English Collection


find the sun in my eyes

2016年11月13日 | 英語の本を読む

"Getting to YES" を読んでいたら、先日初めて挑んだテニスの試合を思い出させる箇所がありました。
Separate the people from the problem. Don't attack people personally for using a tactic you consider illegitimate. If they get defensive it may be more difficult for them to give up the tactic, and they may be left with a residue of anger that will fester and interfere with other issues. Question the tactic, not their personal integrity. Rather than saying, "You deliverately put me here facing the sun," attack the problem: "I am finding the sun in my eyes quite distracting. Unless we can solve the problem, I may have to leave early to get some rest. Shall we revise the schedule?" It will be easier to reform the negotiating process than to reform those with whom you are dealing.
ここでは "finding the sun in my eyes" を比喩的に使っていますが、インタネット上に次の文例があるのを見ました。
I like my stylish pair of Oakleys but most shades offer good protection from the sun. I find the sun in my eyes to be a bit annoying and a simple pair fixes that problem.

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