

カレセン, 汚染米, and 名ばかり管理職 in English

2008-11-19 18:26:28 | Weblog

I often read an English blog about pop culture called "Pink Tentacle." This week, it had an interesting post (投稿)about the 2008 Yukan list of 60 New and Popular Words (2008年ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞の候補語60語).

Here's the English blog post:
Here's the original Japanese:

Here are some of the interesting words and how to say them in English
日本語                    英語
ゲリラ豪雨                                    Guerrilla rainstorm
おバカキャラ                                 Dumb characters
オワンクラゲ                                 Crystal Jellyfish
婚活                                            Marriage hunting
言うよね                                      You say?
カレセン                                        A taste for middle-aged men
蟹工船                                         The Crab Cannery Ship
源氏物語千年紀                           Millennial Anniversary of the
                                                    Tale of Genji
あなたとは違うんです                    I'm different from you.
名ばかり管理職                            Manager in name only
後期高齢者                                  Late stage elderly
汚染米/事故米                           Tainted rice
毒入りギョーザ                            Poison gyoza
ゲリラ豪雨                                    Guerrilla rainstorm
姫電                                             Princess phones
私もあなたの作品の一つです       I am one of your works
これでいいのだ                           It's all good.
おなごの道は一本道                   A woman's life is like walking
にございます。                            on along, one-way path.
屁の突っ張りでもないですから      It was nothing.
再発防止検討委員会               Recurrence prevention
霞ヶ関埋蔵金                         Kasumigaseki's buried treasure
ねじれ国会                          Diet gridlock
暫定税率                           Temporary tax
燃料サーチャージ                   Fuel surcharge
一斉休漁                              Fisherman strikes
ささやき女将                                Whispering matron
糖質ゼロ                                      Zero carbohydrates
ゆとり世代                                   Relaxed generation
脱ゆとり教育                               Unrelaxed education
