
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

対訳「宝島」 第21章 攻撃

2014年11月11日 | 好きな歌

21   The Attack

第二十一章 攻撃

1. AS soon as Silver disappeared, the captain, who had been closely
watching him, turned towards the interior of the house and found not a
man of us at his post but Gray. It was the first time we had ever seen
him angry.

"Quarters!" he roared. And then, as we all slunk back to our places,
"Gray," he said, "I'll put your name in the log; you've stood by your
duty like a seaman. Mr. Trelawney, I'm surprised at you, sir. Doctor,
I thought you had worn the king's coat! If that was how you served at
Fontenoy, sir, you'd have been better in your berth."

1. シルヴァーの姿が見えなくなるや否や、それまでその姿をじっと見送っていた船長は、小屋の内部の方へ振り向くと、グレーの他には私たちが一人も自分の持場にいないのを見た。私たちが船長の立腹したのを見たのは、この時が初めてであった。

「部署に就(つ)け!」と彼は呶鳴(どな)った。それから、私たちがみんなこそこそと自分の場所に戻ると、「グレー、」と船長は言った。「君の名は航海日誌に記(しる)しておく。君は海員らしく自分の義務を守ったのだ。トゥリローニーさん、あなたには驚きましたな。先生、あなたは兵役に就(つ)いておられたことがあったと思いますがな! もしフォンテノイでもそういう風に服務しておられたのでしたら、寝床に入っておられた方がよかったでしょうよ。」

2. The doctor's watch were all back at their loopholes, the rest were busy
loading the spare muskets, and everyone with a red face, you may be
certain, and a flea in his ear, as the saying is.

2. 医師の組は皆銘々の銃眼のところに戻り、残りの者は頻りに予備の銃に装填したが、だれも彼も顔を赤くし、小言で耳が痛がったのは、諸君も信じられることだろう。

3. The captain looked on for a while in silence. Then he spoke.

"My lads," said he, "I've given Silver a broadside. I pitched it in
red-hot on purpose; and before the hour's out, as he said, we shall be
boarded. We're outnumbered, I needn't tell you that, but we fight in
shelter; and a minute ago I should have said we fought with discipline.
I've no manner of doubt that we can drub them, if you choose."

3.  船長はしばらくの間無言のままで見ていた。それから口を開いた。


4. Then he went the rounds and saw, as he said, that all was clear.

4. それから彼は各自の持場を巡回し、すべて異状のないのを確めた。

5. On the two short sides of the house, east and west, there were only two
loopholes; on the south side where the porch was, two again; and on the
north side, five. There was a round score of muskets for the seven
of us; the firewood had been built into four piles--tables, you might
say--one about the middle of each side, and on each of these tables some
ammunition and four loaded muskets were laid ready to the hand of the
defenders. In the middle, the cutlasses lay ranged.

"Toss out the fire," said the captain; "the chill is past, and we
mustn't have smoke in our eyes."

5.  小屋の二つの短い側の東側と両側とには、銃眼が二つしかなかった。ポーチのある南側にも、また二つあり、北側には、五つあった。銃は私たち七人に対してちょうど二十挺あった。薪は四つの山に――テーブルとでも言ったように――積み上げてあって、各の側の真中あたりに一つずつあり、この各のテーブルの上には、弾薬と四挺の装填した銃とがいつでも防禦者の手に取れるように置いてあった。小屋の真中には、彎刀(カトラス)が並べてあった。


6. The iron fire-basket was carried bodily out by Mr. Trelawney, and the
embers smothered among sand.

"Hawkins hasn't had his breakfast. Hawkins, help yourself, and back to
your post to eat it," continued Captain Smollett. "Lively, now, my lad;
you'll want it before you've done. Hunter, serve out a round of brandy
to all hands."

