

Unnatural Words - 不自然な単語

2008-04-24 15:21:38 | より自然な英語
Unnatural English

 Today, I'd like to talk about some unnatural (不自然) words that I hear very often. All of these words are 100 percent correct, but they all sound unnatural.

1. FINE (晴れ)
△Today was fine.
○Today was sunny.
In English, "fine" means "not bad, but not good." If you say, "Today was fine," it sounds like 「今日は大丈夫だった」.

2. FOOLISH (バカ)
△My boss is foolish.
○My boss is stupid.
○My boss is an idiot.
"Foolish" sounds a little old fashioned and a little formal, so it sounds strange to use it in everyday conversation. Stupid is an adjective (形容詞) and idiot is a noun (名詞).

3. SPEAK ILL OF (悪口を言う)
△He spoke ill of me.
○He criticized me.
○He badmouthed me.
"Speak ill of" sounds very formal and old-fashioned. It's much better to use "criticize" (批判する) or the slang word "badmouth".

4. QUARREL (ケンカする)
△ I had a quarrel with my husband.
○ I had a fight with my husband.
○ I had an argument with my husband.
"Quarrel" is a little old fashioned and formal. To me, it has the nuance of a children's argument. Fight can mean both a physical fight (暴力を行使してケンカする) or an argument (口ゲンカ). 'Argument' is alway with words.

5. INFLUENZA (インフルエンザ)
△ I have influenza.
○ I have the flu.
"Influenza" is very old fashioned. It was common in the 19th century (世紀) but now most people just say "flu." Of course, in medical English, they still say "influenza."

Here are some sentences using today's words. Can you say them in English? If you need help, there are some hints below (以下).

1. 天気予報によると明日は晴れだろう。
2. 彼女の名前を忘れてしまった時、自分はバカと思った。
3. 他人の悪口を言うのは失礼です。
4. 口ゲンカは10分続いた。
5. 彼はインフルエンザ(のせい)で欠席した。

If you write your answers in the comments of this blog, I will check them. (このブログのコメントに答えを書いてくれたら、チェックします)You don't have to use your real name and more than one person (二人以上) can do it.

1. According to...
2. When I...
3. It is rude...
4. ...continued for...
5. ...absent due to...


5 コメント

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Unnatural Title (ryutype)
2008-04-27 01:25:44
1.According to forecast, tommorow will be sunny.
2.When I forgot her name, I thought I was stupid.
3.It is rude to criticize a person.
4.The argument continued for 10 minutes.
5.He was absent due to flu.

Wrong answer?
I don't have any confidence in my answer.

About this entry title.
To Ryutype (Ed)
2008-04-27 13:49:25
1.According to forecast, tommorow will be sunny.--- Almost perfect! ('tommorow' should be tomorrow)
2.When I forgot her name, I thought I was stupid. --- thought は論理的に考えて答えを導いた時に使うのに対してfeelは気持ち的に思っている時に使う。なので"I felt stupid"のほうが自然(私がバカであると論理的には言っていない。)
3.It is rude to criticize a person.---正解。一般的に話しているので”people"(複数)のほうが自然。
4.The argument continued for 10 minutes.---Perfect!
5.He was absent due to flu.---Perfect!

And thank you very much for pointing out my mistake!
Hi there. (Thomson)
2008-05-15 23:28:47
The weather forcast says that the sun is going to shine tomorrow.

When her name slipped my mind, I felt like an idiot.

It's impolite to say bad things about people.

The argument went on for ten minutes.

The flu made him absent.
to Thomson (Ed)
2008-05-16 08:53:09
All perfect!
There's a typo. (Thomson)
2008-05-17 00:45:50

Thank you for the reply. I made a typo. The word "forcast" should've been "forecast."