

Free Audio Books (無料オーディオブック)

2007-12-28 22:14:45 | ウエブサイト
Reading books is a great way to increase (増やす) your English vocabulary. If you would like to read some great books and improve your listening ability (能力) at the same time, why not download some free audio books. There is a site called Librivox where you can listen to great books like Anne of Green Gables (赤毛のアン), Dracula, Huckleberry Finn, and many more.
 You can download them to your iPod or computer easily, and they are all read by native speakers. For the full list of titles, click here.

Merry Christmas

2007-12-26 15:00:24 | Weblog
Did everyone have a good Christmas?

My hamster certainly did.
Because, it is getting colder everyday and hamsters like warm places I gave Chu a コタツ for his house.
It is made specially for hamsters and should make him more comfortable this winter.

Hope everyone has a great holiday season and see you next year.

A great photo blog

2007-12-21 15:25:58 | Weblog
This is a blog that I really enjoy visiting. I met a guy at my photography club who really loves traveling abroad (海外). He went to eight countries this year! He puts up a new photo every day. It's not related to English  (英語と関係ない) but maybe it will inspire (する気を起こさせる) you to study English so you can travel. The URL is http://minoritys.exblog.jp/.
Here are a couple of his photos:

過ちから学びましょう - Trip vs. Travel

2007-12-19 18:03:20 | 過ちから学びましょう
A lot of people make mistakes with the words “trip” and “travel”. Do you know the difference (違い)? It’s very easy.
1. Trip is always a noun (名詞).
例:"Have a nice trip.” (xHave a nice travel.)
2. You can say “take a trip” for 旅する。
例:"I want to take a trip to Canada.” (xI want to trip to Canada.)
3. Travel can be a noun (名詞) or a verb (動詞).
例:"He traveled to Hawaii.” (x He tripped to Hawaii.)
例:"Travel is expensive at New Year’s. (xTrip is expensive at New Year's)
4. “Travel” has a wider meaning (意味) than “trip”when it is a noun. “Trip” sounds like you are going somewhere one time. Travel is the action of going to another place or the name of a hobby. 
例:"I really love travel." (x I really love trip.)

Here is a quick quiz:

1. I took a _______ to Spain.
2. How often do you ________ abroad?
3. I went to a _______ agent to book my flight (飛行機を予約する).
4. How was your _________?
5. He took a long ________ to Europe last year.
6. Where are you going to _________ to next?
7. My ________ was really exciting.
8. My hobby is foreign (海外) __________.

The answers (答え)are in the comments.

Camera geek (写真オタク)

2007-12-13 19:55:18 | 講師たちの生活
In my free time, I really enjoy taking photos. I have a digital SLR (一眼レフ)camera and I go out almost every weekend to take pictures. I got a new camera in September, an EOS 40D made by Canon.

Last weekend, I went to take photos of the industrial zone (工業地域)in Kawasaki with the members of a camera club called the "Tokyo cameras".

It was a lot of fun because I met some really nice people and had a chance to talk about photography. Most of the members are foreigners (外国人), but a few were Japanese.

The best thing about belonging to (所属する) a camera club is that you go places you wouldn't go normally (普段は行かない). I never thought of taking pictures of factories before, but they turned out to be (意外に) very photogenic (写真的).

If you would like to see more of my photos, I have a Flickr site at:

さまざまな意味を持つ単語 ー 面倒くさい

2007-12-06 19:43:49 | さまざまな意味を持つ単語

面倒くさい – If you look up (調べる) 面倒くさい in the dictionary, you will find words such as “troublesome,” “tiresome,” “a pain,” and “a bother.” But there is another word that native speakers use quite often, and that’s “nuisance”. Here are some different ways to say 面倒くさい, depending on the situation (状況によって).

Nuisance – When you want to talk about small jobs that you don’t like doing, “nuisance” is the best word. Words like “troublesome” and “a pain” are too strong.
例:Taking out the garbage (ゴミを出す) is a nuisance.
例:Doing paperwork is a nuisance.
例:Taking care (世話する) of my little brother is a nuisance.

Troublesome – When something really causes “trouble” then you can use the word troublesome, but be careful, because it’s stronger than “nuisance.”
例:Many of my customers are rude (失礼), so serving them is really troublesome.
例:My boss asked me to do a really troublesome job and I’m very worried about it.

Tiresome – This word is used for things that are not so bad, but they happen over and over again so they become 面倒くさい。It also has a strong negative (否定的) nuance.
例:His bad jokes are really tiresome.
例:The morning meeting is really tiresome because it’s always the same.

A pain – The strongest way to say 面倒くさい is “a pain.” Be careful, because “a pain” means 痛み, so it can sound like you really hate something.
例:Taking the crowded trains every day is a pain.

Bother – This word is very close to 面倒くさい but it is very formal (硬い言葉) and is a little old-fashioned (古臭い).
例:Cleaning my room every week is a bother.

As you can see there are many ways to say 面倒くさい, but probably 90 percent of the time, it is best to use “nuisance.”


A great listening website

2007-12-05 17:48:31 | 勉強の仕方
 There are a lot of listening websites on the internet, but most of them cost money (有料)or are not very good. There is one site that I can really recommend, (進める)though. It's called Breaking News (最新のニュース) English. They have more than 1000 news articles and it is updated often. The newscasts (ニュース放送) are read in a slow, clear voice, and there is a transcript (原稿)with every one. It's a little difficult, though, so I only recommend it for intermediate (中級)and advanced (上級)students. The URL is http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com.
- Ed