6.  鉄製の火籠をそっくりトゥリローニーさんが持ち出して、燃えさしは砂の中に突っ込んで消された。


7. And while this was going on, the captain completed, in his own mind, the
plan of the defence.

"Doctor, you will take the door," he resumed. "See, and don't expose
yourself; keep within, and fire through the porch. Hunter, take the east
side, there. Joyce, you stand by the west, my man. Mr. Trelawney, you
are the best shot--you and Gray will take this long north side, with the
five loopholes; it's there the danger is. If they can get up to it and
fire in upon us through our own ports, things would begin to look dirty.
Hawkins, neither you nor I are much account at the shooting; we'll stand
by to load and bear a hand."

7. そして、それが配られている間に、船長は心の中で防禦の計画をすっかり立てた。


8. As the captain had said, the chill was past. As soon as the sun had
climbed above our girdle of trees, it fell with all its force upon the
clearing and drank up the vapours at a draught. Soon the sand was baking
and the resin melting in the logs of the block house. Jackets and coats
were flung aside, shirts thrown open at the neck and rolled up to the
shoulders; and we stood there, each at his post, in a fever of heat and

8. 船長の言ったように、寒気はもう過ぎていた。太陽は小屋の周りをぐるりと取巻いた樹立の上まで昇るとすぐ、開拓地へ強く照りつけて、靄(もや)をたちまちに飲み干してしまった。間もなく砂地は焼け、丸太小屋の丸太の樹脂(やに)が融け出した。ジャケツも上衣も脱ぎ棄て、シャツは胸をはだけ、袖を肩までもまくり上げて、私たちは、銘々が自分の持場で、暑気と不安とで熱に浮かされたようになって立っていた。

9. An hour passed away.

"Hang them!" said the captain. "This is as dull as the doldrums. Gray,
whistle for a wind."

9.  一時間たった。



10. And just at that moment came the first news of the attack.

"If you please, sir," said Joyce, "if I see anyone, am I to fire?"

"I told you so!" cried the captain.

"Thank you, sir," returned Joyce with the same quiet civility.

10. ちょうどその瞬間に攻撃の最初の知らせがあった。




11. Nothing followed for a time, but the remark had set us all on the alert,
straining ears and eyes--the musketeers with their pieces balanced in
their hands, the captain out in the middle of the block house with his
mouth very tight and a frown on his face.

11.  その後しばらくは何事もなかった。が、今の話で私たちみんなは気をひきしめて、耳も眼も緊張させていた。――銃手は銃を両手で構え、船長は口を堅く結び、顔を顰(しか)めて、小屋の真中に突っ立った。

12. So some seconds passed, till suddenly Joyce whipped up his musket
and fired. The report had scarcely died away ere it was repeated and
repeated from without in a scattering volley, shot behind shot, like
a string of geese, from every side of the enclosure. Several bullets
struck the log-house, but not one entered; and as the smoke cleared away
and vanished, the stockade and the woods around it looked as quiet and
empty as before. Not a bough waved, not the gleam of a musket-barrel
betrayed the presence of our foes.

"Did you hit your man?" asked the captain.

"No, sir," replied Joyce. "I believe not, sir."

"Next best thing to tell the truth," muttered Captain Smollett. "Load
his gun, Hawkins. How many should say there were on your side, doctor?"

"I know precisely," said Dr. Livesey. "Three shots were fired on this
side. I saw the three flashes--two close together--one farther to the

"Three!" repeated the captain. "And how many on yours, Mr. Trelawney?"

12.  そうして数秒たつと、突然ジョイスが銃を手早く上げて発砲した。その銃声が消え去るか去らないに、外からはそれに応じてばらばらな一斉射撃が起り、囲柵のあらゆる側から引続いて一弾また一弾と飛んで来た。数発の弾丸が丸太小屋に中(あた)ったが、一発も内へは入らなかった。そして、煙が消え去った時には、柵壁も、その周りの森も、前と同じようにひっそりとしてだれもいなかった。枝一本揺れないし、銃身がぴかりと閃いて敵のいることを示しもしなかった。






13. But this was not so easily answered. There had come many from the
north--seven by the squire's computation, eight or nine according to
Gray. From the east and west only a single shot had been fired. It was
plain, therefore, that the attack would be developed from the north and
that on the other three sides we were only to be annoyed by a show of
hostilities. But Captain Smollett made no change in his arrangements. If
the mutineers succeeded in crossing the stockade, he argued, they would
take possession of any unprotected loophole and shoot us down like rats
in our own stronghold.

