English Collection



2015年01月06日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 "PUBLIC HEALTH" から引用します。
Is that macrobiotic, super food, acai-filled health snack really the breakthrough of healthy eating you thought it was - or just the latest in a long line of trendy marketing ploys aimed at selling products?
"acai" の "c" は実際には下にアゴヒゲの様な記号がついているポルトガル語の植物名ですが (a berry that grows on palm trees in the Brazilian rainforests. Because it is rich in nutrients, it is used to make energy drinks Also called: palm berry -- Collins English Dictionay)私が気になるのは "macrobiotic" の方です。早速辞書を引きます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Constituting, relating to, or following a diet of whole pure prepared foods that is based on Taoist principles of the balance of yin and yang.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: of, relating to, or being a diet based on the Chinese cosmological principles of yin and yang that consists of whole cereals and grains supplemented especially with beans and vegetables and that in its especially former more restrictive forms has been linked to nutritional deficiencies

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