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Steve Jobsのもう一人の妹  

2020-08-09 16:50:47 | 日記
Mona Simpsonさんは血のつながった妹さんとして有名ですが
もうひとりJobs家に養子としてきたPatti/Pattyという妹さんについての記事がありました。 メディアにはほとんどでてきません。

Patty Jobs has been working at  De Anza College in San Francisco for over 17 years, she was first a supervisor of the information center but when the position was cut in 2008 she became a payroll technician in the Budget and Personnel department, she was named Employee of the month (March) during the Academic year of 1996-97.
Her beloved mother Clara died on November 7, 1986 at age 62 of lung cancer, her father Paul subsequently remarry to her stepmother Marilyn Jobs who still lives at Patty’s old house. Mr. Paul Jobs died on March 5, 1993 at the age of 70. It is believe Patty got married  in her early 20’s and has now a son believe to be in his 30’s; it is not sure is a Michael named  in a comment is her husband or her son. Found some record that Patty Jobs is or was also known as Patricia A Remainderm  or Patricia A Rm Jobs.
Most recently we found that Patty has been helping the  crew at the new Jobs movie starring Ashton Kutcher by pointing out some of the details they didn’t got right, like the furniture at her childhood home, or the color of the car her brother was driving t that time, talked about how  bothering it was to see her brother bathing in the backyard with the hose, and his lack of clothing.

家族がそろうと、お父さんがいない寂しさが増すような気がしました。。 😭 
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