13. しかしこれはそう容易には答えられなかった。北からはたくさん来たのだ。――大地主さんの計算では七発、グレーの言うところによれば、八発か九発だった。東と西とからは、たった一発ずつしか発砲されなかった。だから、攻撃は北側から開始されるので、他の三方では見せかけの敵対行為に煩わされるだけだ、ということは明かだった。しかしスモレット船長は彼の手配を少しも変えなかった。彼の主張するところでは、もし謀叛人どもが柵壁を越えるのに成功すれば、どれでも護りのない銃眼を占領して、私たちをこの砦(とりで)の中で鼠のように射殺してしまうだろう、というのであった。

14. Nor had we much time left to us for thought. Suddenly, with a loud
huzza, a little cloud of pirates leaped from the woods on the north side
and ran straight on the stockade. At the same moment, the fire was once
more opened from the woods, and a rifle ball sang through the doorway
and knocked the doctor's musket into bits.

14.  それにまた、私たちには考えている余裕も大してなかった。不意に、わあっと喊声をあげながら、一群の海賊が北側の森から躍り出して、柵壁へとまっすぐに走って来た。同時に、銃火がもう一度森から開かれて、一発のライフル銃の弾丸がひゅうっと戸口から飛んで来て、医師の銃をめちゃめちゃに壊してしまった。

15. The boarders swarmed over the fence like monkeys. Squire and Gray fired
again and yet again; three men fell, one forwards into the enclosure,
two back on the outside. But of these, one was evidently more frightened
than hurt, for he was on his feet again in a crack and instantly
disappeared among the trees.

15.  突撃隊は猿のように柵の上に群った。大地主さんとグレーとは続けざまに発砲した。三人の奴が倒れた。一人は前へ倒れて囲柵の中へ落ち、二人は後へ倒れて外側に落ちた。しかしこの中で、一人は明かに負傷したよりもびっくりして倒れたのであった。なぜなら、彼はたちまち再び立ち上って、すぐに樹立の中へ姿を消してしまったから。

16. Two had bit the dust, one had fled, four had made good their footing
inside our defences, while from the shelter of the woods seven or eight
men, each evidently supplied with several muskets, kept up a hot though
useless fire on the log-house.

16. 二人が斃(たお)れ、一人が逃げ、四人がうまく私たちの防禦陣地の内へ足を入れた。同時に、森の蔭からは、七八人の者が、いずれも明かに数挺ずつの銃を持っているらしく、丸太小屋めがけて、中りはしないが猛烈な射撃を続けた。

17. The four who had boarded made straight before them for the building,
shouting as they ran, and the men among the trees shouted back to
encourage them. Several shots were fired, but such was the hurry of the
marksmen that not one appears to have taken effect. In a moment, the
four pirates had swarmed up the mound and were upon us.

17.  闖入(ちんにゅう)して来た四人の者は小屋に向ってまっすぐに突進し、走りながら喚き声をあげた。すると樹立の中にいる連中もわあっと喚き返して彼等を声援した。こちらからは数発撃った。しかし、射手があせっていたので、一発も効果はなかったらしい。瞬く間に、四人の海賊は丘を攀(よ)じ登って私たちに迫って来た。

18. The head of Job Anderson, the boatswain, appeared at the middle

"At 'em, all hands--all hands!" he roared in a voice of thunder.

18.  水夫長(ボースン)のジョーブ・アンダスンの頭が中央の銃眼のところににゅっと現れた。


19. At the same moment, another pirate grasped Hunter's musket by the
muzzle, wrenched it from his hands, plucked it through the loophole,
and with one stunning blow, laid the poor fellow senseless on the floor.
Meanwhile a third, running unharmed all around the house, appeared
suddenly in the doorway and fell with his cutlass on the doctor.

