


2009-03-19 13:28:05 | Weblog
I often see shops that say "renewal open" in Japan. I can understand the meaning, but actually (実は)"renewal" means 更新 in English. You can say, "I renewed my driver's license," (運転免許書を更新しました)but you can't say, "I renewed my house." The word "reform" also has a different meaning in English. It means "改革." You can say, "The government will reform the tax system" (政府が税制改革をするよていです), but you can't say, "I reformed my house."

There are two words for リニューアル or リフォーム in English. One is "remodel" and the other is "renovate." The meaning is almost the same, but they are used a little differently.

"Remodel" is usually for interiors. For example, you could say, "I remodeled my living room." (リビングを改装しました。)Usually remodeling is changing the wallpaper or buying new furniture, but there is not so much construction (工事).

"Renovate" can be used for both interiors and exteriors, but it is usually a bigger project and means that there was some construction. For example, "Our company is renovating the factory." (私たちは工場の修復しています。)

Here are some sentences using "renovate," "renew," and "remodel." Can you say them in English?

1. このダムが古くなったので修復が必要です。
2. 私は壁紙の色が飽きたので寝室を改装しようと思っています。
3. 旅する前にパスポートを更新しなければなりません。
4. 家を建て直すか修復するかまだ決めっていません。
5. 来月は賃貸契約(lease)を更新しなければなりません。
6. リビングがインテリア・デザイナーによって改装されました。

If you write your answers in the comments of this blog, I will check them. このブログのコメントに答えを書いてくれたら、チェックします。) You don't have to use your real name and more than one person (2人以上) can do it.


3 コメント

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Hi Ed (Jasmine)
2009-03-30 14:27:16
Finally it’s getting warmer in Tokyo so that the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom in a few days. As I wrote my answers as follows, would you check them for me when you have time?

1. Because this dam has become old, it needs to be renovated.
2. I’ve gotten tied of the color of the wallpaper, so I’m going to remodel my bed room.
3. I have to renew my passport before I take a trip.
4. I haven’t decided yet whether to rebuild or renovate my house.
5. I have to renew the lease next month.
6. The living room was renovated by an interior designer.
To Jasmine (Ed)
2009-03-30 16:38:18
Hi Jasmine,
Your answers are almost perfect! They also sound really natural.

1. Because this dam has become old, it needs to be renovated.
2. I’ve gotten tied of the color of the wallpaper, so I’m going to remodel my bed room.
3. I have to renew my passport before I take a trip.
4. I haven’t decided yet whether to rebuild or renovate my house.
-->This is fine, but it sounds more natural to put "yet" at the end of the sentence. E.g. "I haven't finished yet."
5. I have to renew the lease next month.
6. The living room was renovated by an interior designer.
Hi Ed, (Jasmine)
2009-03-31 09:32:34
Thank you veru much for checking my answers. Are they natural? I'm very happy to hear that Thank you