English Collection


Turning a Blind Eye

2013年06月21日 | 英語学習
Japan's Cultural Code Words、「一見の客」の項の英語のタイトルが "Turning a Blind Eye" となっていました。
One area of this infludence is expressed in the term ichigen no kyaku, which can be translated as "an unknown customer," and refers to the propensity of the Japanese to ignore or to give bad service to strangers.
Until as late as the 1980s, it was very common for Japanese companies to refuse to accept orders from customers, or to buy from suppliers, with whom they had not previously established an acceptable personal relationship involving introductions and a variety of social rituals designed to bind the two groups together.
タイトルの "Turning a Blind Eye" は「見て見ぬ振りをする」と言う様な意味だと思いますが、この表現の説明が辞書に載っているでしょうか? 調べると、"turn a blind eye" の表現の説明はちゃんとありました。
・Collins Dictionary: to disregard deliberately or pretend not to notice (something, esp an action of which one disapproves): But blockades, to which the French authorities turn a blind eye, are a different matter.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to refuse to see: be oblivious: might turn a blind eye to the use of violence
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to ignore something that you know is wrong: Management often turn a blind eye to bullying in the workplace.
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