19.  同時に、もう一人の海賊はハンターの銃口を掴み、それを彼の手から捩り取り、銃眼からひったくって、猛烈な一撃を喰わしたので、ハンターは可哀そうに気絶して床(ゆか)の上に倒れた。その間に、もう一人の奴は無事に小屋をぐるりと※(「廴+囘」、第4水準2-12-11)って、不意に戸口に現れ、彎刀で医師に打ってかかった。

20. Our position was utterly reversed. A moment since we were firing, under
cover, at an exposed enemy; now it was we who lay uncovered and could
not return a blow.

20. 私たちの位置はすっかり反対になった。もうちょっと前には、私たちは掩護物の蔭から身を曝している敵を射撃していたのだが、今では、曝露されていて一撃も返すことの出来ないのは私たちの方となった。

21. The log-house was full of smoke, to which we owed our comparative




22. Cries and confusion, the flashes and reports of pistol-shots,
and one loud groan rang in my ears.

"Out, lads, out, and fight 'em in the open! Cutlasses!" cried the

22. 叫び声とどたばたする音、ピストルを発射する閃光と轟音、一声の高い呻き声などが、私の耳の中に鳴り響いた。

「出るんだ、諸君、出るんだ。外で戦うんだ! 彎刀(カトラス)を取れ!」と船長が叫んだ。

23.  I snatched a cutlass from the pile, and someone, at the same time
snatching another, gave me a cut across the knuckles which I hardly
felt. I dashed out of the door into the clear sunlight. Someone was
close behind, I knew not whom. Right in front, the doctor was pursuing
his assailant down the hill, and just as my eyes fell upon him, beat
down his guard and sent him sprawling on his back with a great slash
across the face.

"Round the house, lads! Round the house!" cried the captain; and even in
the hurly-burly, I perceived a change in his voice.

23. 私は例の薪の山から一本の彎刀を素早くひっ掴んだ。と同時にだれかが別のをひっ掴んで、私の指の関節をさっと切ったが、私はそれをほとんど感じなかった。私は戸口を跳び出して明るい日光の中に出た。だれかがすぐ背後から来たが、だれだかわからなかった。真正面には、医師が自分の攻撃者を追って丘を下っていたが、ちょうど私の視線が先生に落ちた時に、先生は刀を打ち下し、その海賊は顔に大きな斬傷を受けて、仰向に踠(もが)きながら倒れた。

「小屋を廻れ、諸君! 小屋を廻れ!」と船長が叫んだ。そして、この騒ぎの中でさえ、私は船長の声に変ったところがあるのに気がついた。

24. Mechanically, I obeyed, turned eastwards, and with my cutlass raised,
ran round the corner of the house. Next moment I was face to face
with Anderson. He roared aloud, and his hanger went up above his head,
flashing in the sunlight. I had not time to be afraid, but as the blow
still hung impending, leaped in a trice upon one side, and missing my
foot in the soft sand, rolled headlong down the slope.

24. 機械的に私は命令に従い、東の方へ振り向き、彎刀を振りかざしながら、小屋の角を走り曲った。すると次の瞬間にはアンダスンとばったり顔を合せた。彼は大きな声で喚いて、短剣を頭上高く振り上げ、それが月光にきらりと光った。私は恐しいと思う暇もなかったが、今にも一撃が下されようとする途端に、たちまち一方の脇へ跳び退き、柔かい砂の中に足を踏み外して、斜面を真逆さまに転げ落ちた。

25. When I had first sallied from the door, the other mutineers had been
already swarming up the palisade to make an end of us. One man, in a red
night-cap, with his cutlass in his mouth, had even got upon the top and
thrown a leg across. Well, so short had been the interval that when I
found my feet again all was in the same posture, the fellow with the red
night-cap still half-way over, another still just showing his head above
the top of the stockade. And yet, in this breath of time, the fight was
over and the victory was ours.

