male and Lady + Body count &count + Hair count&count + Blood A+B+O+AB Loop count&Max | Case | |Shield Double Tele Port Proof Damage Cost 50
(94)Summon94 & MedicSummoer HP200 MagicMana500 Attack180+Critical Range15SummonHero Magic LightSummonHero Proof Damage Tele Port Shield Double Cost75 大7/26男M
(95)Summon95 & PureTalotSummoner HP500 MagicMana2000 Attack+500+Critical Range15 Tronade Magic Summon TalotLevel3 & Identify & Loop count & 250 Cost 50
(96)Summon96 & Summon friend2 Talot スペシャルターゲット&ハーブケミカリストブラックドラゴン、スピリチャクリチャー、黒幻術師アースエルフソーサーラー、ドラゴンソーサーラー、マスターネクロマンサー、アークデビル、キュアクリーチャーメディックマンcount&count、スピリチャクリチャー、福岡大輔テンペスト、フォート、プリースト、アークサモナー、ケルビム & Summon friend1
(97)Summon97 & Summon friend3 Special Target エンジェルボーカルヘブンエンジェル、リカバリーヒーローサーモンヒーロー、サブリーダーチャージ Transfar Priest & Guard Sorcerer & Jin、& Dead Refresher 海龍サーペイント ハイリバイアサン リバイアサン シードラゴン シルバードラゴン、聖狩師グリフォン グリフォン、ミドルグリフォン、キングダムグリフォン Loop count & Max
(98)Summon98 & Summon friend4 Sumoon98 & Summon friend4 ゲートキーパー イージークリーチャー Cost12333
(99)Summon99 & Summon friend5 蛍2:マスターネクロマンサー、ブラックドラゴン、アークデビル、ヘルドラゴン、デーモン、スペシャルターゲット 福岡大輔2:テンペスト、フォート、プリースト、アークサモナー、ケルビム & Summon Friend2 & Summon Friend3 EasyMate

