

English Flower Names

2009-03-15 23:32:45 | Weblog

Last weekend I went to the beautiful Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome (夢の島熱帯植物館). It has tropical plants from rainforests (熱帯雨林) and the Ogasawara Islands, and a carnivorous plant (食虫植物) room.
Here are some pictures:

Here's a quiz on some common English flower names. The answers are in the comments.


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Quiz Answers (Ed)
2009-03-16 00:15:58
1. アサガオ-morning glory
2. アジサイ-hydrangea
3. カーネーション-carnation
4. ゼラニウム-geranium
5. タンポポ-dandelion
6. チューリップ-tulip
7. ツバキ-camellia
8. デイジー-daisy
9. バラ-rose
10. ユリ-lily
11. ラン-orchid
12. 菊-chrysanthemum
13. 菜の花-rape blossom
14. 桜の花-cherry blossom
15. 藤-wisteria
16. 雑草-weed
17. 菖蒲-iris
Beautiful (Jasmine)
2009-03-16 14:33:50
Hi Ed,
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos The shapes of the flowers are very unique. Those photos reminded me of the paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe.
I didn’t know all of the names on the list, but I laughed when I saw ‘weed’. Because somehow I felt it was funny!
To Jasmine (Ed)
2009-03-17 18:28:34
I'm glad you liked the photos. I hope you'll visit the Yumenoshima Greenhouse sometime if you're in Tokyo.