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オーディオと音楽とすこしマニアック。 MUSICA are a new Hi-Fi brand from Japan.

高域がきつい!! まとめ

2013-02-05 | クラフト・クラブ・ムジカ



昨日、当社のラジオ番組『ムジカレコード店』(岐阜FM 80.0MHz)でも紹介しましたが



高域がきつい!! vol.1  前書き

高域がきつい!! vol.2 タンノイ社アーデンの周波数特性

高域がきつい!! vol.3  タンノイ社アーデンの周波数特性をシュミレーション

高域がきつい!! vol.4  高調波ひずみについて

高域がきつい!! vol.5  ドルビーノイズリダクションシステムについて

高域がきつい!! vol.6  高域吸収体の素材について

高域がきつい!! vol.7  タンノイ社アーデンのネットワーク

高域がきつい!! vol.8  毛糸の手袋方式アダプターの回路と特性

高域がきつい!! vol.9  毛糸の手袋方式アダプターの配線図と部品の解説

高域がきつい!! vol.10  毛糸の手袋方式アダプターの動作

高域がきつい!! vol.11  毛糸の手袋方式アダプターの製作

高域がきつい!! vol.12  毛糸の手袋方式アダプターの試聴

高域がきつい!! vol.13  高域吸収体の変更

高域がきつい!! vol.14  高域吸収体の変更後の試聴








intense trebule!! Conclusion

"intense trebule!! " -- it is ended.

This project was a report by which sound quality has been improved runaway one in the blog.

The radio program "MUSICA record store" (Gifu FM 80.0MHz) of our company was also introduced yesterday.

I received much mail from immediately after.

I would like to ask a supplementary examination of many people.

intense trebule!! vol.1  Preface

intense trebule!! vol.2 The frequency characteristic of Tannoy Arden

intense trebule!! vol.3  Simulation about the frequency characteristic of Tannoy Arden

intense trebule!! vol.4  About harmonic distortion

intense trebule!! vol.5  About the Dolbey noise reduction system

intense trebule!! vol.6  About the material of a treble absorber

intense trebule!! vol.7  The network in Tannoy Arden

intense trebule!! vol.8  The circuit and the characteristic of a "woolen glove system" adapter

intense trebule!! vol.9  The wiring diagram of a "woolen glove system" adapter, and description of parts

intense trebule!! vol.10  Operation of a "woolen glove system" adapter

intense trebule!! vol.11  Manufacture of a "woolen glove system" adapter

intense trebule!! vol.12  The audition of a "woolen glove system" adapter

intense trebule!! vol.13  Change of a treble absorber

intense trebule!! vol.14  The audition after change of a treble absorber


This "woolen glove system" raises treble using the manufactured adapter,

and places a woolen treble cut filter in front of a speaker.

In an action of these both, a frequency characteristic is flat.

It is the hypothesis that only harmonic distortion decreases.

Therefore, the filter of an adapter and woolen yarn certainly becomes a set.

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