25. 私が最初戸口から跳び出した時には、他の謀叛人どもも、私たちをやっつけてしまおうと、すでに防柵に攀(よ)じ登っていたのである。赤い寝帽(ナイトキャップ)をかぶって、口に彎刀を啣(くわ)えた一人の男などは、もう上まで登ってしまって、片脚をこちらへ跨いでいたのだった。ところで、その間はごくしばらくだったので、私が再び立ち上った時にはすべての者が元と同じ姿勢で、赤い寝帽をかぶった奴はやはり半分跨ぎかけたままだし、もう一人の奴はやはり柵壁の上に頭だけを出していた。しかし、この僅かな間に、戦はもう終って、勝利は味方のものとなった。

26. Gray, following close behind me, had cut down the big boatswain ere
he had time to recover from his last blow. Another had been shot at a
loophole in the very act of firing into the house and now lay in agony,
the pistol still smoking in his hand. A third, as I had seen, the doctor
had disposed of at a blow. Of the four who had scaled the palisade, one
only remained unaccounted for, and he, having left his cutlass on the
field, was now clambering out again with the fear of death upon him.

"Fire--fire from the house!" cried the doctor. "And you, lads, back into

26. グレーが私のすぐ背後からついて来て、大男の水夫長が打ち損じたのをやり直す暇もないうちに、水夫長を斬り倒してしまったのだ。もう一人の奴は、小屋の中へ発砲しようとしていた刹那(せつな)に銃眼のところで撃たれて、今は断末魔の苦悶をやりながら横っていて、手にしているピストルからはまだ煙が出ていた。第三人目の奴は、私の見たように、先生が一撃でやっつけたのだ。防柵を攀(よ)じ登ってやって来た四人の中で、たった一人だけが殺されずに残った訳で、その男は、戦場に彎刀を残して、殺されはしまいかと恐れながら今再び柵を攀じ出ようとしているところだった。



27. But his words were unheeded, no shot was fired, and the last boarder
made good his escape and disappeared with the rest into the wood. In
three seconds nothing remained of the attacking party but the five who
had fallen, four on the inside and one on the outside of the palisade.

27. しかしこの言葉は顧みられず、一発も撃たれなかったので、闖入者(ちんにゅうしゃ)の一人だけ生き残った奴は逃げおおせて、他の連中と一緒に森の中へ姿を消してしまった。三秒もたつと、倒れている五人の他には攻撃隊は影もなかった。四人は防柵の内側に、一人はその外側に倒れていた。

28. The doctor and Gray and I ran full speed for shelter. The survivors
would soon be back where they had left their muskets, and at any moment
the fire might recommence.

28.  先生と、グレーと、私とは、大急ぎで小屋の方へ走り戻った。生き残った奴らは間もなく自分たちの銃の置いてある処へ戻るだろうし、いつ射撃を再び始めるかも知れなかった。

29. The house was by this time somewhat cleared of smoke, and we saw at
a glance the price we had paid for victory. Hunter lay beside his
loophole, stunned; Joyce by his, shot through the head, never to move
again; while right in the centre, the squire was supporting the captain,
one as pale as the other.

"The captain's wounded," said Mr. Trelawney.

"Have they run?" asked Mr. Smollett.

"All that could, you may be bound," returned the doctor; "but there's
five of them will never run again."

"Five!" cried the captain. "Come, that's better. Five against three
leaves us four to nine. That's better odds than we had at starting. We
were seven to nineteen then, or thought we were, and that's as bad to

29. 小屋の中はこの時分には幾らか煙が少くなっていた。そして私たちは勝利を得るために払った価格を一目で見て取ったのである。ハンターは自分の銃眼のそばに昏倒して横っていたし、ジョイスは自分の場所で頭を射貫かれて、二度と動けない有様になっていた。そして、小屋のちょうど真中には、大地主さんが船長を支えていて、二人とも同じくらい蒼ざめていた。





30.The mutineers were soon only eight in number, for the man shot by Mr.
Trelawney on board the schooner died that same evening of his wound. But
this was, of course, not known till after by the faithful party.


「宝島」 原文と佐々木訳 目次に戻る

