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Resident Architect: Richard Leplastrier

2020-05-12 20:50:36 | 日記
Resident Architect: Richard Leplastrier

今日のABCのドキュメンタリー  Framing the view: Richard Leplastrier



ABCの番組にはHubbyがよく口にする建築家が何人かでていました。 マーカットさんとか。
日本の家屋のよいとこどりでなんだかずるい感じがしました w
Akira Isogawaさんが着物のいいとこどりでずるいなと思ったときと同じ w


Richard Leplastrier
Professor Richard Leplastrier AO (born 1939, Melbourne, Australia) is an Australian architect and AIA Gold Medal recipient, he is also a Professor of Practice (Architecture) at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

After graduation from Sydney University in 1963, he worked in the Sydney office of Jørn Utzon from 1964 to 1966 assisting with documentation of the Sydney Opera House. He later studied at Kyoto University under Tomoya Masuda and worked in the office of Kenzo Tange in Tokyo.

Leplastrier established his own practice in 1970 and works from his studio in Sydney's Lovett Bay. He teaches master classes for beginning and established architects with his colleagues Glenn Murcutt and Peter Stutchbury.

He has contributed several unique and thoughtful ideas during preservation and development discussions around the Pittwater area. During the 1980s he raised the idea of resurrecting the creekline natural corridor which leads from Avalon Beach through Elba Lane up through Toongari and Nandina reserves and down past Avalon sailing club, linking the sea to the bay. He has strong opinions regarding the re-development and re-commercialization of the Pasadena wharf the point of embarkation for commuters to Western Pittwater, submitting the 'lePlastrier plan' to the debate.

Selected works
1974–76: Palm Garden House, Northern Beaches, Sydney
1981–84 1989-90: Bellingen House and Studio, New South Wales
1988–91: Rainforest House, Mapleton, Queensland
1988–92: Tom Uren House, Balmain, Sydney
1994: Lovett Bay House, Sydney
1996: Cloudy Bay Retreat, Bruny Island, Tasmania
1997: Watson's Bay House, Sydney
1997-8, 2000: Blue Mountains House and Studio, Leura, New South Wales
2002 Design Centre Tasmania, Launceston (with David Travalia)[1]
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