

ネイティブ・スピーカーがよく使うけど日本人が使わない英語ーMust (2)

2008-04-16 12:43:01 | Weblog
Last week, I talked about 相槌 in English. We studied the phrase “You must be ~”. Today, I’d like to try a bit more difficult (もう少し難しい) way of using must (mustの使い方).

When you talk about a situation (状況) or object (物), you should use “it.” For example, if someone says, “My son is studying in college right now,” you could say, “It must be expensive (高いでしょう).”

When you talk about a situation in the past, you should use the 現在完了形. For example, if someone says, “He was in hospital for three weeks (三ヶ月間入院しました),” you could say, “It must have been serious (重い病気だったでしょう).”

Try translating the comments below into English. Please use "It must be ~" or "It must have been ~". There are some vocabulary hints below. 以下のコメントを英語に訳してください。「It must be ~」または「It must have been ~」を使ってください。以下にヒントがあります。

 1. I’m studying Russian.
コメント: (その勉強は)難しいでしょう。
2. I’m taking a course (従業を受けって入る) on European history.
コメント: (その従業は)面白いでしょう。
3. She works as a midwife (助産師).
コメント: (その仕事は) 報いのある仕事でしょう。
4. There are three people in my section named Ken.
コメント: (その状況は) 混乱させるでしょう。
5. He offered me $100,000, but I didn’t take it.
コメント: (そのお金は)誘惑的だったでしょう。
6. Today I had three meetings.
コメント: (今日は)てんてこ舞いだったでしょう。
7. The speech lasted for 2 hours.
コメント: (そのスピーチは)退屈だったでしょう。
8. They set off (打ち上げた) over 90,000 fireworks (花火).
コメント: (その花火は)印象的だったでしょう。

Vocabulary hints boring, rewarding, confusing, tempting, hectic, difficult, interesting, impressive

If you write your answers in the comments of this blog, I will check them. このブログのコメントに答えを書いてくれたら、チェックします。)You don't have to use your real name and more than one person (二人以上) can do it. 


4 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (MK)
2008-04-16 19:46:09
1.It must be difficult.

2.It must be interesting

3.It must be rewarding.

4.It must be confusing.

5.It must have been tempting.

6.It must have been hectic.

7.It must have been boring.

8.It must have been impressive.
To MK (Ed)
2008-04-17 00:33:03

All your answers are perfect. I will try to make something more challenging next time.
Unknown (noritama)
2008-04-18 11:19:37
1.It must be difficult.
2.It must be interesting.
3.It must be rewarding.
4.It must be confusing.
5.It must have been tempting.
6.It must have been hectic.
7.It must have been boring.
8.It must have been impressive.

If wrong correct me, please.
To Noritama (Ed)
2008-04-19 09:33:32
All perfect!